"Gambling Arena?"


Lin Que and his party stared with big eyes and small eyes, and they were all dumbfounded by this strange gameplay.

Poison Rose nodded and explained carefully: "A gambling arena is not a fight between people!"

"It's a game between monsters and beasts!"

"The two parties participating in the fight can choose a monster beast from the casino to compete, and they need to pay rent."

"You can also bring a monster beast yourself!"

"The winning party can get a huge prize pool bonus. The more games win, the higher the reward!"

"Of course, the losing party needs to keep the monster beasts in the casino!"


Lin Que's eyes lit up!

A gambling battle, but also a battle between monsters and beasts!

He is the best at it.

I seem to have seen countless small red coins, beckoning to him!

"Play, of course you want to play!"

Poison Rose nodded: "A few of you, please come with me and choose monsters here!"

Lin Que waved his hand: "No, I use my own."

Hearing that, Poison Rose was not calm anymore.

Use your own monster?

You know, the monsters in the casino are all hatched from monster eggs obtained from the black market.

Seeing that Lin Que and his group are not old, and although they are powerful, they should not be able to afford the cost of incubating a monster beast, right?

Where did the monster beast come from?

Out of professionalism, Poison Rose did not continue to ask: "Well, please pay the admission fee here!"

"A total of one million!"

Lin Que spread his hands: "I have no money!"

Behind them, Qin Feng and others covered their faces and involuntarily stepped back, keeping a certain distance.

Lost individual!

Lin Que was so arrogant to say that he had no money.

Yang Dianfeng couldn't help asking: "Qin Tuzi, aren't you clamoring to be dined? Why don't you exchange your points for money in advance?"

Qin Feng: "I thought you would redeem it."

"Fatty man, why haven't you?"

Xiang Gan scratched his head: "I'm the same as you think."

Hou Feng: "Plus one!"

Ye Ni held the Martial Spirit Seven-Star Longyuan Sword: "Don't look at me, I have no money!"

Ahead, Poison Rose looked wrong.

Why do you have no money to run a casino?

Pretending to be forced?

Lin Que's next words completely shattered the Three Views of the Poison Rose.

"What's the matter, you can pay me a million for the entrance fee first!"

"I won the money later, I will double it back!"

Poison Rose's face sank, she could understand that this group of guys just wanted to eat for nothing.


"My patience is limited. If you want to make trouble here, you are not qualified enough!"

As soon as the words fell, she immediately rang the casino alarm.

Poison Rose said in a cold voice, "Huh, even if you have a college background, you have to pay the price today!"

Qin Feng touched his bald head and said excitedly: "Puff haha!"

"Lin Quede, I didn't expect you to have a day of pretending to fail!"

Yang Dianfeng echoed: "If I ever did, you will definitely pretend to fail once."

"I'll just say I'm a prophet!"

Lin Que's face turned dark, and he rubbed his eyebrows speechlessly and said, "Please, we are in a group, ok!"

"I'm going to be beaten, can you run away?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng and Yang Dianfeng glanced at each other, and immediately reacted with a look of horror on their faces.

Damn, Lin Dakeng than!

What a special point is to take them to find money, it is simply looking for death!

After a while.

A security guard wearing black clothes and sunglasses surrounded the scene.

Every security guard is burly, well-trained, and has the lowest spirit power at level 30.

The security gave way to a road, and a middle-aged man in a mink coat with a big back combed his head and a cigar in his mouth walked out.


The poison rose respectfully greeted the visitor.

The middle-aged man glanced indifferently at Lin Que and the others, then looked at the poisonous rose, and said in a majestic tone.

"What's the matter?"

Poison Rose was so frightened by this voice, she quickly explained.

"Boss, it's like this..."

After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, the middle-aged man looked at Lin Que, took a sip of his cigar, and exhaled thick smoke.

"Boy, which college do you belong to in Bohai City?"

Lin Que grinned, "I said I'm not from Bohai City, do you believe it?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed.


"Very well, I think my brother Hai also has a bit of face on the road. Today was ordered by you little calves!"

"I'm really a bully, right?"

"One person ten million, otherwise, no one would want to get out of this gate!"

Lin Que shook his head: "No money!"

Damn it.

You can still be the boss at a loss. If you have money, why do you come to your casino?

There is no pattern at all.

Brother Hai, take a sip of cigar: "If you don't have any money, then throw it all on the black market and exchange it for money!"

"Grab me!"

The words fell off.

A group of black-clothed security guards stepped forward and were about to attack Lin Que and his party.

Qin Feng and the others were suffocating, and these guys just happened to be a gas bucket for them.

They have all experienced the thrilling scenes in the ghost mythical creature, that's it?

What a drizzle!

"I'm coming!"

Ye Ni stepped out, and the Wuhun Seven-Star Longyuan Sword he held in his hand flew out, with sharp sword auras spreading across the audience...

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