Chapter 28 Immoral things

 “That’s it, what if it gets serious?”

"It's impossible. It's been fine for so many years. How could it be serious? You little girl, don't think so much. You'll go to school in a while. Come over here when you leave. Brother, I need something. Here you go." Huang Bin said with a smile.

Shen Yun saw that Huang Bin didn't think that way at all, and couldn't help but remind him, "I think you should take your uncle to have a look. After all, if you cough for a long time, there will be problems."

"Okay, I understand. I'm going to ask for leave and I'll take you back later." Huang Bin bowed his hands and walked directly towards the Public Security Bureau.

"I don't want you to send me away. I can come here myself. It's no problem to go back. You can go to work." Shen Yun refused directly.

 Huang Bin looked at Shen Yun's refusal and thought that this girl had no problem coming from the capital alone, so she wasn't forcing it.

 Shen Yun will be eager to go back and think about refining the elixir.

The medicinal planting space is indeed very special. The medicinal materials grown from the seeds I collected in it have only been grown in a short period of time, and many of them have already grown.

Shen Yun decided to go back and think about it first. If he made plans early, he might be able to save a life.

As he was walking, he saw a large truck approaching, and Shen Yun stepped aside.

Looking at the big truck driving past, Shen Yun's consciousness glanced directly at the tightly covered side of the truck.

It's not what Teacher Xu and the others are transporting, but the shape is a bit strange, with two stacked on top of each other.

Shen Yun thought about the shape inside and suddenly saw the roof not far away.

Well, there seemed to be two roof-like things placed on the car just now. Thinking about the shape and texture of the roof, Shen Yun still didn't understand.

Isn't this the roof that she went to repair secretly yesterday? Why was it lifted by those immoral things today?

  It's too much. You did a good deed, but you were kicked off before you could use it. How did these people find out? Did they just climb on the roof of someone else's house when they had nothing to do?

Shen Yun was angry in his heart and couldn't help but feel a little vigilant. What he did just yesterday was discovered today. It seemed that there were many things in the world that he didn't understand.

At this moment, she was no longer in a hurry to go home. She turned around and walked directly towards the small village from yesterday.

 No matter what, you should go and see it.

 Shen Yun walked very fast alone.

 It didn't take long to reach the small village, but we didn't approach it directly.

But without getting too close, you can see a group of people on the other side of the school happily demolishing the house, and talking about how the country is great and that a new school is going to be built.

Shen Yun hid in the distance and scanned the area with his spiritual consciousness. He found that a small number of people were helped by villagers, but most of them were the subordinates of Yan Han whom he had seen.

At this moment, there is a disassembled roof lying underground. I don’t know what this group of people said. Anyway, no one is curious about how the roof became like this.

Shen Yun looked at Yan Han who was directing people to do things in the crowd, and for a moment he couldn't help but grind his teeth in anger.

This person is really bad. The good thing he did yesterday was of no use at all. Today this person came to do good deeds and even took away the roof he made. What is he going to do? He won’t transport away the tests. Bar.

Shen Yun's consciousness scanned the roof repeatedly and confirmed that not even the spiritual energy was left, which made him feel relieved.

  I was no longer here to watch their embarrassing behavior, and just slipped away quietly.

 Since I have only been here once, I have no idea how the roof became like this. Shen Yun went back to the village directly with a depressed mood.

“Granddaughter, didn’t you have fun in the town today?” Before I got home, I saw my grandfather working in the fields below.

The old man has a bright mind and can tell at a glance that Shen Yun's expression is not good.

“Grandpa, why are you still working in the fields? Didn’t you say you haven’t had much work recently?” Shen Yun calmed down and asked with a smile.

“What’s wrong with living? Grandpa just couldn’t stop, so he came over for a walk and cleaned up the grass on the ridge of the field.

Talk to grandpa about why he is unhappy and whether he has no money. "Shen Guoliang said, reaching into his pocket.

"Grandpa, please collect your private money quickly. I have money." Shen Yun saw Shen Guoliang's actions and said quickly.

"What private money? This is what your grandma gave to grandpa. It's for you. Take it and don't give it to those brats at home." Shen Guoliang was about to stuff his own money into Shen Yun's hands.

Since Shen Yun gained the approval of his ancestors, Shen Guoliang is the first person to become a doting granddaughter.

 Shen Yun looked at the scattered coins in Shen Guoliang's hand, took them and put them away. It was stuffed directly into his Gua pocket.

“Grandpa, it’s not because I’m short of money. I went to my aunt’s house today, and my uncle is also at home.

 My uncle's cough is very serious. "

“It’s rare for your uncle to be at home! He coughs again? Hey! This is also an old problem. He was injured in the lungs before and hasn’t recovered in so many years.” Shen Guoliang sighed.

“I think it’s a bit serious.” Shen Yun said tentatively.

When Shen Guoliang heard what Shen Yun said, he looked straight at Shen Yun. His wise eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, "Girl, have you noticed something? If you have anything, tell me." Your grandpa doesn’t need to hide it, grandpa, I have also seen strong winds and waves.”

"I don't know if what I'm seeing is accurate. Anyway, my uncle's condition is not right. If possible, I'd better go to a big hospital to make sure." Shen Yun hesitated and said.

“Okay, I’ll talk about it tomorrow. For so many years, I’ve been worried about your uncle’s career. His cough was also an injury he suffered from work when he was young.

 It is also because of this..." Shen Guoliang did not say the rest of the words, but the frown on his brows clearly showed his worry.

"Grandpa, don't worry, maybe I can find a way." Shen Yun thought for a while before speaking.

“Girl, this matter of human life is too serious, we cannot say this lightly.

Although you have had an adventure, grandpa doesn’t want to put this matter on you. Let’s see first. "Shen Guoliang didn't say anything to tell Shen Yun to save the person, he just said this.

Shen Yun felt as if he was being soaked in a hot spring.

He didn't make any guarantees. He just held the old man's arm and walked back, making up his mind to go back and study the elixirs left by his ancestors.

 When he went back and saw that the old man looked tired, Shen Yun quickly gave him some water and added a few drops of Lingquan.

"Okay, I'm fine. You can go back and have a rest. It's been quite tiring after running around all day. Don't worry, your aunt is with us. You don't need to worry about things like a kid." Shen Guoliang didn't Shen Yun was left to eat and directly let Shen Yun go back to rest.

 (End of this chapter)

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