Tempo Underground Casino!

Lin Que and his party revealed a student atmosphere, and they attracted attention as soon as they entered the venue.

In this underground casino on the black market, there are always ruthless characters and unlearned dead men who come and go.

Students like them are rarely seen.

Of course, this is all secondary, and the most important thing is that Lin Que and his group's looks are simply a walking hunting harvester!

"Oh, little brother, is the hair all grown up? Just come and gamble like an adult?"

A beautiful woman in a coquettish dress was holding a red wine glass and looked at Lin Que jokingly.

There was teasing in his eyes.

No way, where is Lin Que's face, all young and old will kill!

Lin Que grinned, "Whether my hair is all the same? Auntie at night, don't you know if you count it yourself!"

Upon hearing this, the beautiful woman was taken aback for a moment, and then she giggled, and the interest in her eyes became stronger.


"It seems that I am an old student, my sister should ask you for advice."

Lin Que waved his hand and said with a smile, "I can't talk about asking for advice. I can still give some advice."

The beautiful woman turned red when she looked at the strange and mysterious expression between Lin Que's eyebrows and the battle-tested face.


"Poison Rose, you were molested by a hairy boy, it makes people laugh!"

"Haha! Poison Rose, if you can't even deal with a little kid, you still get out of the way. Sister teaches you how to play!"

Faced with the cynicism of the crowd, Poison Rose showed an anger on her pretty face: "You can do it, you can do it!"

"Otherwise, shut up all to my old lady!"

The words fell off.

Everyone shut their mouths, looking at the angry poison rose, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath!

This poison rose started from entering the underground casino, step by step from a waiter to a general manager.

The ruthless tactics made them afraid to provoke them.

Aside, Lin Que looked at the poisonous rose aggressively.

It seems that this old lady has a bit of status in this underground casino!

Qin Feng leaned into Lin Que's ear and whispered: "Lin Que, this old lady seems to be a bit interesting to you, or else, you sacrifice a bit and make some money, let's go to Beng Di!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes, "Believe it or not, I invite you to eat an invincible egg and throw it into the Lingxu monkey pile!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was so scared that he shut up quickly!

Lin Que could really do this kind of ethical deeds, after all, there was a living example of Yang Xiao before.

Still life is important.

At this moment, Poison Rose put down the red wine glass in her hand and walked over in a graceful step.

"Children, although this is a black market casino, there are still some rules, we still have to abide by it!"

"This is not a place for you to come, please leave!"

Daxia is the most comprehensive national-level power that protects the common people after the rejuvenation of Reiki!

Many people from other countries want to join Daxia even after squeezing their heads.

Lin Que: "Ah..."

"You are calling me auntie, I will throw you out!"

Before he could finish speaking, Poison Rose said with a cold face.

Lin Que looked at the poison rose, the corners of his mouth curled slightly: "Auntie...Big sister!"

Poison Rose's pupils shrank, and her sharp gaze was about to penetrate Lin Que, and a sense of oppression enveloped Lin Que.

Level fifty-three spirit power!

However, Lin Que, who was at the center of the oppressive feeling, stretched out and yawned without any discomfort on his face.

"It's possible!"

Poison Rose's heart was startled. It was obvious that there was no spirit power fluctuation in the group of little kids in front of them. How could it be possible to resist the oppression of their spirit power?


Suddenly, she thought of a possibility in her heart.

Being able to resist the oppression of one's own soul power, the other party's soul power must be higher than one's own.

However, these guys are still very young!

By Lin Que's side, Ye Ni stepped out in one step, and the sharp sword energy on his body directly crushed and tore the soul power.


The astonishing sword aura raged away, forced the poison rose, back and forth again and again, hit the bar, and stabilized his body.

Around, people who were originally cynic, flee in fright.

Lin Que said with a smile: "Auntie, can we stay now?"

Poison Rose covered her aching chest, her eyes filled with fear, changing her previous attitude.

"Dear guest, please forgive me for the offense just now!"

"Is there anything I can serve you?"

At this moment, she was overwhelmed with surprise in her heart.

A group of such young little guys, but with such a strong strength, must be the top students of that college.

Don't dare to offend this!

She was a little depressed. According to reason, such a high-achieving student would disdain to come to such a place!

Lin Que asked straightforwardly, "How do you make money the fastest?"

Poison Rose: (⊙▽⊙)....


Lin Que's question really shocked her.

Let me be a good boy, these high-achieving students are really here to make money!

No, shouldn't the money go to the bounty league?

Why did you come to this underground casino on the black market?

Lin Que frowned, "Ah what?"

"I ask you, what is the fastest way to get money?"

"It's the kind that has less things and more money, and the best time is no more than an hour!"

Poison Rose suppressed the shock in his heart and introduced: "There is only one casino item that meets your requirements!"

"Gambling Arena!"

"Find out?"

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