The sea!

Lin Que took the red leaves and moved the space all the way, his soul power was gone, and he directly supplemented with super power water.

Twenty minutes have passed!

I still have forty minutes, so I must take Hongye away!

Even if he died!


At this moment, Kotaro flew out of the sea, Kusanaru in the state of soul body.

Cut to Lin Que with a single blow.

"Go away!"

Lin Que condensed a blood sword of madness killing intent in his hand, and his astonishing sword aura cut the sea area into a gap.


Kusanaru, Kotaro was shocked by the sword qi, and paled in shock.

The power of this sword is so strong!

Without fighting, Lin Que quickly flees into the void after forcing the people to retreat.


Ionia sealed the space and was directly smashed by Lin Que with a single sword, unable to keep it!

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, chase!"

The three Henrys chased wildly all the way, even if Lin Que possessed the space system spirit ability, he was still a little weak in the face of the three nobles.

Soon they caught up, clinging to it.

Lin Que felt that the various functions in his body were rapidly declining, and it would not take long before he died from exhaustion.

Turning his head, glanced at the three people who were chasing after him, with a fierce look in their eyes.

With the knot printing on both hands, countless killing intents of crazy demons gather in the palms, and the knot printing on both hands, carrying the killing intent with the beast control technique, pats the sea with one palm.


In an instant, the entire sea began to boil, and countless killing intents dived into the deep sea.


The powerful sleeping beasts were affected by the killing intent, and they became extremely irritable!


For a time, the calm sea level gradually became choppy.

Over the sea, the three Henrys hadn't noticed the movement of the sea, and the running force formed a cage to surround Lin Que.

"Boy, let's see where you escape this time!"

"Do it!"

Just when the three of Henry were ready to do it.

Only a puff was heard, the sea level rolled up a water wall thousands of meters high, and a huge shark rolled inside the water wall.

The demon power level of each one is above B level!

Not only that, the huge black shadows on the sea level stir the wind and clouds at the bottom of the water!


A swarthy body with a breath of cold ice, its snake-like monster beast soars out of the sea.

The demon power exuded even reached a terrifying S grade!

"Missions, get out!"

Kusana, Kotaro with a stubborn face, pulled out the Shinobi sword from his waist, drew the dazzling light of the sword, and cut off the snake-shaped monster beast's head.

The blood was like a rainstorm, falling down on the sea.

Instantly dye the sea red.

Ionia swept out the golden scorpion tail, and the monster sharks tumbling in the water wall were hit by the poisonous needles.

The vitality dissipated and floated on the surface of the sea.

In front of the noble realm powerhouse, quantity is just a unit of measurement!

While everyone was dealing with the sea beasts, Lin Que condensed a sword of demon thunder in his hand, smashing the cage, and fleeing into the void.

"Don't go!"

Kusanaru, Kotaro saw this, so he was going to chase him, however, countless sea beasts vacated, and they couldn't clean up for a while!

"Go chase, these ants, leave it to me!"

The walking stick flew out of Henry's hand, and instantly turned into a hundred-meter giant stick, sweeping toward the sea, and countless sea beasts were shot into the sea and died on the spot.

Kusanaru, Kotaro and Ionia freed their hands and hurriedly surrounded and killed Lin Que.

The golden scorpion tail in Ionia's hand injected divine power, pierced the space, and made sonic booms.

Lin Que was too late to dodge, and was directly penetrated by the golden scorpion tail on his right shoulder.

The blood snorted out loudly, and the figure flicked in mid-air several times before it could be stabilized.

Kusanaru, Kotaro and Ionia stood in front of Lin Que and blocked all retreats.

Kusanaru, Kotaro sneered and said: "Boy, you squeeze your potential and life at the cost of a short-lived exchange. It won't last long!"

Lin Que was like a blood man, kneeling in the air.

At this moment, the vitality in his body is rapidly disappearing.

"Cough cough cough!"

There was a violent cough and his breath became lethargic.

Looking at the Venerable Realm masters before and after, Lin Que's eyes were dead ashes.

Has it really come to an end?

"System, if I die, do you have the ability to protect Hongye?"


System: o(╥﹏╥)o.

"Brother, I'm just a system!"

"If you hang up, I can't live anymore!"

Lin Que took a deep breath, looking at the two powerful venerables before and after, he had the final decision in his heart!

If you die, you have to pull them together to fight for Hongye's chance!

"Don't you want the deity inheritance?"

"Then today, I will let you see how terrifying the power of your heart and soul is!"

Lin Que's face was full of madness, instead of suppressing the power of the two gods, let them release as much as possible.

"No, he is going to blew himself up!"

Ionia's pupils shrank, and Lin Que's intentions were discovered.

"It's not that easy to want to explode!"

Kusanaru, Kotaro pulled out the two Shinobi swords on his waist.

A huge blood-killing mark was imprinted on Lin Que's body.

"A blow, a **** kill!"


With a knife cut out, the sea area was blown apart by the sword energy, and a ninja sword with phantom slashed towards Lin Que.

Lin Que looked at the shinning sword that struck, suddenly feeling weak...

Is it over like this?

He is not reconciled!

At this moment, in the void, a black knife carrying a faint green light pierced the void.

Accompanied by a roar, the sea was cut open, and the spray burst tens of thousands of feet!

"Broken, assassinate and kill!"

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