"Lin Que, I want to kill you!"

Sun Xiaosheng roared, and all his seventy-nine level soul power was released, and the dragon shadow was wiped out with a stick of nirvana.

At the moment when the dragon shadow died, Lin Que's figure flew out like a kite with a broken line.

Lin Que hurriedly released the power of the space, moving the void several times in a row, before the figure stably fell in the 120-fold gravity zone.


The moment he landed, he felt like the power of Mount Tai, penetrating down from his shoulders.

"So strong!"

Lin Que's heart suddenly became serious.

The guy in front of him gave him the feeling of being evenly matched.

This kind of oppression, I have never noticed it among my peers.

For the first time!

It is not unreasonable that Sun Xiaosheng can dominate the top of the list.

Lin Que pierced the halberd into the black and red lustrous ground and stood up against 120 times the gravity.

A frenzy of warfare gradually appeared on his face.

"Go on!"

"Don't stop!"

The words fell off.

In Lin Que's body, the killing intent of the madness was released voluntarily, stimulating the meridians throughout the body, and his eyes became blood red.

Between the eyebrows, a blood lotus bloomed.

The blood-red madman's killing intent haunted him, like a **** of murder.

Sun Xiaosheng frowned: "What kind of freak is this?"

Obviously, the feeling he had given him before was still a cynical appearance, but now, he noticed a breath of danger.

It's death!

"Hmph, no matter what, I have to defeat you shameless person who doesn't want Bilian today!"

"Dare to deceive my feelings, beat you without discussing it!"

With a move in Sun Xiaosheng's hand, the golden long stick appeared in his right hand, swept down with one stick, and the shadow of the stick filled the sky.

Lin Que was overwhelmingly locked, leaving no room for escape at all.

Shot is the ultimate move!

Lin Que gave a bloodthirsty smile: "Good job!"

At this moment, he was lingering with the killing intent of the madness, holding the halberd in his right hand, and pulling it out suddenly, the ghost of the blood shadow mad dragon entrenched all around him.

A halberd stabbed out, and the blood shadow mad dragon followed.

Without any bells and whistles, directly breaking the face with a point, the halberd technique opens and closes, the powerful force, even gravity trembles.


In the gravity field, there was a sound burst.

The full sky stick shadow was shattered.

Sun Xiaosheng's face was full of shock.

Her attack was resolved in this way, the strength of this shameless **** was beyond her imagination.

The sonic boom disappeared, and he just wanted to find Lin Que's location.

Next second.

His pupils shrank, and Lin Que appeared on top of his head with a halberd in his hand at some unknown time!


Lin Que stabbed with a halberd, and he quickly resisted with a golden long stick, but was still shocked by the terrifying force and fell to the ground.

Sun Xiaosheng landed on the ground, and the monkey spirit behind him stubbornly protected him, making hideous scratches on the black and red ground.

On the golden long stick, it was directly pierced by the halberd, and a hole appeared.

He raised his head and looked at the mid-air figure, holding a halberd in the air, and his heart sank.

What kind of freak is this guy?

Can actually ignore the gravity of the ancient civilization's gravity field, Yukong?

Not a person!


The faces of the people practicing in the gravity field were shocked.

"I'm a good boy, Lin Que beat Sun Xiaosheng down!"

"Sure enough, he is a man who dares to challenge the supreme-level powerhouses, awesome!"

"Don't be too happy, Sun Xiaosheng's true strength hasn't been shown yet, it's too early to draw conclusions!"

Some combat students who had witnessed Sun Xiaosheng first took a breath!

Qin Feng sat on the ground, knocking the seeds, yelling: "Lin Quede, don't stop, **** him."

"Why don't you lie down on that guy, I will have to charge double the mental damage fee later!"

Damn, press yourself to explode as soon as you come up, so you don't want face?

Although I can't beat Sun Xiaosheng, my brother can beat it!

A brother who has played is equal to his own.

Positive solution!

Lin Que rolled his eyes.

Are you teaching me to do things?

You go, you go!

I'm really annoyed by pointing aside!

He could feel that Sun Xiaosheng hadn't exerted all his strength yet.

Sun Xiaosheng stood up and looked at Lin Que, with hostility in his eyes: "Your halberd is powerful, but you lost it. It depends on how you fight!"

"The sixth spirit ability, three thousand incarnations!"

The words fell off.

He pulled out the hair on his body and blew it lightly.

In a short while, the hairs turned into three thousand Sun Xiaosheng, who surrounded Lin Que in a dense crowd.

Lin Que:! !

Damn it!

Become a soldier?

Three thousand Sun Xiaosheng entangled Lin Que to death, leaving no room for him to use the halberd.

Sun Xiaosheng: "Are you dumbfounded?"

"The brains are buzzing!"

"Accept the beating from society!"


However, Lin Que didn't panic at all on his face, he even wanted to laugh a little.

"Oh, is it?"

At the next moment, Lin Que's palm touched the edge of the halberd and slammed it.


A loud sound of knives came out, and the magic sword Qianbian appeared in his right hand.

"Sura Fierce Prison Slash!"

A ray of blood flame knife light pierced the sky, and the incarnation of Sun Xiaosheng who surrounded him was cut and burned.

The smile on Sun Xiaosheng's face stopped abruptly.

"Fuck, you know how to play knives!"

"Don't talk about martial ethics!"

Lin Que grinned: "You don't know anything about me!"


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