Chapter 27 The Dark Breath

 The next day, Shen Yun refused Shen Xing's company and took the iron lumps to the town's scrap collection station alone.

“Boss, do you accept these things?” Shen Yun asked directly the boss who was sorting out the waste.

Hearing this, the boss turned around and saw a young girl, "What is it?"

“Hey, here it is.” Shen Yun kicked a few watermelon-sized iron blocks at his feet.

The boss then noticed what was at Shen Yun's feet.

 “Let me take a look.”

Shen Yun watched his boss look at what he had brought and was not in a hurry.

"Where did you get this? It looks like a piece of iron to me." The boss was also a little confused. He had never seen anyone make iron into a ball shape.

"Oh, these were picked up from the mountains. They should be iron. You can try it with a magnet." Shen Yun suggested, so that he can know what he got here.

The boss is also a knowledgeable person, "Oh, let me try it. These should be leftover from the days when steel was made."

The boss muttered, but turned around to find the magnet.

Unsurprisingly, the thing Shen Yun made was really iron.

Shen Yun thought for a while and handed the khaki metal he got out to the boss, "Can you help me find out what this is?"

"This looks like copper, but not very much. I really can't tell anything. Ask someone else to take a look." The boss said uncertainly. After all, yellow metals include not only copper, but also gold. He It was just a scrap collector who really couldn't tell the difference. "By the way, scrap metal costs 40 cents per pound. Girl, do you want to sell it?"

 “Sell it.” Shen Yun nodded, as he was willing to sell it for money.

Shen Yun earned 24 yuan from 4 pieces of scrap metal as big as watermelons.

 It’s worse than doing business, but better than going to work, but you can’t do this thing often.

 After all, the source of iron is a problem.

Shen Yun walked towards the streets of the town with 24 yuan in his pocket.

"Hey, Yunyun, you girl, why don't you come to your aunt's house when you come to town? It's already noon, what are you hanging around here? Let's go and have dinner at home." Shen Yun was thinking about what to eat for lunch, so I saw Shen Huaan walking towards me.

It was only then that Shen Yun realized that he had arrived at the health center.

“Auntie, I just arrived in town, are you off work now?” Shen Yun greeted quickly.

"It's time to get off work. Come on, come home with me. Your uncle has cooked dinner at home." Shen Huaan couldn't help but said, pulling Shen Yun towards home.

I want to buy something on Shen Yun Road, so I can’t go home empty-handed.

“Oh, what’s the point of seeing my aunt? We’re at home, so we don’t need to buy anything.” Shen Huaan held on to Shen Yun’s hand and didn’t let go.

Shen Yun had no choice but to do it.

 Arrived at Huang's house, Shen Yun met his uncle Huang Song, a people's policeman.

The figure is thin and upright, the face is serious, and the deep lines between the eyebrows indicate that this uncle is a thoughtful person.

“Hello, uncle, I’m Shen Yun.” Shen Yun greeted him proactively.

"Hey, Yunyun is here, come in quickly." Huang Song's voice was gentle, but maybe because of work, he didn't smile often, so it was a bit unnatural to smile at Shen Yun.

 “You sit down with your aunt first, the meal will be ready soon.” Huang Song also knew that he had a serious face, so after inviting people into the room, he went directly back to the kitchen.

"Your uncle is like this. He doesn't know how to get along with juniors. Don't mind." Shen Hua'an took Shen Yun's hand and said. After all, Momo was quite afraid of Huang Song.

“My uncle is a policeman. Only by being more serious can I scare the bad guys, I don’t mind.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a heartbreaking cough from inside.

“What’s wrong, uncle?” Shen Yun’s voice sounded wrong.

"It's okay, it's the same old problem. You sit down and I'll go take a look." Shen Huaan held down Shen Yun who was about to get up, then directly took a glass of water and entered the kitchen nervously.

"Why did you come in? Ahem, I'm fine. It's all an old problem." Intermittent voices came from inside.

"You keep talking about your old problems every day. Look at you, you can't sleep all night just because of your cough. I told you to go to the city to have a look, but you refused." Shen Hua'an handed over the water and stretched out his hand. Pat Huang Song on the back.

"Hey, there are a lot of things going on in the town now and there are not enough people. Yesterday, more than a dozen thieves who planned to steal the country's property were sent here. It will not take a day or two to find out the origins of these people. How can we get away easily." Huang Song drank. A cup of hot water, and the cough is not so severe.

“There are a lot of people in the Public Security Bureau, and we can still move around without you.” Shen Huaan said angrily.

“That’s, that’s, I can’t live without this job.

It’s not like you don’t know that my cough is an old injury from the past. Old Chinese doctors say that you can adjust it slowly. It’s impossible to cure it completely. If you go to the city to see it, the result will be this. Don’t worry. It’s fine. of. Huang Song said warmly.

The two of them didn't hold back their words, and Shen Yun outside could hear them clearly.

 That's when I realized that my uncle, who looked in good health, still had this old problem.

While waiting to eat, Shen Yun took a closer look and found that Huang Song had a gray aura on his body.

Cultivators can instinctively feel the energy of life. Like young people, what Shen Yun felt was vitality. It was not obvious at the beginning. Now that his cultivation level has increased, Shen Yun can understand this mysterious feeling.

Hearing the occasional coughing sound in his ears, Chen Yun couldn't help but feel nervous.

 This is not a good sign.

"Uncle, let me drink a cup of hot water for you." Shen Yun took the initiative to pour a cup of water for Huang Song, adding a few drops of spiritual spring water to it.

"Hey, thank you, Huang Bin, look at your sister, and then look at you." Huang Song smiled and took the water, and couldn't help but complain to his son who was just eating next to him.

"Oh, did I want to eat quickly and go back to the bureau to help? That way you don't have to worry. Our sister is one of our own, so I don't have to compete with her." Huang Bin ate comfortably, not being criticized at all. happy.

His dad has this problem for a long time. He had it since he was born and has been used to it for so many years. He's not used to it if his dad doesn't cough a few times.

 Huang Song rolled his eyes at Huang Bin, thinking about what he said about being in a hurry to go to work, but he didn't say anything.

I directly picked up the cup of water and drank it. I don’t know whether I felt happy after drinking the cup of hot water, but the coughing afterward was reduced a lot.

Shen Yun watched Huang Song drink a glass of water, but the gray aura on his body did not diminish, and he felt a little regretful.

Sure enough, spiritual spring water can only improve the physical quality. If you want to cure diseases and save lives, it is still not possible, or you need a large amount of spiritual spring water.

Shen Yun's mind was spinning. He didn't stay too long after lunch and went out directly with Huang Bin.

"My uncle has been coughing for such a long time, haven't you thought of going over and taking a look?" Shen Yun couldn't help but ask Huang Bin.

"My dad, as soon as you asked him to see him, he said he had an old problem that couldn't be cured and was a waste of money and time. He just thought about going to work every day. If the cough hadn't been too serious this time, you wouldn't have come here to see me. I can't get past him." Huang Bin was also helpless when he said this. The old man refused to listen and was very stubborn.

  When he was in a hurry, he stayed at the Public Security Bureau to work overtime. His father was really a good policeman, but he didn’t take good care of his body.

 (End of this chapter)

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