Chapter 82 If you have something to say, say it well

"You said you wanted to apply for early graduation." The counselor frowned and looked at Shen Yun in front of him, "Does your family have any difficulties? You are only your sophomore year, and you applied for early graduation. You haven't taken many professional courses. , If you go out to work like this, no one will dare to hire you.”

“Teacher, it’s not that I have any difficulties at home, it’s just that I have already taken the professional courses for my junior and senior years, so I want to apply for early graduation so that I can have time to do other things.” Shen Yun explained carefully.

“I’ve studied on my own, so I’ll test you.” When the counselor heard what Shen Yun said, he immediately started to give questions.

As his professional knowledge became more and more profound, Shen Yun didn't stutter at all. As soon as he finished his question, Shen Yun answered it immediately, even better than he thought. The counselor nodded secretly.

"Okay, I believe you have studied on your own, but the school has strict rules for graduating early. You must take enough credits, and if you want to graduate early, you must prepare your graduation thesis in advance." The counselor just reacted violently, out of worry Shen Yun made this decision rashly because of family reasons. Seeing that she was well prepared, he did not persuade her anymore.

After all, life is so long, and he does not agree with people wasting time on the knowledge they have already learned. If you have this time, you can learn other things.

"Okay, there's no problem with this." Shen Yun nodded to express his understanding.

The counselor directly made a form for Shen Yun and asked her to fill it out, and then explained to Shen Yun the specific methods of applying for early graduation.

 Shen Yun filled out the form and carefully wrote down how to graduate early.

Then he left the office. A few weeks had passed this semester, and it was too late to choose some courses. Shen Yun decided to start preparing for the thesis first, and then select all the courses to be taken next semester, earn enough credits, and Apply directly for graduation in the second semester of your sophomore year.

After making the decision, Shen Yun began to struggle. In addition, Shen Yun did not let go of Xue Yi's matter. He also reported this matter to Yan Han so that he could use the manpower of the special department to investigate Xue Yi. Shen Yun is now Even if you want to investigate in person, you have too many resources.

She had other things to do. That Liu Qingsong was originally going to be dealt with after a while, but she didn't know that within a few days, this person would send someone to her door.

  Shen Yun looked at the three burly men who had blocked him in a dead end, and placed his bicycle against the wall.

 He ​​moved his wrists and ankles, and went straight to meet the three people. They had already attracted them. If he didn't give them a beating, could he have invited them over for dinner?

"Who asked you to come here?" Shen Yun asked the bald leader who was stepped on by him.

"Sister, if you have something to say, let's talk it over. We don't want to do anything. We just invite you to be our guests. How about you let our boss go first?" The two people behind saw Shen Yun knocking the boss to the ground in two seconds. He took two steps back and put on a defensive posture. The boss only said to invite a little girl over. He didn't say that this little girl was so powerful. He should have called a few more brothers over. The three of them were not here as a gift. Food?

"I'm asking who asked you to come here, don't talk nonsense." Shen Yun moved his feet slightly, and the people in the underground immediately screamed like killing pigs. They were very cooperative, and this sound frightened the two people outside. arrive.

 Several people looked at each other, as if the boss didn't explain who he was when he came.

“It’s Boss Liu from Jingshi Communications.” said the two people standing opposite.

 “Liu Qingsong?”

"Yes, yes, yes, he asked us to invite you over." At this time, they did not dare to say that he wanted them to take the person back no matter what.

Shen Yun glanced at a few people, then thought about Wang Meilan's attitude, and decided to go there. "Get up and take me to find Liu Qingsong." Shen Yun raised his feet and looked at several people and said.

The three of them didn't expect Shen Yun to be invited so easily. Isn't it a big loss that they followed secretly for a long time and the boss got beaten up.

The two people over there saw Shen Yun lift his feet and immediately came over to help the man on the ground.

"Please come with us." The few people didn't waste any time, turned around and walked quickly outside, as if there was a ferocious beast following behind them.

The place where he met Liu Qingsong this time was not in the quadrangle last time, but in a small quadrangle. Before Shen Yun entered, he could feel the aura marks left by himself, as well as the mixed auras of many people.

“What kind of dragon gate formation is this to welcome me?” Shen Yun stood at the door and sneered.

“You are joking, there is no Longmen Formation, just a few workers, you don’t need to take it seriously.” The three people next to them said quickly.

Then he quickly walked over and opened the door, and then shouted, "Boss, we have invited the person back."

“Bring her in quickly, what are you shouting at the door?” Liu Qingsong pounded the table excitedly inside, and finally got the little girl over. If he didn’t vent his anger today, all his years in the capital would have been in vain.

"Our boss asked you to come in." The boy who opened the door paused and immediately changed his words when he heard what was said inside.

Shen Yun stepped over the steps and stepped in. As for the door that was closed behind him, Shen Yun didn't care. It was better to close the door for easier operation.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu Qingsong sitting in the main hall, with one hand on his neck and the other on the table. His eyes looked at him as if he was about to burst into flames.

There were more than a dozen people standing in the yard and a few in the room. They were smarter and didn't want to come alone to see him last time.

"I wonder why Boss Liu called me here today? Boss Liu has a lot of assets. He was released after being imprisoned for just a few days for being a gangster. With such a powerful background, he still held on to a little girl like me. It's a bit pricey. ." When Chen Yun entered the room, he didn't care about the people in the room and directly found a stool to sit down.

Liu Qingsong heard Shen Yun say this, looked at Shen Yun's actions, and thought about the humiliation of the past few days, and his teeth immediately itched with hatred.

"Who asked you to sit down? Little girl, I gave you face. You dared to mention what happened last time. I didn't let you see how powerful I am. You don't know how scared you are, and you still dare to sit down. It seems that the Ji family has no Deliver the message properly." Liu Qingsong looked ferocious, not looking like a big boss at all.

"Ji family, it seems that you are behind on the news. The Ji family doesn't like me very much now. After all, I have occupied their daughter's identity for more than ten years. Tell me, if it were you, would you see your daughter living in the countryside for more than ten years? In these hard days, can you please see me?

And you don’t know, Ji Shen has gone to my school to make trouble several times, but he just doesn’t want me to go to school, and this is the end of the relationship.

 Besides, why do you think the Ji family would be kind enough to introduce me to you? Boss Liu’s family property is something everyone is jealous of. "Chen Yun said slowly, feeling satisfied when he saw Liu Qingsong's increasingly ugly face opposite him.

 (End of this chapter)

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