An hour passed very quickly, and only a harsh sound was heard. The entire dense fog seemed to be torn open, and slowly separated into two parts. You could see the island on the opposite side in the distance, and what you imagined. Different, this island is very well built, it can even be said to be a very big palace.

Like the ship next to him, Yanhan directly raised the token in his hand. The whole ship seemed to feel a suction and slowly moved forward.

The ships next to him were also like this. Shen Yun looked at the people next to him who were not in a hurry. It seemed that this was not the first time.

 All the ships lined up and moved forward in a curved manner under the influence of attraction.

There are not only many hidden rocks nearby, but also many man-made dangerous objects. It is not as dangerous as a ship passing alone, but it is also dangerous for people to pass by alone.

“Fortunately, we didn’t act rashly, otherwise something might have happened before we even got to the island.” Yan Han glanced at the situation and whispered.

"It's obviously not a good idea to come here alone. Since you dare to arrest cultivators on this island, it means that the other party has the strength. If you let people with low strength come over to investigate, you will be killing them yourself." Shen Yun also said calmly. .

“The next step is delivery time. At this time, there are more people and you can go out and walk around. We are not very high in the queue, so this is an opportunity.

 Several monster beasts have been prepared in the cabin, but we have to leave here within two hours after handing over the things. We must fight quickly, otherwise those who stay will be in danger. "Before disembarking, Yan Han emphasized it to everyone again.

"I know, boss, the time has been set. No matter what, we will meet on the boat in two hours." Everyone who was about to get off the boat responded.

There were many people disembarking from the boat in front of them, including all kinds of people. Shen Yun and the others were not conspicuous when they got off.

Everyone wrapped a piece of cloth around their faces. Shen Yun and the others also followed the local customs. Before getting off the boat, they picked up some unworn clothes and made them into cloths and wrapped them around their faces.

"My brother and I will go out for a walk together. You can go somewhere else." Shen Yun said hello to the others and left with Xiao Bengqi.

 There were a lot of people walking separately, so there was nothing strange about it.

At most some people wonder why Shen Yun brought his children here to do such a thing, but the people here are not simple people, but no one comes to take care of this matter.

"There are a lot of formations here, and there are even more brilliant ones. There is a space folding formation from just now to this place, which directly attracts people to come here, so that they can't go to other places." Shen Yunben I wanted to go see the palace over there, but after walking a few steps, I suddenly realized that the palace in front of me was not there. Instead, after turning around a wall, it turned into a slightly lively place.

 Many people who had just disembarked from the ship were here, and some were setting up stalls to sell things.

 Looks like this is a black market.

Shen Yun was wandering around casually. There was only one entrance and one exit in the black market. Just when Shen Yun wanted to turn around and go back, he couldn't find the way back, so he could only walk forward to find the exit.

This formation is quite shrewd. Shen Yun observed it as he walked.

Time was very tight, but Shen Yun was not slow. He quickly reached the end of the black market and came out to the beach, which was even further away from the palace.

Chen Yun took Xiao Bengqi directly to find a hidden place, affixed the concealment charm, passed through the numerous formations, and walked towards the palace.

"This place is really troublesome. If I weren't afraid of hurting innocent people, I would just set it on fire." Xiao Bengqiao became a little angry as he walked inside the formation.

“Don’t be angry, remember the places we walked, you are so smart, you will become a formation master when you get back.” Shen Yun comforted the irritable little Bengqi. "Okay, I'll learn it hard, and when I catch the bad guy later, I'll set up this formation and let him walk a hundred times." The little jumper suddenly became more energetic.

 “Yes.” Shen Yun thought this idea was good.

"Shh, don't make any noise, someone is coming." Xiao Bengqe wanted to say something else, but Shen Yun stopped him.

Although the two people had concealment charms attached to their bodies, they still reflexively hid towards the wall next to them.

“Sister, these people are all dead, why are they still moving?” Xiao Bengqiao looked at the group of people walking over and asked curiously.

Shen Yun was silent for a moment, "These have been made into puppets and are patrolling here, but they don't seem to be affected by the formation. Let's follow them." Shen Yun didn't expect to see him at Boss Fu's place at that time. The methods I had seen before were seen again in this place. I thought they would all disappear with the death of Boss Fu.

 The two people quietly followed the pair of puppets.

The opponent's route is very special, and they cleverly avoid all the formations. What's more, the most coincidental thing is that they can also see people who mistakenly enter the formation from outside.

Shen Yun saw with his own eyes that a person on another ship was directly killed by these puppets, and then this person was made into a low-level puppet on the spot.

Chen Yun covered Xiaobengqiao's eyes and took a breath. Has this puppet reached this level? It can be used as a puppet directly. If it is released, will the people outside still have a way to survive? It is not enough to be trained into a puppet. of.

 Continue to follow the team with one more puppet, and encounter three waves of teams on the way, all of which are puppets.

The strength is not weak. It can be imagined that he has been trained as a puppet for a long time.

"The master here is so strange. There are no living people to play with among the dead. The whole palace is lifeless. Are they all these puppets?" Xiao Bengqie couldn't help but murmured.

"It's really possible." Shen Yun also thought so. They had already arrived inside the palace, but they had not seen anyone. "Let's take a look around. We've been walking around the palace for so long, but we haven't seen any animals. The other party has captured so many animals. Where are they imprisoned? Even if they are dead, there should be bones."

Hearing what Chen Yun said, Xiao Bengqiao looked around and moved his nose slightly, "Let's go this way, I smell a smell, let's go and have a look."

Shen Yun looked at the direction pointed by Xiao Bengqiao and felt something special in his heart. "Let's go and have a look." He took Xiao Bengqiao and walked in that direction.

This is a large bedroom, extremely luxurious, but there is no trace of human habitation.

“Here.” Xiao Bengqi patted the cabinet door directly.

Shen Yun cooperated and opened the cabinet door. Everything inside looked normal. There were a few clothes hanging on it, but there was nothing special about it.

Shen Yun reached out directly for the only suit, and suddenly there was a sound of a mechanism moving behind him.

Turning around, I saw that the bed that had just been normal tilted up, revealing the dark hole underneath.

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