The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 894: , A righteous Tang Xiaohu

The sea!

In secret, countless forces sent back the news that Lin Que and Guixian had been captured by mysterious people.

As soon as the news came out, it caused countless sensations!

at this time.

Kill God Island.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Jiang Lao's mouth, and his eyes solemnly looked at the two Bright Holy See Saints in front of him!

Udyr lowered his head and glanced at the fist marks on the holy armor on his chest, his face grim: "Old immortal fellow!"

Originally, he thought that Mr. Jiang was entering his twilight years, and his combat power was definitely not as good as before.

The reality slapped him in the face!

Not only did Jiang Lao's strength not regress, but instead he improved a lot.

Together, he and Sidi were unable to break the defense of Elder Jiang.

Sidi: "It's useless for you to stop us. I believe this will happen. Guixian has already been captured!"

"As for the young man you are desperately trying to protect, he must have been thrown into the sea to feed fish!"

Old Jiang clenched his fists, just about to speak.

I saw a sound of breaking through the sky, and Ionia with a broken arm fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

When the two of Sidi saw a seriously injured Ionia, their faces changed drastically.

Ionia resisted the pain in her body and told the story again.


After hearing the passing, the two couldn't help taking a breath.

Kill Kusanaru in the state of soul with a single blow, Kotaro!

Although they can also kill the early stage of the Venerable Realm, they can't do such an easy one!

"It's your people!"

Udyr turned his head and said angrily.

Old Jiang's face was calm, and he snorted coldly: "Huh, is it from Daxia, don't you know it clearly?"

You know, the eight major nations are all staring at each other.

Once the powerful person in the Venerable Realm disappears for no reason, they will get news as soon as possible.

The news they got was that although Daxia had a powerful person from the Venerable Realm rushed to Kill God Island, it was still on the way.

Obviously, it was not Daxia's people who caught the ghosts and immortals!

Sidi smashed the corpse mountain in front of him with a punch: "Damn it, who did it!"

They were the ones that the Holy See of Light spent a great price and teleported to Killing God Island in an instant.

Now that Guixian hasn't caught it, his crew has been damaged a lot, and when he goes back, he will inevitably be punished!

Suddenly, Udyr looked at Elder Jiang, and a vicious flash flashed in his eyes!

"Join hands to kill this old thing!"

If Jiang Lao beheaded on the spot and returned, it would be considered as having a deal.

On the side, the **** winner who was severely injured by the old man Jiang also stood up slowly.

The four great venerable realms surround Elder Jiang!

Facing the encirclement, Old Jiang's expression was surprisingly calm: "I want to fight in a group, it's too late!"

Next second!

In the sky, a sonic boom broke through the air.

A U-shaped fighter appeared, the cabin opened, and Tang Xiaohu walked out slowly.

Looking around, he said in confusion, "Huh, am I the first to arrive?"

Udyr and the others looked at Tang Xiaohu who came out of the fighter plane with a dumbfounded look!

Ordinary people without any spirit power, divine power fluctuations?

"Oh, old man Jiang, long time no see!"

Tang Xiaohu found something, his eyes lit up, and he ran over, took out the Huazi in his pocket and began to pass the cigarette.

Disregarding the Four Great Venerable Realm Powerhouses around him!

Elder Jiang was not polite. He took Huazi and smiled bitterly: "Old Tang, you are here for a while, and you can't eat the wine you owe me!"

Tang Xiaohu waved his hand: "No!"

"By the way, where's that little deflated calf in my family?"

Looking around, there was no trace of Lin Que.

Elder Jiang gave a general account of what happened.

Tang Xiaohu was taken aback, and started to look for the man with long hair holding a black blade?

Suddenly, he thought of something, his pupils shrank, and then he laughed.

"Haha, this deflated calf was finally taken away!"

"Let you harm Lao Tzu, now you will be retributed!"


On the side, Sidi and others were surprised!

Didn't you come to save people?

Why do you look happy and relieved when you hear people being taken away?

Sidi: "Enough!"

"No matter who you are, you must die when you come here!"

Tang Xiaohu smiled and gradually became cold, turned his head slightly, and looked at Sidi squintly.

He said calmly: "What did you just say?"

"Say it again!"

Looking at Tang Xiaohu and Si Di at this moment, their bodies shuddered subconsciously, this sense of oppression of suffocation!

The strong!

Tang Xiaohu: "I am the most annoying, someone bothers me when I laugh!"

"Lin Que, I dare not kill!"

"You are different!"

While talking, Tang Xiaohu took out a tablet and entered a series of commands. The wings of the U-shaped fighter behind him spread out, and an SSS-class magic weapon laser gun began to gather energy!

Four people:? ? ?

Damn it!

SSS-class laser cannons, this thing looks all over the world, there are only ten!

You actually pressed it on an S-class combat fuselage.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

The SSS-class laser cannon is enough to severely inflict any warrior below the late stage of the Venerable Realm!

Every time a cannon is fired, the consumption of spiritual stones is in 100 million units.

Tang Xiaohu: "Those who don't want to die, raise their hands and surrender, let the forces behind you take money to redeem others!"


Having been robbed by Lin Que, he finally came back today.

Not to mention the feeling of robbery, it's really good!

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