At this moment, Dumbledore gently waved the old wand, and the seven Horcruxes on the ground all floated up.

Many of these seven Horcruxes have high historical value, and even Dumbledore is unwilling to damage them easily.

Therefore, at this moment, Dumbledore can only use a more troublesome method to directly isolate the soul fragments in the Horcruxes.

However, with the experience of operating on Harry Potter before, it became easier to deal with this problem.

Under Dumbledore's control, the seven Horcruxes formed a hexagram, six Horcruxes at the six corners, and another in the center, and then the hexagram slowly permeated with black mist.

These mists condensed together and slowly formed a human figure.

"Long time no see, Tom!"

Looking at the gradually emerging black fog man, all the professors looked solemn, even Dumbledore, who said this with a gentle face, looked solemn at this moment.

However, there was still a trace of sadness in Dumbledore's eyes. After all, in a sense, Voldemort was definitely Dumbledore's best student.

After hearing Dumbledore's words, the figure made of black mist trembled violently, and then all the mist exploded instantly, and wisps of mist continued to flee outward.

But the next second, Dumbledore directly stabbed the ground with the old magic wand, and in an instant, a light shield rose up, which directly enveloped all the mist.

Although the light shield continued to tremble under the impact of the mist, Voldemort could not cross the light shield.

At the same time, Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, Professor Sprout and others took out their wands at the same time.

They chanted the spell, and a layer of light slowly appeared on all the students. Even with Dumbledore's protection, all professors still put the safety of the students first.

After all, no one knew whether Voldemort would use any special black magic to hurt those students from a distance.

They still remember the miserable situation of Professor Quirrell, and they don't want these little guys in Hogwarts to grow a face on the back of their heads.

The black mist shuttled back and forth in Dumbledore's light for a long time, and finally there was no way out, so all the mists reunited.

Then a figure without a nose appeared in front of everyone. Looking at the students and professors who were staring at him, Voldemort knew that he could no longer escape easily, let alone hide his body.

At this moment, he was just a soul floating in the air. Looking at the light shield that wrapped him tightly, he slowly calmed down.

As one of the most famous dark lords in the world, Voldemort is definitely one of the most powerful beings in the magic world. Even later, for the sake of eternal life, he kept splitting his soul and turned himself into a complete madman.

But when he really faced a desperate situation, he still showed his strongest dark lord's means.

Looking around Dumbledore and the professors of Hogwarts, he felt an unprecedented sense of threat from these people.

Once, although Voldemort could not defeat Dumbledore and many professors, he was sure that he could escape from the siege of these people, but now he felt that these people in front of him seemed to have become more powerful, and the possibility of his escape was not great!

The most important thing is that he has seen the Horcruxes under him.

The Horcruxes that he made to escape death were now collected together and placed on the ground, just like a pile of garbage, which made Voldemort feel unprecedented anger in addition to fear.


Voldemort gritted his teeth and shouted, he was sure that all this was definitely Dumbledore's doing!

Facing Voldemort who was full of anger and murderous intent, Dumbledore sighed deeply, and he whispered: "Tom, you are wrong..."

Dumbledore hadn't finished his words yet, and Voldemort, who was trapped in the light shield by him, suddenly moved.

There was a sneer on his face, and the black mist that made up his body was constantly disappearing as if it was burned by some kind of power.

Voldemort is indeed the Dark Lord who has gone the furthest in the soul realm. Perhaps he is not as good as Grindelwald in various dark magics and control over people's hearts, but his control over the soul has definitely reached a certain limit.

Even though he is only composed of soul fragments at this moment, he still has extremely strong combat power in a short period of time by burning his own soul.

The protective shield that could trap the black fog before was pierced by Voldemort in an instant.

Then he rushed directly to the gate of Hogwarts. Even if he temporarily had extremely strong combat power, Voldemort still had no confidence that he could fight against Dumbledore and so many professors.

It must be said that the timing chosen by Voldemort was indeed very appropriate. Originally, Dumbledore habitually wanted to express his disappointment and condemn Voldemort at the same time, but he did not expect that he would directly attack the rules of the rivers and lakes!

More importantly, even Dumbledore did not expect that Voldemort, who was already in the state of a residual soul, could burst out with such a powerful force.

Just as Voldemort was about to break away from everyone's control and escape from Hogwarts, the next second, Voldemort found himself lost in Hogwarts.

Just as he was about to reach the gate of Hogwarts and the free world was in front of him, he found himself getting farther and farther away from the gate.

He immediately changed direction and wanted to fly out of the gate again, but the space around Voldemort seemed to have lost its meaning at this moment. No matter where he flew, he could only get further away from the gate.

Gritting his teeth, Voldemort knew that he could not escape. He did not surrender. Instead, he burned his soul more quickly and turned around to fight with Dumbledore.

It must be said that Voldemort was indeed strong enough. With the powerful power brought by the burning soul, he actually fought with Dumbledore at his peak.

The other professors faced two people fighting back and forth, and they were a little helpless for a while. They could only keep walking around and cast a curse on Voldemort whenever they had the chance, hoping to distract Voldemort's energy so that Dumbledore could seize the opportunity.

As for the other professors, most of their energy was focused on protecting the students. Although they had a promise from Tongtian, they believed that the students would not be harmed, but their duties as teachers made them unable to let go of the students.

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