Chapter 26 Exposed

"Sister, let's go to the middle school and have a look. The schools in the town are definitely better than our primary school." Shen Xing pulled Shen Yun and said pleadingly.

Shen Yun nodded. He had already come out. He had no clue about his own affairs this time. He still had time to take the children around.

 The middle school is not on the main street, and the location is quite remote.

 The two of them walked for more than half an hour before they reached the place.

Shen Xing couldn't help but marvel when he saw the school consisting of many continuous tile-roofed buildings, but Shen Yun was not that surprised. This school did not look new, and it was probably many years old.

"Sister, the schools in this town are really good. The schools over there are all made of clay, and they still leak when it rains. In the future, when we go to school here, there won't be any leaks, right?" Shen Xing said with a longing face. asked.

"Of course, there will be no rain here. Why don't you take me to your elementary school that day? I haven't seen it yet." Shen Yun thought for a while and said.

Although she has no ability to repair houses, she can be considered a somewhat accomplished person now. It should be considered a trivial matter to prevent a house from leaking.

“Sister, why don’t we go to our elementary school and have a look when we go back.” Shen Xing couldn’t wait to say. Although his school is very poor, in his opinion, it is very good and the teachers are also very good.

Shen Yun looked at Shen Xing's excited look and nodded. The two of them walked around the town without accomplishing anything, so they went straight back.

Shenxing's school is not close to home and quite far from the town. It is in a village in the middle of the two places. It is much larger than Baiyun Village. Although the surrounding area is also mountainous, there is more land here and it is not surrounded on all sides. A mountain has only two sides.

 The lives of the villagers seem to be much better than those in Baiyun Village.

But the school here is really not that good. There are three adobe rooms. If Shen Xinghe hadn't said to himself that this was a school, Shen Yun wouldn't have believed it.

In my previous life, I had only seen schools like this on TV, some poor primary schools in mountainous areas. I never thought I would see it with my own eyes.

  Shen Yun looked at the rather dilapidated school and listened to Shen Xing's excited introduction, and he seemed to be silent.

He pinched his fingers directly behind his back and threw the metal spell he had just learned for a long time towards the roof. Shen Yun originally learned the metal spell to use it as a protective shield, but he didn't expect that the first time he used it was to solidify the metal on the roof of the house. soil.

While doing it, I also used my spiritual sense to sense where there are holes in it. I used earth magic to fill it first, and then continued to throw gold.

 Three houses were taken down, and Shen Yun's spiritual energy was completely drained.

 The rosy face is a little pale.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Although this school is a bit broken, it's not bad. At least we can study. Are you okay?" Shen Xing saw something wrong with Shen Yun's face and said immediately.

“It’s okay, I’m okay, I’m just a little tired, why don’t we go home.” Shen Yun suggested.

"Okay." Shen Xing responded quickly. He came to school often. There was nothing unusual. He just wanted to bring his sister over for a visit. Unexpectedly, he was so tired that Shen Xing felt extremely guilty.

 The two people turned directly and walked towards Baiyun Village.

Before I walked back to Baiyun Village, I saw the person over there. The height and momentum were not the cold and the cold.

 Shen Yun saw Yan Han walking towards this side quickly holding a round disk.

There was still a bit of anxiety on his face. He had never seen such a look on Captain Yan's face before, and Shen Yun couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"Captain Yan, what are you doing?" Shen Yun greeted him proactively. After all, he might become a colleague in the future, and this person was still working for the country, so Shen Yun was not so repulsive to him.

Yan Han was originally rushing over there. The test disk he just got showed that there was energy fluctuation there, but it disappeared after a while. Yan Han originally wanted to rush over and have a look, but seeing Shen Yun now, it seemed a bit natural. a feeling of. "It's nothing. I just heard that there is a village ahead. Let's go and have a look." Yanhan put away the test disk and said. The energy fluctuations have disappeared. You can go and check it out earlier or later.

"Oh, we just came out of that village. It's not better than Baiyun Village, but the school is too dilapidated. If Captain Yan has the ability, he can respond like above and see if the school can be built." Shen Yun said proactively.

Although I know that schools in many places are like this now, this is the only elementary school that Shen Yun can go to.

"I didn't expect you to still care about this issue. I will respond to it, but don't have too much hope. There are still many places without schools. The country is doing its best to build it." Yan Han looked at Shen Yun and said.

It was then that I realized that the girl who used to have a rosy face and was full of energy was now a little pale and wilted. "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Yan Han blurted out these words without knowing why.

"Thank you for your concern, Captain Yan. I'm just tired. Let's go back first so we won't disturb you." Shen Yun thanked him and continued walking towards the village with Shen Xing.

Yan Han looked at Shen Yun's back, thinking constantly in his mind. How could a girl who climbed a mountain by herself at night without blushing or panting do anything to be so tired?

Yan Han turned around and walked towards the village over there.

 It didn’t take long to arrive at the school where Shen Yun and the others had just come.

Took out the test disk and searched carefully, thinking that there was no result again. Unexpectedly, weak energy fluctuations were detected in this school.

 Yanhan searched carefully, and it took him a while to discover that the place where the energy fluctuations occurred was actually the roof.

Yan Han climbed directly to the roof to check. Looking at the ordinary thatched roof, he opened the thatch and saw that the inside was different. It should have been made of soil, but now it actually had a metallic luster. Yan Han tried it with his hands. Can't even get it off.

 Carefully took out the tools he carried with him and got a piece of this material directly from the roof.

 Originally, he planned to go back to Baiyun Village, and now he would go directly to the town. The roof of this elementary school needed to be repaired, and he couldn't do it alone.

Shen Yun didn't know yet that he planned to do good deeds without leaving his name. He only did it in the afternoon, but was discovered in the evening.

 It can only be said that Shen Yun does not have a clear understanding of the current detection equipment.

 Shen Yun, who had done something good, was still in a very good mood. Amidst the greetings from the family, he was forced to sleep in the room and have a good rest.

Grandma Yang Xiaocao came here specially to cook something delicious for herself.

  Shen Yun was in a beautiful mood, and she was also a little bit interested in making money, so her mood was even better.

 That night, I quietly brought a lot of stones into the space and began to work hard to practice metal spells.

 At the beginning, what came out were some earth-colored hard metals. Shen Yun really didn't know the specific composition.

 But what she needs this time is some iron.

Shen Yun knows the composition of iron.

Going out of the space and quietly bringing in the iron pot from home for comparison, Shen Yun began to use the metal-based technique to make iron.

 It took me a whole night to get some clues, and finally I found a few iron lumps.

 (End of this chapter)

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