"Lin Quede, if you don't make a move, I won't be able to hold it!"

"This has to add money!"

Qin Feng held the Overlord's spear and stubbornly resisted Sun Xiaosheng's golden long stick.

Half of his foot knelt on the ground, his face became distorted.

The powerful gravity combined with the power of the golden long stick made Qin Feng out of breath.

"Stop yelling, here it comes!"

Lin Que threw away the banana peel, put his hands in his pockets, and walked calmly to the 70-fold gravity zone in the eyes of others.

When passing the 50 times gravity zone, looking at the huge diamond, he shook his head regretfully.

Waiting will solve Sun Xiaosheng, you must try to move it.

That's a huge sum of money!

When Sun Xiaosheng saw Qin Feng walking forward, he asked suspiciously: "Student Qin Feng, you don't need to help, just like this, I'll do it with three sticks."

Lin Que grinned, "It's okay. I think he is upset, so let me hit him a few times."

Qin Feng:! !

You're pretending to be my name, who is upset?

No, you must add money later!

Otherwise, every time I do this kind of wicked business, I will suffer too much.

Sun Xiaosheng didn't think much, and said, "No problem, Qin Feng, I'll hold it for you, you can hit as many times as you want!"

The corner of Lin Que's mouth made a playful arc: "Then you have to press it!"

"Diamond body 60%!"


There was a sound like a muffled thunder, and Lin Que's entire skin shone with the luster of diamonds.

The heartbeat beats like a V12 twin-turbo engine. A thumping thump.

"Lin Que, give me a punch!"

Lin Que roared and blasted a punch, accompanied by the power of blood and flames that made people tremble.

With the terrifying force, even the air space was shattered, the gravity was shaken away, and there were bursts of sonic booms.

This punch was not aimed at Qin Feng, but Sun Xiaosheng!

The smile on Sun Xiaosheng's face gradually disappeared, his pupils shrank, and he quickly retracted the golden stick to resist.


Lin Que flew Sun Xiaosheng to the 100 times gravity zone with a punch, and came to the side of the diamond giant.

Sun Xiaosheng was crushed on his body by 100 times the gravity, his body bent, and the golden long stick stood in front of him.

With a stunned expression on his face, he looked at Lin Que and asked puzzledly: "Student Qin Feng, what do you mean?"

At this time, Qin Feng slowly stood up, spit out blood foam, pointed to Lin Que dissatisfied, and said, "I have said that, I am not Lin Que, he is Lin Que in this pit ratio."

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Are you stupid?"

"Yes or no?"

Sun Xiaosheng's brains were buzzing.

Are you deceived?

I thought I met a confidant, but I didn't expect to be cheated by someone!

"Why are you lying to me?"

Sun Xiaosheng roared at Lin Que.

Lin Que shook his head speechlessly: "Please, it's you who yelled to hit me!"

"I'm not tired of fraud!"


Sun Xiaosheng let out a low growl, clenched fists with both hands, and hammered his chest: "Despicable and shameless!"

"I want to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Sun Xiaosheng pulled up the golden long stick from the ground, turning his figure into a shadow of a sky stick, and smashed it at Lin Que fiercely.

Lin Que didn't dare to be careless, the body of the madness and the diamond-level flesh were released, and the SS-level halberd in his right hand clenched tightly.

Halberd name, burial halberd!

To kill evil, bury the punishable devil!


The cudgels and halberds clashed, making the clash of Jin Ge, echoing the heavens.

"You big liar, you deceived my feelings!"

Sun Xiaosheng's expression was angry, and he felt that he was deceived by Lin Que. That was an anger!

Lin Que looked indifferent: "Please, what age is this, deception is commonplace."

"Don't cry, the more you cry, the more you look like a pig!"

Sun Xiaosheng's face is grim: "Get out of here!"

A huge force spilled out of his body, one swept across the army and forced Lin Que back.

Next second.

A humanoid monkey soul clad in golden light appeared.

Wearing a phoenix-winged purple gold crown, wearing a chain of gold armor, stepping on the lotus root, and holding a gold long stick.

"Master, crush this shameless **** with me!"

There was a dazzling golden light in Sun Xiaosheng's eyes, his body jumped up, the long stick in his hand soared, and one stick fell.

Lin Que stared at the falling giant stick with the beads in his eyes.


"Big baby!"

Lin Que grinned and said with a bloodthirsty smile: "Fight, I am very happy!"

"Burial halberd, let's go!"

With the new weapon, he really looked forward to a hearty battle.

Lin Que held the halberd in his hand and slammed into the ground, and the ground of the gravity field of the ancient civilization, which was extremely strong and solid, sank directly.

"Strike the mountain and be overwhelmed by the world!"

"Blood Shadow Panlong Kill!"


A loud dragon roar sounded, and from the end of the halberd, the blood shadow mad dragon entangled.

A halberd slashed out and bombarded the fallen giant stick.


The two collided, and the space on the scene shuddered violently.


Mr. Saitama, who guarded the gravity field of the ancient civilization, found this wave of fluctuations, and the whole person was not calm!

"I'm a god!"

"These two ancestors, don't tear me apart!"

"stop it!"

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