The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 81: If I take action, I don’t dare to think about what will happen next.

Chapter 81 If I take action, I can’t guarantee what will happen next.

 After listening to Lao Hei's words, Shen Yun finally confirmed his guess, but he didn't expect that the evil weapon turned out to be a dagger.

“Tell you everything you know about what he has done.” Shen Yun asked calmly.

“I don’t know anything else. He is just an ordinary worker. He has never asked me to do anything before. This time he said he would help him do this and he would persuade Xiuxiu to recognize me.

I didn’t expect that I would contract a strange disease this time. "Old Hei gasped.

"You don't think that you contracted this disease by accident, do you? Didn't he reveal to you what was buried in the ground?" Shen Yun couldn't help but look at Lao Hei, who thought he had a strange disease. Said something.

"You mean my illness was not an accident, it was planned by him." Lao Hei murmured. "No wonder, he said he would persuade Xiuxiu, but he had already been careful to tell me to die. No wonder, I thought he had let go of what happened decades ago, but I didn't expect him to be waiting here. What should I do with my Xiuxiu? manage."

Shen Yun watched as the death energy in his body suddenly surged. Before he could take action, he saw Lao Hei sliding down from the chair.

Shen Yun didn't expect that he died so suddenly. He disappeared as he spoke. Looking at the person lying on the ground, although he was well prepared, he was still stunned for a moment.

 He waved his hand and used his magic power to drag the person directly to the bed in the room.

Seeing the strong Yin energy rushing into his body, Shen Yun directly placed an exorcism talisman on his body.

Use the metal spell Thunder and Light you just learned to emit small thunder and lightning. When the surrounding Yin energy encounters thunder and lightning, it meets its nemesis. It quickly dissipates in the air, giving off a putrid smell.

It wasn't until the Yin Qi in the air was exhausted that Shen Yun put away his spiritual power. He then looked at Lao Hei who had the exorcism charm attached to him. He had only been dead for more than ten minutes and his whole body was stiff. This was obviously due to being The Yin Qi eroded him so much that he looked like a corpse.

Shen Yun thought about how the Yin Qi had just disappeared, and instead of using the lightning technique directly, he took out the net that trapped the snake in the Mountains and Rivers State Map, and directly trapped the person on the bed.

 Leaving a spiritual mark, he closed the door and went out to find someone.

No one was found at the headquarters. When Shen Yun pushed the wheelchair to bring Yan Han over, the person who was originally dead in the room was groaning on the bed and struggling to escape from the net.

 The whole person no longer looks human, with sunken cheeks and white pupils, and only mechanical twists.

To be honest, the impact was quite big, even Shen Yun was shocked.

"I told you when I came here that this person died from the erosion of Yin Qi. You can give me a personal testimony. Look at the corpse now. Prove that what I said is the truth." Shen Yun looked aside. The speechless Yanhan said.

She didn't want to wake him up from bed in the middle of the night, but who asked him to live next door to her house.

Although he can destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces, it will be unclear at that time. Shen Yun doesn't mind letting Yan Han see the current scene.

“Sister, don’t get so close, go out first.” Yan Han did not speak, but looked at Yan Qing, whose face was almost touching the face of the man on the bed.

"What are you going out for? It's not like I haven't seen him before." Yan Qing waved her hand.

Shen Yun also found out on the way here that this sister who turned out to be Captain Yan was not the one he thought he was going to be with. Thinking about it later, it was probably quite rare for someone like Captain Yan to have a cold face all day long and find a partner.

However, Captain Yan's sister is a girl who is more courageous than himself, and Shen Yun only knows that now.

"Comrade Yan Qing, please pay attention to the situation. It is our office hours now, and it is not your turn as a logistics worker to come forward yet. Please step back outside immediately." Yan Han said to Yan Qing seriously. Yan Qing rolled her eyes at Yanhan and took a few steps back.

"This is the situation. If this matter is not under the control of our department, then I will call the police." Shen Yun said, looking at Yan Han aside.

“It’s under our control, but it’s not good in this state.” Yan Han frowned as he looked at the twitching body on the bed.

"If I take action, I can't guarantee what will happen next." Shen Yun thought about the power of the Sky Thunder Talisman. It would be easy to deal with Mao Zheng, let alone the little monster in front of him who had just transformed into a corpse. After one talisman was removed, there was only a little bit of dust left, so the lightning technique he had just learned could do less damage and still leave a whole corpse.

 “Let’s take action, I’m watching.” Yan Han thought for a moment and made a decision immediately.

 Shen Yun immediately started to act. A small string of electricity went down, and the person lying on the bed was immediately scorched black.

But fortunately, it was not as serious as Shen Yun expected.

By the time Shen Yun put away his small network, colleagues from the special department outside also arrived.

"Captain Yan, since I have nothing to do, I will go back first. I have classes tomorrow." Shen Yun is only a part-time employee now and does not need to participate in many things.

Yanhan nodded.

Shen Yun went out and rode towards home without looking back. It was already midnight and the road was very clear. There was no one around. Shen Yun drove as fast as possible and arrived home in ten minutes.

 After simply washing up, Shen Yun entered the space directly.

What she saw today about Xue Yi stimulated her a lot. She thought that when she met the person who harmed her in her previous life, she would at least have to wait until her spiritual energy recovered. However, she was still naive and forgot that some people may not become bad all at once. But it was broken from the beginning. Now that spiritual energy has appeared, I should have thought that when the spiritual energy was generated, some dirty things secretly would begin to emerge.

 Shen Yun sat silently on the Shen Yang Tree to calm down his fluctuating mood. Only when he truly calmed down did he start practicing.

 Time is getting tighter. Without knowing how powerful the enemy is, Shen Yun can only work hard to improve his abilities.

  Anyway, this grudge must be resolved in this life, otherwise it will be a knot in my heart for the rest of my life.

 When he went out the next day, Shen Yun had returned to his previous look.

 The person next door hasn't come back yet, and Shen Yun doesn't care. She has one day of classes to study today.

However, Shen Yun, who was originally planning to study step by step, now pays attention to graduating early. Going to class every day is too much of a delay in his practice. He also plans to travel around to practice and see if he can find opportunities elsewhere. After all, there are so many places in his own space. The big lotus that gradually grew bigger, and the writing brush in the sea of ​​consciousness were all obtained by chance.

 Going out to practice more, not only can you improve your combat effectiveness, but you may also be able to meet some people from the institute in your previous life in advance. It would be even better if you could know where the institute is in advance.

Shen Yun made up his mind and decided to consult the teacher after class today.

 (End of this chapter)

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