Actually, Shen Yun didn't pay much attention to what happened just now. At this moment, he had already seen Yan Han who was still busy.

"It came so fast. This is the plan for this trip. I have already told everyone else. We will act separately when the time comes. This is about you, but you are stronger and more mobile than us, so this It's just the current plan, and there are also things we know about the situation on the island. You should know about it." Yan Han directly handed Chen Yun a stack of information.

Shen Yun looked through it and had a good idea. During this period, they learned a lot more information than he thought.

“The preparations are quite complete. It depends on the specific situation.” Keep the information in mind. These are auxiliary things. The specific situation depends on the situation on site.

 People are alive, but information is dead.

“The main thing you need to do is protect yourselves when you get there. Jin Long and I will take care of each other.” Shen Yun said to the two people around him.

"Are you sure?" Yan Han glanced at Xiao Bengqi. Although he couldn't tell his strength, he really couldn't help but think more about his size.

"Of course I'm sure, his strength is not weaker than mine." Shen Yun said with certainty.

“This kid has just shown it outside, and the huge waves are just a wave of his hand.” Xu Ling added beside him.

"Then I'll trouble you." Yan Han said solemnly to Xiao Bengqie, not saying anything just because the other party was a child.

"Yes, brother, don't worry, I'm protecting Sister Shen Yun." Xiao Bengqie said happily.

"This is a forbidden sign. Only with this thing can you enter. Please wear it." Yan Han directly handed over the two signs.

"Oh, I have this. I found those people who were caught on the mountain." Shen Yun took out the things from his pocket.

"Okay, put on your suit. We'll ask. If you want to enter that island, you must have this sign." Yan Han told several people and then told the person driving the boat in front to go ahead at full speed.

In the afternoon, all the people had a meeting in the cabin. Shen Yun finally recognized everyone. They all looked very serious now, not as casual as they had just met. For Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqiao, Everyone is welcome to join.

“One day later will be the opening day of the island. We must arrive before then. There will definitely be a lot of ships and people arriving by then, and the people will be mixed. This is our opportunity.

This mission is very important. We must find out what is going on on the island. There is such a force so close to our country, and its personnel have already penetrated into the country. The situation is already very serious. Not only are animals being captured in the country, Come here, we also found out that some practitioners have disappeared in some places, and all the evidence points to this place. Everyone knows what this means. After all, no one knows whether these people will target all of you in the future.

Although this is the first time for many of us to cooperate, we all belong to the same country. For the same goal, I hope everyone can cooperate with each other. Yan Han looked around and said seriously.

 “I will definitely work hard.” Although the voices were uneven, they were loud.

Although Shen Yun had just seen the news in the information, when he heard Yan Han say this, his mood was still shaken. He thought that the research institute had been overthrown by him and was gone.

Unexpectedly, they seemed to have resurrected not far from me.

 Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, and they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

Shen Yun took a deep breath and said, "Captain, please continue, I'm fine."

“We have found out the specific situation on this island through inquiring, so everyone must be careful and put safety first.” Yan Han explained again.

 Everyone nodded.

 Then everyone goes back to their own places to practice and prepare. "What do you think these people think? Why don't you practice **** your own? Why do they always want to catch other cultivators and get something for nothing." Shen Yun and Yan Han stood on the deck and looked at the situation outside, and couldn't help but ask Yan Han next to them.

“Maybe you don’t want to suffer the hardships of cultivation. This shortcut is easier after all. You can’t expect such people to care about other people’s lives.” Yan Han said looking into the distance.

What was not recorded in the information given to Shen Yun was the number of people who disappeared. Only Yanhan and the upper-level personnel knew that shocking number. After being on strict guard for so long, I didn't expect that so many people would disappear just after the spiritual energy was revived.

 Looking at Shen Yun next to him, Yanhan still swallowed that number into his stomach.

"Go back and practice hard. Since they don't care about other people's lives, we have to let them experience this feeling." Shen Yun turned around and walked towards his cabin.

 The day's journey passed quickly.

Shen Yun came out of the cabin only after hearing the noise outside.

 Other ships can already be seen outside.

Not far away, there was a thick fog and the location of the island could not be seen, but Shen Yun and the others knew where they were.

"What a generous effort. How many spiritual stones are needed to support such a large formation?" Shen Yun couldn't help but sigh when he saw this.

What is dangerous is not this formation, but what is inside the fog. If there is no wooden sign, once the ship enters and encounters a reef, it will basically be over on the vast sea. Even cultivators are no exception. On land, Monsters have appeared, and no one can guarantee that there will be none in the sea.

 And I don’t know if there are any traps in this.

“Be careful, the people on the boats around you are all desperadoes.” Yan Han glanced around and said to the people around him.

 Everyone nodded, not everyone stood on the deck and looked at the situation outside, and the rest of the people went back.

 Only three people, Shen Yun, Xiao Bengqi and Yan Han, were left on the deck.

 The surrounding ships are patiently waiting for the formation to open.

Shen Yun and the others are no exception, but since Shen Yun's bloodline was purified, his affinity for water has become even higher.

 She felt very comfortable as soon as she got close to the sea. Being in the middle of the sea, the wet vapor made her even more comfortable.

Shen Yun stood on the deck. The sea water below was very deep, and his spiritual consciousness could hardly see anything.

But Shen Yun can feel that there are many things on this seabed, some good and some bad. Shen Yun cannot feel what they are exactly.

 These things must be related to the situation on the island. When you get to the island, you may have to find time to see whether this feeling is accurate or not.

“There is about an hour before we open the island. Don’t act rashly then. These people are all desperadoes and their principles and morals are not looked down upon by them, so don’t expect them to help us.

When we arrived on the island, we dispersed in pairs. These ships will basically leave in about two hours. During this time, we must try our best to explore the situation on the island and see if the missing people are on the island. What is the current situation? How. " Yan Han told everyone for the last time.

 Everyone nodded seriously.

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