Sun Xiaosheng looked at Lin Que with a touch of emotion.

"Good people!"

The corner of Lin Que's mouth made a playful gesture: "It's all classmates, you're welcome, I've already seen Lin Que not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago."

"You will have to work harder later to give Lin Que a lesson."

Sun Xiaosheng nodded, patted his chest and promised: "This matter is on my body!"

"Teacher told me, Lin Que, this guy has done damage at school!"

"Also called the Hunshi Demon King!"

"I think my Sun Xiaosheng has been in the academy for so many years, but I haven't received this title!"

"I can't be mad!"

Hearing this, Lin Que was startled.

Sun Xiaosheng?

The number one existence on the sky list!

Nima, listening to what Sun Xiaosheng meant, she was dissatisfied with herself!

Is that still in the name of Tang Xiaohu?

How filial!

The urgent task is to find a place to rob this kid.

Lin Que took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat to ask Qin Feng's location.

"Where? Give you a surprise!"

Qin Feng: "Where are the gravity fields of ancient civilizations, what surprises are there? Could you introduce me to a girlfriend?"

Lin Que quickly typed a line of text and replied: "You'll know when you get there!"

ten minutes later.

Gravity field of ancient civilization.

The moment Lin Que walked in with Sun Xiaosheng attracted the attention of many classmates.

"I'll be a good boy, are these two big demon kings so mixed together?"

"Should Sun Xiaosheng not practice in the Donghai Lingxu? Why did he come back?"

"I'm not curious about these, I just want to know, how can these two gods get along?"

Everyone whispered and looked at the two people walking together in front of them like a ghost.

Sun Xiaosheng looked left and right: "Classmate, where is Lin Que?"

"The long stick in my hand is already hungry and thirsty!"

Lin Que looked around and finally found Qin Feng in the 50 times gravity zone.

"Here, there, do him quickly."

Following the direction of Lin Que's fingers, Sun Xiaosheng saw Qin Feng, grinned, and with a move from his right hand, the golden long stick appeared in his hand.

"Classmate, thanks, I will invite you to eat a banana later!"

Lin Que stood on the spot, peeled a banana in his hand, and took a bite full of interest.

The good show begins!

Qin Feng also found Lin Que, with a look of joy, and was about to ask if there was any surprise.

Suddenly, a young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill, holding a golden long stick, ignoring the gravity of the gravity field, came to the 50 times gravity zone in the blink of an eye, jumped up, and the long stick fell straight down in his hand.

"Lin Que, watch the fight!"

Qin Feng:? ? ?

At that time, his brain was buzzing, and after just a second of thinking, he understood.

I was pitted again!

"Lin Que, I drafted the uncle!"

Facing the fallen golden long stick, Qin Feng didn't dare to be careless, and quickly released the Wuhun Overlord's spear, raising the spear to cross his arms.


Sweeping with a stick, Qin Feng was blasted to the 60-fold gravity zone.

Qin Feng's spear inserted into the floor, drew a hideous scratch, and looked at Sun Xiaosheng solemnly.

The gun arm was numb from the shock.

"are you crazy!"

"Why hit me?"

Sun Xiaosheng entangled on the golden long stick, grinning and said: "Because you are Lin Que, so beat you!"

"If you don't accept it, come and **** me!"

When Qin Feng heard this, it was an anger, and finger Lin Que roared!

"I'm not Lin Que, but Lin Que is the stuff of the deflated calf. Are you clear about the situation?"


Sun Xiaosheng snorted coldly: "Hmph, I won't be fooled by you."

"Student Qin Feng is so enthusiastic, could it be Lin Que?"

"Don't be funny, you are just afraid of being beaten, making up lies, I won't be fooled by you."

"Watch the fight!"

Qin Feng heard Sun Xiaosheng's words and almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

"I'm so drunk!"

"The Overlord Breaks Armor!"

In desperation, Qin Feng could only resist with a shot, and Hanmang followed.


The long stick broke and shot, and directly picked Qin Feng up!

Sun Xiaosheng's figure flashed and appeared in midair, carrying a long stick, and kicking Qin Feng in the abdomen with one blow.


Qin Feng fell to the ground severely, and the gravity field of the ancient civilization trembled.

The figure fell into the 80 times gravity zone.

Sun Xiaosheng landed and looked at Qin Feng with a look of doubt: "Why are you so weak!"

"None of them can stand my two sticks!"

Qin Feng knelt on the ground, his body was under the pressure of 80 times the gravity, and his face was a little distorted.

His face was crying without tears.

Lao Tzu is not Lin Que at all, what do you want me to say!

Looking at Lin Que, Qin Feng roared heartbreakingly: "Lin Quede, if you don't make a move, I will be useless!"

At this time, Lin Que, who was standing by and watching the play, swallowed the last bite of the banana, and said with a playful smile.


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