
Cut it down with a single knife, the sea area of ​​a hundred meters in radius was split open, and the faint green light of the knife was compelling!

Kotaro, the closest Kusanagi to Lin Que, looked at the black blade that struck, widening and widening in his pupils.

"Do not!"

The black blade pierced Kusanaru and Kotaro's soul body with a single knife, eroding the soul power.

The eyes are full of incredible!

He is a powerful person in the Venerable Realm, how could he die?

How can you die?

After a series of questions, he was swallowed up by the black blade!

Ionia was also injured by the knife light, and the golden holy armor on her body was smashed by the knife light.

Falling apart!


Ionia raised her head, staring angrily at the void.

I saw a figure stepping out of the void.

Coming, with flowing long hair, wearing a black cloak, and black martial arts clothes, the burly muscle lines are drawn vividly.

The area below the eyes is blocked by a black mask.

Holding a black blade emitting a faint green light, he walked out.

The moment he appeared, a huge vitality enveloped Lin Que's body.

Suppress the two violent deities in his body, together with the killing intent of the madness.

The three powers of being irritable like a beast instantly became like a docile cat, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Lin Que was shocked and looked at the mysterious man.

What a terrifying strength!

With a slight shot, they suppressed the inheritance of the two SS-level gods. Are these people an enemy or a friend?

"Who are you!"

Ionia stared at the mysterious man with gloomy eyes: "I am the holy mountain, the twelve saints of the Holy See of Light!"

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

The mysterious person's eyebrows are sharp and sharp, looking down at Ionia indifferently.

"The Holy See, is it strong?"

Ionia looked at the arrogant mysterious person, her face first became angry, and then calmed down.

Suddenly stepped out of the void, he killed Kusanaru, Kotaro, who was also in the early stage of the Venerable Realm, with a single blow.

This strength is definitely in the middle stage of the venerable realm, even higher!

Taking a deep breath, Ionia bowed his hand and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, how offended you were just now!"

"This ghost fairy was discovered by the Holy See of the Light. Your Excellency is willing to raise your hand, and will be the VIP guest on the seat of the Holy See of Light!"

Lin Que felt tight!


An Ionia is enough for him to drink a pot, if this mysterious man is also an enemy.

Then he must die!

The mysterious man glanced at Ionia, his sharp eyes flashing with cold light.

Next second!


A faint green knife light across the sky!


Ionia's right arm was instantly cut off, and the golden scorpion tail fell into the sea, becoming the food in the belly of the sea beast.

A plume of blood sprayed from Ionia's arm.

The mysterious man stood with a knife in a cold tone: "Threatening me?"

"Are you worthy?"

"Go back and tell your master that the ghost is mine. If you don't agree, just come to me!"

Ionia's face was twisted in pain, she didn't dare to say anything, and turned and flew away.

The mysterious man glanced at the empty sea behind him, and slashed with a black blade in his hand.

"call out!"

A faint green knife light attack smashed out.


Immediately afterwards, a heart-piercing scream came out, and Henry's figure fled out of the void embarrassedly, and ran away desperately.

In the entire sea area, only Lin Que and the mysterious man were left, facing each other.

Lin Que's palms were full of cold sweat!

Facing the mysterious man, he seemed to be looking straight at a mountain he couldn't pass now, and he couldn't breathe.

"But at level 70, there are three deities in the body!"

"Your martial arts body is a bit of a doorway, and it can actually support you to live until now, without being overwhelmed by strength!"

Lin Que rolled his throat and said in a deep voice, "If you want, I can inherit the three gods and offer them as many as you want. I just ask you to let my wife go!"

The mysterious man laughed loudly: "A seventieth-level spiritual master, can you negotiate terms with me?"

"You and Guixian are both in my bag!"

Lin Que's face was solemn: "Let her go, otherwise, you won't get anything."

As he said, he was about to mobilize the power of the gods in his body, but his face became stiff!

He found that he could not mobilize any power in his body at all!

It's the vitality just now!

While suppressing the power, it also suppressed all his own power!

The mysterious man shook the void, a pair of invisible big hands, holding Lin Que and Hongye.

"I said, I want you both!"

"Oh, come with me!"

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious man took Lin Que and Hongye directly into the void and disappeared.

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