Chapter 343 (343) Hiding the sweetheart

 “Shall we go home?” Xiao Bengqiaowei asked Shen Yun.

“Go back, today’s goal has been achieved.” Shen Yun nodded.

"They peeked at our things, but we let them go so gently. We were so angry." Xiao Bengqi was a little unwilling.

Shen Yun was really a little angry when he thought about it. If they had evacuated directly later, they would have paid no price at all, and they would not be able to get back the feeling of being bullied. "Don't worry. When the Foundation Establishment Pill matter is resolved, I will take you out for a walk. Since they like the feeling of living on other people's territory, let's go over and let them experience it."

“That’s good, I want to go.” Xiao Tengdao responded immediately.

The two of them didn't stop on the road. They sent a message to Yanhan and rushed home. They had been out for more than half a month. If they didn't go back home, they would be anxious.

Back to the mountain, before entering the mountain, I found that someone was staying at the old house.

The courtyard door was slightly ajar, and Shen Yun opened it directly and went in.

 The person inside was Shen Limin. As soon as the door opened, he looked directly at the cultivator under the big tree.

"Dad, why did you come back to your old house?" Shen Yun looked around and found that he was indeed the only one at home.

"It's okay if it's not on the mountain. Just come back and clean up the house. Your grandparents are afraid that the house won't be inhabited for a long time and it will be damaged. Why don't we let us come back and take a look occasionally." Shen Limin stood up and looked at Shen Yun and Xiaobeng. After taking a look, he said with relief.

"This house is well-preserved. Let's go back first. I haven't seen my grandparents for a long time." Shen Yun looked around. The house was well-preserved because his family often came here, and he and Xiaobeng The aura of trembling remains here, and no small animals dare to come here. Unlike other families in the village who have moved away, the houses are dilapidated.

"Okay, let's go back, the family is waiting." Shen Limin readily agreed.

The three people returned to their residence in the mountains. Before they saw anyone, they heard chickens crowing and ducks crowing. As expected, when they got closer, they saw their grandfather and uncle driving some overly fat animals for exercise.

“Grandpa, uncle, we are back.” Xiao Bengqie waved over excitedly.

Shen Guoliang saw the person as soon as he raised his head, and immediately threw the bamboo pole in his hand happily, "Boss, catch chicken feet and ducks for extra dinner tonight."

 “Okay.” Shen Libo responded and immediately started to act.

The poultry, which had not wanted to move just now, suddenly began to fly around, and the scene was full of chaos. In the end, it was Xiao Bengqi who took action himself, and the evening meal was successfully obtained.

When I saw people at home, it was a lively scene again. Although I didn't say it, my family was really not used to it after being away suddenly for more than half a month.

 After a lot of fun, everyone went back to what they should be busy with. Shen Yun pulled four people who were learning alchemy together and announced that they would teach the Foundation Establishment Pill.

"We are dividing the spiritual plants now. Although the mother plant is nourished by spiritual energy and has enough medicinal power, if you dare to touch it, I can guarantee that Lao Liu will definitely be worried about you." Shen Hong first told the situation at home I told Shen Yun again.

“What about the ones that were separated before?” Although Shen Yun had the materials, he was still concerned about what was grown at home.

"Those are all mother plants now and can't be touched. I guess you won't be able to use them until the mountains we rent are covered with spiritual plants." Shen Hong said with a smile. Although the two researchers hired by the family are not paid enough, He is humble, but he is really responsible and does not hide it. He has learned a lot from following me. "Okay, then cultivate it slowly and use spiritual energy to promote it. This will also be beneficial to your spiritual energy use. Besides, I have set up a spirit gathering array in the mountain. Don't worry about what you will do if your spiritual energy is exhausted. Just practice when it is exhausted. , which is beneficial to the improvement of your cultivation.

As for spiritual plants, I picked some outside when I went out this time, which is enough for the time being. "Chen Yun said to several people.


Since there is no need to worry about Lingzhi, the four of them are of course happy to learn the Foundation Establishment Pill. Even if it is not for selling money, it is still a joy to learn a new pill.

With the previous study of alchemy, a few people quickly mastered the key steps of the foundation building pill. The only troublesome thing is that except Shen Hong, the other three people have not built the foundation yet, so there is a problem with the supply of spiritual energy.

Shen Yun doesn't need to mention this matter. Anyway, after that day, except for a few people in the alchemy room in the mountain, no one can be seen at other times. It's just cultivation.

  These three people got involved, and the rest of the family was also affected by this atmosphere. Every day except for a few children in the family, Shen Yun hardly saw anyone idle.

Shen Yun just came back from school that day and saw that his family members, who were busy every day except during meal time, were gathered in front of his grandparents' small yard.

“Why are there so many people gathered today? Is something big happening?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

"Your fourth brother is bringing someone back. He is finally willing to bring his hidden sweetheart back to us. We are discussing where to receive him." The eldest aunt said happily.

"It's a happy event. This is a newly built house, so we can just receive it here." Shen Yun suggested.

"We originally had this plan, but we didn't think about it properly. Your brother said that this person is fine, but we really don't know what it looks like. If he can't figure it out, it might not be a good thing to come here to receive him. .

 Besides, these are all your abilities. Your brother relies on you to live such a good life. It is not his own ability. We cannot deceive other girls. We should do whatever we want. "The eldest aunt said as she packed her things.

“We are all a family, why should we pay so much attention to it.” Yang Cancan said at the side.

 “Yes.” Shen Yun also answered.

"It's because we are all a family, so we have to pay attention to it. We live a good life because of this, so I want to see what my wife's character is like before I can decide whether to bring anyone over later. Anyway, the elders at home The house is well kept and it is not a shame to receive people there." The eldest aunt seemed to have made up her mind, and the grandparents next to her didn't have any objections to it.

Seeing that the other party had said this, Shen Yun didn't try to persuade him anymore. He collected his things and went to meet people with his grandparents and others.

Several elders in the family have gone. As for my sister-in-law and my younger brothers and apprentices, they are staying in the mountains. It would not be considered rude not to go.

 After returning home and busy cleaning up the house again, Shen Hengcai arrived belatedly with his people.

 (End of this chapter)

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