Chapter 344 (344) Old acquaintance

What surprised Chen Yun was that the person who came was an acquaintance. It was interesting to see the two of them back then, but nothing came of it. Shen Yun thought it was not working out. How could he have known that the two of them were secretly in love, and it took such a long time to come here. , no wonder it was Hu Yan who used to pay Shen Yun, but more than a year ago it was suddenly replaced by her brother and the others.

"You've hidden it tightly enough. You're in love, and they don't even come over to my house." Shen Yun greeted him directly. Everyone in the family had seen Hu Yan. A year ago, this girl often came here to pick up things. She was still thinking about it later. Why didn't you come over? It turned out that you were dating Shen Heng, so I was embarrassed to come over.

"Oh, stop teasing me." Hu Yan was a little embarrassed herself, and she was even more embarrassed when she heard Shen Yun say this.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Everyone in the family is waiting. They are waiting in the yard for fear of scaring you. Let's go in quickly." Shen Yun was about to lead people inside.

"There's nothing wrong with me." Hu Yan suddenly felt even more nervous when she heard Shen Yun say this.

"Very good. You've asked me so many times along the way. My mother and the others are so happy to see a daughter-in-law like you." Shen Heng said impatiently.

"Yes, my brother is right. She is very beautiful and decent. Everyone in the family has seen her. Don't be nervous." Shen Yun reassured her.

“After all, my identity is different this time.” Hu Yan adjusted her clothes, took a deep breath and followed the two people in.

The family had just been in the yard listening to the sounds of people talking outside. Now they saw people coming in, and the whole family smiled.

I was originally worried about whether the girl would be easy to get along with, but now I saw that she was a familiar girl, and I felt relieved.

Next, Shen Yun became a companion. Sitting there with Hu Yan, he didn't have to do anything. He saw the eldest aunt and the others happily busying themselves with lunch. As for what he said before to see the girl's character, it was really true. No one did anything. Shen Yun felt that his aunt and others were more nervous than Hu Yan.

The meal was enjoyable, and the eldest aunt and others asked when they would visit the girl's parents, but they didn't ask anything else.

They all were sent out. The eldest aunt and the others were still smiling a little dreamily.

“Auntie, have you seen the eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law do the same thing?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

"That's really not true. When your eldest brother was looking for a partner, I wasn't ready to be a mother-in-law. I was also confused. It was all done by your grandma and others. As for your second sister-in-law, she has experience, so there is nothing to be nervous about. "Wang Aifen said with a smile.

 “Then who are you this time?”

"It's different this time. He's a college student. That's what I'm nervous about. I definitely can't talk too much, otherwise I'll look like my mother-in-law is inexperienced. Besides, it's not easy for your third brother to find a college student. He's still your classmate, what's his character? You all know that there is no need to ask anymore." Wang Aifen is nervous about this matter.

“What are you going to do after the third child gets married?” Yang Xiaocao listened curiously.

"In the future, my family will live in the mountains, and they will live separately anyway. When my mother-in-law is needed, I will be there, and when I am not needed, I will not be with the young couple. Young people have their own careers, and maybe they want to live outside in the future. Well, this is a matter of uncertainty, let’s wait until the time comes to consider it.” Wang Aifen was more open-minded.

 This does make some sense. After this interview, the process of things later accelerated. Anyway, when the school students started to enter the school, Shen Heng's wedding date was set.

She didn't have time to go through the engagement and wedding this time. The school was busy, so she, the nominal principal, would definitely have to watch. After all, this was the first time to enroll students.

“Mr. Shen, we’re recruiting students now. I’m a little uncomfortable with it. Do you think we can teach people at our level?” The students who used to study alchemy with Shen Yun now looked a little nervous as the students walked slowly inside.

"Don't worry, the first semester is all about teaching basic things. Besides, don't you still have courses in the future? We will teach while learning. The master will lead you to practice. Practice is personal. After that, you will learn some elixirs. "You guys have to figure out how to make alchemy on your own," Chen Yun said soothingly.

Thinking about what Shen Yun taught them later, this is indeed the case.

The academic system of their school lasts for three years. It teaches some basic knowledge and some later knowledge. There is a library in the school. This library is different from the libraries of other schools. Certain conditions are required to enter. The specific conditions are still being discussed. , because there are not many books in the library for the time being.

Shen Yun doesn't have to worry about students attending classes. He just has to be busy in the first few days of registration. Other things have been decided before the start of school. Besides, there are several other principals.

Shen Yun thought he would be very busy, but he found that the whole school seemed to have nothing to do, so he could only go to the other four principals.

Although only two of them are cultivators, they all have experience in serving in universities.

“Teachers, is there anything you need me to do?” Shen Yun looked at the four people working together and walked over and asked.

"Teacher Shen, we are counting on you for many important things. We have no experience in the things you mentioned to us. You are the only one who has experience. This is all up to you. A library as big as ours is still empty. Your Things are much more important than ours, so hurry up and get busy with that matter. We can decide the small things here." The few of them have been getting along for more than a year, and they all know who each other is. He looked at Shen Yun. He came here to look for work and sent Shen Yun away directly.

Chen Yun looked at the two ordinary people who were sweating profusely from exhaustion here, "Okay, then I won't cause any trouble for you. I'll leave the affairs here to you. I'll set up a formation for you." Just left."

After Shen Yun finished speaking, he took action. In a short while, a simple temperature control formation was set up. This formation has been set up by his uncle and others at home. It is still a new formation that Shen Yun came up with. It is simple and practical, and it is not used yet. How much effort it takes.

"That's great, Teacher Shen. Your formation is really practical. I suggest you summarize these practical formations and write a book. This library will gradually become richer, right? ." One of the experienced suggestions was Shen Yundao.

Shen Yun thought, this is really a method, but this method can not only be used on himself, so many people in the school can be widely solicited, and even solicited from the society. The creativity of the people is still inestimable.

Shen Yun didn't leave immediately. He sat down and discussed with several seniors. After all the regulations were written, Shen Yun left with a smile.

It is impractical to fill an entire library by one person. It is much faster to mobilize the power of the masses.

 (End of this chapter)

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