Chapter 86 Suspected Secret Realm

Shen Yun listened to Xu Lei's description, and it felt a bit like the secret realm in novels and records left in fairy mansions.

 It is usually thought that this kind of secret realm may be left over from ancient times, or it may exist in the cracks of space. Without exception, there is something in it, either good or bad.

Like those people said, monsters, plants and so on.

However, it seems that the exit of this secret realm has not been fixed yet, or it is covered up by something.

They came here mainly to find the entrance to the secret realm to prevent people who came to explore the uninhabited land from entering by mistake.

"Is there any progress here now?" Shen Yun was not in a hurry to enter the camp and asked Xu Lei while standing outside.

"I don't know for sure in the past two days, but before I came here, it was determined that the entrance was covered by a formation, so it appeared in different places from time to time. I don't know if I have determined what the formation is in the past two days. , can you solve this matter?" Xu Lei said carefully.

“Okay, let’s go in and ask Captain Yan about the progress.” Shen Yun walked towards the inside.

 When you are blocked at the door, you can just show your ID and then you can enter the yard.

"Captain Yan, you said you have to wait. What are you waiting for? Aren't you sure that the exit is covered by the trap? Then let your people solve it quickly. Isn't that what you do? Our investigation team hasn't yet No matter whether they are dead or alive, they are all the treasures of the team, so hurry up." Just as Chen Yun and Xu Lei stood at the door, they saw a middle-aged man banging the table against Yan Han.

This is a rare phenomenon, after all, the severe cold used to scare people away with a cold face.

Shen Yun immediately admired someone who could compete with Yan Han.

"Captain Shen, I know you're anxious, and I'm anxious too, but just because we discovered this formation doesn't mean that the people we are here can solve it. Don't be anxious, I've already called someone over." Yan Han said helplessly, this Captain Shen comes here more than a dozen times a day, how can he not be anxious?

“Captain, we are here.” At this time, Shen Yun and the others knocked on the door at the right time.

"Is this the person you want to invite? Two at a time. Are these two children reliable?" Before Yan Han could speak, the person who was banging the table with him over there looked over.

"Don't worry, even if these two are unreliable, there are others in our department who will definitely handle this matter." Yan Han saw Shen Yun and the others coming over and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

“Okay, come on, young man, hurry up and take a look at this formation. You must break it. There are several of your colleagues here.”

Shen Yun stood nearby and saw Xu Lei being pulled over.

"Captain Shen, you are mistaken. I am Xu Lei, and Shen Yun is the person Captain Yan is waiting for."

After Yan Han and Xu Lei's explanation, Shen Xincheng discovered that Shen Yun was quite powerful. He looked at Shen Yun doubtfully. Even though she was a very good-looking girl, there was nothing special about her.

“Little girl, come here quickly and take a look at this picture.” Shen Xincheng urged.

Shen Yun didn't hesitate and walked directly towards the desk over there.

The picture is indeed a trapping formation, but according to what is drawn on the picture, it is a very low-level formation. So many people went to search it every day and broke the formation.

 Looking at the expressions of the two people in front of them, they don't look like they have solved the problem, so it may not be a simple trap.

“Look at this drawing, there is a trap, but if you went there to search every day, the trap would have been broken long ago.

 It seems that it is not that simple now, so I will go over and take a look at it on site. "Chen Yun said to the few people in front of him.

"Okay, it's late today. Let's go there and take a look tomorrow morning." Shen Xincheng made a decision immediately.

 Looking at Shen Yun, his face looked much better.

 After being depressed for so many days, I finally see some hope. How can I be unhappy?

 That night, Shen Yun was assigned to a small single-room dormitory. As soon as I settled in, I was called out for a meeting by the severe cold.

 Not just her, but the entire special department here.

 Six people in total.

In addition to Shen Yun and Xu Lei Yanhan, there is another person who knows Li Ming. I heard from Xu Lei that this was his first mission after recovering from his injury.

 Shen Yun nodded towards him silently.

Another tall and strong man is Zhuo Yu, who is very good at martial arts.

The other person looks like he is dressed and dressed, and he should be a person who is proficient in Taoism.

This was the first time we met, and Shen Yun also said hello politely.

Zhuo Yu was not a serious person, so he smiled and greeted Shen Yun.

Another little Taoist priest, Wang Jing, was very cold. He just glanced at Shen Yun's greeting. Shen Yun didn't know whether this person was targeting him or whether he had always been so rude. Anyway, she didn't put her hot face on her cold butt. habit.

 Seeing the other party's attitude, she stopped smiling and sat aside waiting for the meeting to start.

 After a while, Yan Han sorted out what he wanted to say.

“Everyone, there is still a tough battle to be fought, and I hope everyone will keep their spirits up. We will also go into the danger zone tomorrow morning. Once again, we will determine what is causing this phenomenon.

"Boss, I think it was the trapping formation that caused people to be trapped inside, and then the phantom formation was superimposed, so everyone said they encountered monsters." Wang Jing was a little unhappy when he heard that he had to go to Danger again. He was obviously The reason has been determined, why doesn't the boss believe it?

“Then you also said that these two formations will only trap people inside, and nothing will hurt them.

 The current fact is that the missing person disappears for five days and then reappears, and some people are injured. Yan Han asked.

"This might be just an accident." There were some things that Wang Jing couldn't figure out himself.

“That’s it, no one is sure whether there will be casualties next, so we can’t be careless about this matter at all. The responsibility of our special department is to figure out these things.

So Xu Lei will stay on standby tomorrow morning and the others will enter the danger zone together. Is there any problem? Yan Han looked around at the people next to him and asked loudly.

 “No problem.” Everyone answered together.

  "Okay, let's end the meeting and go to bed early. Get up early tomorrow." Yan Han waved his hand, got up, took his things and went out.

Shen Yun took the information in his hand and walked towards his dormitory.

 The records in the information are more detailed than what you will see when you first arrive.

 In fact, according to the records in several pictures, what Wang Jing just said is not wrong. The photos show clearly that there is indeed a small trap formed by the earth in this place.

As for the phantom formation, you can’t see it from the picture anyway. I don’t know how it will go if I watch it live tomorrow.

Shen Yun thought for a while and lay down to rest. One semester was enough for her to memorize the entire talisman book. Even if she couldn't draw the talismans and set up formations, she would still have no problem recognizing them after seeing them.

Happily welcome the Year of the Rabbit, a year in which everything goes well and is safe, a year in which you feel happy and contented, a year in which dreams come true and you make money, a year in which your career is brilliant and successful, and I wish you all a good year every year!



 (End of this chapter)

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