The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 85: I know your family is rich, thank you for taking care of me

Chapter 85: I know your family is rich, thank you for taking care of me

"I still have some of this stuff, but I can't guarantee that Peach Blossom Cream will be effective on scars. Maybe the scars on your face are caused by other reasons." Although Peach Blossom Cream is very effective, few people use it. Whether the scars have any effect has not been verified on other people, and Shen Yun cannot guarantee it.

"My aunt has tried many methods over the years, but nothing works. We are also worried about it. My cousin is only a teenager. She was burned at the same age as Hua. It's still on her face. Now she doesn't want to go out every day. I went out and my school work was delayed. I just wanted to give it a try, but I was really embarrassed, so I asked you to come here.

If you have any, please be gentle with me. If you have any hope, we can't just watch my cousin go on like this. Don't worry, I won't give you anything for free. I'll give you the money. "Hu Yan knows Chen Yun's concerns. After all, no one can guarantee the effectiveness of this product. However, she has tried all kinds of medicines in the past few years and has been deceived many times. This time she used Peach Blossom Cream and it was effective. I’ll give it a try. If it works, my aunt’s family won’t have to worry about this matter all day long and cause lots of conflicts at home.

"We talk about money. I'll get some for you. You can try it." The two of them had been together for a year, and their friendship was very good. They both said that Shen Yun would be rude if he didn't give him any more.

"Hey, if you don't want the money, I'm really embarrassed to ask for it. If this is for myself, then if you give it to me, I'll take it. Now it's for my cousin. If you don't want the money, then I'm really embarrassed to ask for it. Yes." Hu Yan quickly took Shen Yun's hand and said.

"Okay, let's get the things first, and you can give me the money." Shen Yun really didn't know how to collect the money, so he could only pass this problem to Hu Yan.

Shen Yun turned around and entered the house first. She recently thought about going home, so she made some peach blossom frost, but it was still in the space. This time, she entered the house first and took out a jar directly from the space. Comes in an ordinary face cream jar.

 A large bottle full. This time I used some ordinary medicinal materials in the space. However, Shen Yun added some spiritual spring water when refining it, so the effect is no problem.

“I just made this bottle, you try it.” Shen Yun opened it directly and showed it to Hu Yan.

“It still tastes the same as before.” Hu Yan looked at the full jar, her eyes were shining, and she wanted to try it, but she controlled her hand that was about to move.

If her cousin really needed it, she would have bought it and used it herself. The effect of this product was so good that she used it for about two weeks after the start of school. She felt that her skin quality was very good in the first half of the semester, and she continued to use it in the second half of the semester. It's a dry and cold day, which makes my skin look worse.

But considering that the peach blossom cream that Shen Yun said was made from a lot of Chinese herbal medicine, it should be difficult. She didn't dare to ask for it this semester. After all, some medicinal materials are really expensive. Shen Yun's current family The conditions are not good and she cannot spend any money.

 It is helpless to speak now.

“Okay, here you go, take it back and see the effect. If it’s still ok, it’s considered a meritorious deed.” Shen Yun covered the jar and stuffed it directly into Hu Yan’s arms.

"Thank you. If my cousin can be well, you will be her reborn parent." Hu Yan took the bottle and said gratefully, then put the money in Shen Yu's hand directly and ran away.

"That's it. I won't give it to you if it's more, and I won't be able to use it if it's less." He said as he walked away.

Shen Yun looked at the five brand-new hundred-yuan bills in his hand, and grabbed Hu Yan's back collar, "Why are you running away? I won't pay for anything if it falls."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't want it?" Hu Yan originally wanted to give the money and run away, which would save the two people from pushing back and forth.

Who would have known that after running two steps, Shen Yun was grabbed by Shen Yun from behind. When did Shen Yun become so powerful?

"Why don't you want it? I know your family is rich. Thank you for taking care of me. I won't be polite." Shen Yun shook the money in his hand and said with a smile.

Hu Yan also smiled and said, "I want to take care of you, but you don't have much. Thank you. When my cousin is well, I will bring her over to show you. I won't waste your time. I have to hurry up. Back to review.”

Looking at Hu Yan walking happily outside, Chen Yun couldn't help but smile. He put the money into his pocket.

Thinking about preparing something in his own space for the female elders of the family, Shen Yun decided to take some time to go to the post office. Since he was not back, he should mail the things back first.

This semester Shen Yun still took courses as normal, so he finished the exam in a few days.

 On the night after the exam, Xu Lei put the train ticket into Shen Yun's hand.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Shen Yun looked at the time on the ticket. It was for midnight today.

“I’m very anxious. The situation over there is very special. The boss has already passed by in advance and asked me to transfer this vote to you.

 If you're okay, let's get ready and set off. "

Shen Yun was still thinking about why the severe cold next door didn't come back these days. It turned out that he was no longer in the capital for a long time.

"Okay, wait while I pack my things." Shen Yun didn't hesitate. Anyway, the test was over, there was no homework, and there was no need to get the transcript.

  Simply packed a few clothes, picked up a small bag and set off.

It took three days to get there all the way. I took the train, transferred to the car, and walked for half a day to get there.

 When Shen Yun arrived at the camp, there were not only people from special departments, but also a well-disciplined team in the entire camp.

"Why are there people from the army here?" Shen Yun asked Xu Lei, who was accompanying him here.

"The military department first understood the situation here and then notified us. We are working together." Xu Lei explained what happened, and then told Shen Yun about the situation here.

The situation in the snow area is not that complicated. It is an uninhabited land on the plateau. Someone enters a certain place and when they come out, they say they found a huge monster there.

The local garrison didn't find anything when they went in, but someone later reported seeing the same thing.

The garrison conducted a second investigation. At this time, an investigation team entered the place by mistake. Not only did they see the monster, but several people were injured, which attracted everyone's attention.

These people described that they felt like they suddenly entered an isolated place, saw some strange things inside, and finally came out suddenly for no apparent reason.

Moreover, these people have been in for five days. Everyone speculates that there may be a time limit to enter this place. Now they come here just to find the entrance and go in to see what is going on inside. After all, this thing is unstable in China. Factors, the country does not allow any unstable factors that threaten national security.

 (End of this chapter)

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