"Boy, stop!"

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Lin Que took out the God-Silling Blood Orb, and the Demon Thunder Heavenly Tiger's Inheritance Orb was held in his hand.


There was a clear cracking sound, and the two great heritage blood beads burst into pieces, turned into strength, and poured into Lin Que's body continuously.


"Bi Chi!"

Ionia and the others stared at Lin Que in astonishment.

That is the inheritance of the two SS-level gods, just so arrogantly absorbed?

What a fate!

Lin Que doesn't care about his life at this moment, he has only one idea, take the red leaves and kill it!

Even if this life is spared, it must be done!


The two great gods passed on into the body, and the power of horror spread to the major meridians throughout the body. It was a diamond-level body, and could not hold this violent power.

Lin Que half-kneeled on the ground, feeling that he was about to burst with strength, and wailed in pain.

Behind him, Chi You's Martial Spirit was also affected by the two inheritance powers, and the dark golden armor was stained red with blood red, covering the dark thunder and thunder.

With Lin Que as the center, a series of thunderbolts fell and bombarded him.

The body that was already riddled with holes is now even worse!

Kusanaru, Kotaro stopped and watched with a joking expression: "This kid is looking for his own death."

"Now, without us taking action, he will be killed by himself!"

The inheritance of the two great SS-level gods, even those who are strong in the venerable realm, dare not rush into it.

This kid is doing well, sucking his brain into his body.

It's strange that you don't burst your body with strength.

Lin Que guarded the red leaves stubbornly, and flashed in his mind what happened to him when he came into this world.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a scene of red leaves covered with phoenix crown and hazel, being refined by countless venerable realms.

His head, which was about to lose consciousness, suddenly woke up.

I can't fall here!

"Lao Tzu killed even your remnant souls. It's a mere pass on. Will Lao Tzu be afraid?"

"Crazy Field!"

Lin Que's arms shook, the madness domain was released, and the power of the domain suppressed the violent power in his body.

The dark golden devilish energy in Chi You Wuhun gradually suppressed the **** killing intent in the killing **** inheritance.

"Suppress me!"

Lin Que's mouth was full of blood, desperately transforming the power of the gods.

I fight it!

In the next second, he took out a lucky **** candy and swallowed it violently.


An invisible force of destiny blooms in the body.

The power of the originally irritable deity gradually returned to calm, restraining each other in Lin Que's body.

However, the inheritance of the gods was suppressed, but the violent power was constantly consuming Lin Que's body.

Within an hour, Lin Que would be overloaded with physical functions and died without a fight!

Lin Que wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, revealing a crazy smile.

One hour is enough!

Not far away, Monroe and others were dumbfounded when they saw Lin Que inheriting and refining the two gods.

It took less than half an hour to refine it?

Just kidding!

Just as they were bewildered, Lin Que was carrying Chi You's martial spirit, holding two sharp swords, one red and the other black, in both hands.

They are the killing intent of another crazy demon and the thunder intent of the demon thunder tiger!

There is a powerful deity's power circulating on it!

The two swords were cut down, and the world suddenly changed color, and a breath of death surged into the hearts of everyone.

"Shoot together!"

In the face of Lin Que, who possessed the power of the gods, Kusuna, Kotaro and others were afraid to give their cards one after another.

You can't hide, you can only hard-wire it!


The three of them shot at the same time, condensing a huge shield, blocking Lin Que's dual swords of the gods.

Lin Que frantically slashed the two gods swords in his hands, the indestructible shield, cracks appeared on the surface.


With a loud noise, the huge shield shattered, and the gods' double swords exploded, shaking everyone away!


Monroe was the weakest. At the moment of Zhenfei, a mouthful of blood spewed out and was directly hit and unconscious.

Henry's three early powerhouses in the Venerable Realm didn't get the slightest benefit at this moment.

On the other hand, Lin Que seized the opportunity and walked away directly from the void!

Kusanaru, Kotaro: "He is investing in his own potential, and it won't last long."


Ionia didn't talk nonsense, and rushed out first, her body turned into a streamer and chased up.

Henry and the two also followed one after another, no one cares about Monroe's life and death.

For a huge family power like the Charamie Chamber of Commerce, the heirs are the most indispensable.

As long as the master's heart is immortal, no one can shake its position.

the other side.

Lin Que took the red leaves, fleeing the void all the way, and fleeing towards the northwest.

"No, this direction is ghost mythical creature number nine!"

"He's going to the number nine ghost mythical creature!"

"Stop him!"

Once in the No. 9 ghost mythical creature, even they dare not chase it in.

Those who enter are dead for a lifetime!

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