Lin Que looked at the eight supreme tycoons who attacked and killed the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast above his head, his scalp numb!


These eight bigwigs are here, and they can't escape even if they want to hide.

"It's Mr. Jiang!"

When Lin Que heard it, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the gray-haired old man in the blue Tang suit with excitement on his face.

This isn't the only martial arts ceiling in Daxia where the body becomes a saint!

I knew that Mr. Li would not cheat me like this.

The bodyguards arranged for me.


In the night sky, Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast was attacked and killed by eight supreme ranks, and let out an unwilling roar.

Thor's Thor's hammer was smashed all over his back.

Dive down desperately.

More importantly, the direction it dived was where Lin Que and others were located!

Lin Que:! ! !


Seeing the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast swooping down, the group was shocked, covering their faces and screaming.

Don't come here!

"Quickly flash!"

Lin Que's power of the void covered the group of people, and quickly moved and escaped from the void.

"Beast, stop!"

Old Jiang's face was angry, and the golden light of martial arts broke out on his body, and the figure rushed out violently. Wherever he passed, the space was shaking, and the air was shaken out of circles.

The Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast directly ignored the power of the void, as if equipped with a locking radar, accurately locking every foothold of Lin Que.

Lin Que:! ! !

Damn it!

Laozi provoke you to provoke you and keep chasing me.

Do you still owe you money?

"You go first!"

Lin Que directly teleported everyone away, turning around abruptly, facing the attacking Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast alone.

"Lin Que!"

Ye Ni and the others were shocked, screaming frantically, trying to break free from the void teleportation, but it was in vain after all.

Can only watch Lin Que go upstream.

Lin Que's face was savage, **** flames burst out of his body, and his blood-colored eyes stared at the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast.

"Even if you die, I have to drag you to bury you!"


A high-pitched dragon roar erupted from Lin Que's body, and in the blood flame, a soaring blood dragon condensed, entangled in the air, and uttered a dragon roar toward the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast.

The Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast's body was blocked by Dragon Yin for a while, biting his head, and rushing into the blood flames.

The huge body was constantly enlarged in Lin Que's pupils, with a dragon's mouth full of blood, swallowing it at himself.

"Do not!"

Old Jiang's speed was still a step slower, and he watched the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast swallow the figure in the blood flame.

The rest of the strength present watched this scene jokingly with his arms folded.

Especially Suo Feng, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Stinky boy, let you scream, die!

Deserve it!


Old Jiang's muddy eyes suddenly became sharp, and the martial arts golden light on his body surged wildly, full of killing intent.

Ionia remained unmoved, stood up in the sky, and said lightly, "Why, you still want to blame me for this thing!"

I originally wanted to introduce the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast into the sacred capital, tearing the Ninja Region and other forces apart.

Who knows that this brute is moving towards Daxia's forces, and I can only blame you for bad luck!

Lao Jiang narrowed his eyes, when he was about to move his hands.

The originally silent sea of ​​blood and fireworks suddenly heard movement!


A deafening dragon chant came out, and everyone looked at it in unison.

I saw a young figure wearing a blood-colored armor standing on top of the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast in the sea of ​​blood and fire, his eyes shocked!

Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast is dead!

"My Faq!"



Monk Jiekong looked at Lin Que standing on Longtoushan, subconsciously spit out an international common language.

It was the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast of the Venerable Realm. Although it was severely damaged, it was not something a Sixty-Nine-level Spirit Guardian could contend.

Brother, don't hide it, is there an atomic bomb in your pocket?

With a look of astonishment on his face, Elder Jiang came to Lin Que and flicked his sleeves, the blood flames were blown out.

Lin Que grinned, "Old Jiang, don't you think I am handsome in this posture!"

Old Jiang:? ? ?

I worry about you for a long time, you open the first game, first ask if you are handsome?

Please, can you be a little nervous!

The other seven powerful masters of the Venerable Realm landed one after another and walked towards Lin Que.

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