
A loud noise spread throughout the audience!

Countless golden fruit thorns splash, golden flesh fly out, and countless notes!

Ionia was full of fruit thorns, like a hedgehog.

The golden-yellow flesh collapsed, just like you when you were a child, when you fell into the cesspit and were fished out!

Kotaro was even more miserable for Kusanaru in the state of the soul body, although the golden fruit thorn could not pierce him.

But the golden flesh made a face.

When the breeze blew, the two of them just wanted to start cursing, their faces changed drastically, covering their mouths, lying on the ground and beginning to vent.



"I'm not clean anymore!"


The two lay on the ground and spit out the overnight meal.

The stench spread throughout the killing **** space.

The two of Ionia just thought they were cursing, the next second, their bodies involuntarily danced with seaweed dance!

Kusao, Kotaro: ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙.

Ionia: o((⊙﹏⊙))o.

The body is not obedient!

I really want to dance!

In the ears of the two of them, there seemed to be a BGM circulating, their bodies stuck to the beat, dancing.

"Like a seaweed, seaweed, seaweed flying with the waves!"

"Seaweed, seaweed, seaweed!"

"Dancing in the waves!"


Kusanaru, Kotaro almost cried, "I can't control myself!"

Lin Que wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned.

Hundreds of dancing grenades, even if you are the tycoons of the Venerable Realm, you have to dance for me!

Take advantage of it now, hurry up!

Just when Lin Que was about to use Void Move to escape, a crutch fell from the sky!

Lin Que's pupils shrank and his arms crossed in front of him.


The crutches slammed Lin Que out of the void, and the horrible force shattered the rope made of clothes, and Hongye's body fell from the air.


Lin Que's face changed, and he roared, his hands tightly shielding Hongye, his body fell rapidly!


Falling into the ground, smashed a deep hole.

In the deep pit, Lin Que was covered with blood all over his body, but the red leaves in his arms did not suffer any harm.


Lin Que half kneeled in the deep pit, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his breath was languid, and his injuries were extremely serious.

Nothing is good all over the body.

In the void, a white-haired old man wearing a black suit and holding a cane walked out.

There was a young woman standing beside the old man.


And the Venerable Realm master next to her is really the only Venerable Guardian of the Charami Chamber of Commerce.

Charamie, Henry!

An old monster who has lived for hundreds of years!

After witnessing Lin Que's evildoer, Monroe decided to strangle Lin Que in the cradle.

Otherwise, waiting for Lin Que to fully grow up will be a great disaster!

Moreover, kill Lin Que in exchange for the favor of the three major national powers, and you will not lose money!

At this time, the two people trapped by the dancing grenade also recovered and immediately surrounded Lin Que, sealing the void!

"Boy, you can't escape."

"Hand over the ghost!"

With blood covering his face, Lin Que tremblingly stretched out his cracked hand and stroked Hong Ye's cheek.

"Hey, the minister will protect you!"

With that said, Lin Que picked up Hong Ye with difficulty, took out the rope from the system space, and tied Hong Ye to his back.

The knot was tied little by little.

Said to himself.

"A year ago, a young man who didn't know the height of the sky met the girl with the slit. In order to survive, he forcibly kissed the girl with the slit!"

"The Gap Girl has also forged a love affair with the boy!"

"After that, the rip girl came to the door and made a contract with the boy in a silly way!"

"Vow to be a husband and wife with the boy for life and life!"

"Time after crisis, she settled for the teenager, even ignoring her own safety!"


Lin Que fastened the knot tightly, his eyes filled with determination to die.

"This time, it's the teenager's turn to use his life to protect her!"

"If you want to move my wife, just step over my body!"


As soon as the words fell, Chi You's martial soul was released, the world changed, countless blood qi, killing intent changed the world!

On Lin Que's back, a clear teardrop shed from the corner of the unconscious Hong Ye's eyes...

sp: Don't threaten me with blades, I'm afraid!

Sister Hongye is alive or dead? Announced tomorrow haha!

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