Tongtian's words were simply fooling fools, but the people present did not react much.

After all, no matter whether the current Grindelwald is the former Grindelwald or not, everyone knows that their headmaster Dumbledore is Grindelwald's nemesis.

The previous Grindelwald was dealt with by the headmaster. Now if he really has any unusual movements, Dumbledore must be sure to solve it!

However, at this moment, Dumbledore had some sighs on his face, and then he avoided Grindelwald's affectionate eyes and turned to look at Tongtian.

"Professor Tongtian, although if you resign, you do have the power to recommend the next professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I don't think Grindelwald is suitable to be a teacher in the school!"

Tongtian smiled and didn't say anything. He just looked at Grindelwald and indicated that he would solve it himself.

After all, Tongtian has passed on all the teachings of the God of Heaven to Grindelwald. Although he will stay in this world for a while, he has no time to help Grindelwald preach.

And the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was also requested by Grindelwald himself. In this case, all kinds of troubles need to be solved by himself.

After all, Grindelwald is the first generation Dark Lord, so I believe he should have this confidence.

Sure enough, under the gaze of Tongtian, Grindelwald slowly floated up.

His demeanor was still arrogant, his eyes were still calm, and his voice was still full of temptation.

He lowered his head and looked around, then said directly: "Just now Professor Tongtian said that I am not the former Grindelwald. I admit this, but everyone should understand that although I am not the former Grindelwald, I am still the first generation Dark Lord!"

Hearing Grindelwald's self-exposure, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what the old man in front of them was going to say.

"But what do you think the Dark Lord is like?!"

"Does he kill people without reason like Voldemort? Or does he have strong power?!"

"No, I think calling Voldemort the Dark Lord is a complete insult to the Dark Lord. He is simply a fool and a madman. If possible, I hope to expel him from the Dark Lord's team!"

"And I am the true model of the Dark Lord. After all, only those who stand against the vast majority of people and want to completely change the order of society can be called the Dark Lord!"

When hearing this, some students with quick brain reactions had their eyes lit up.

Although no one knows Grindelwald, Grindelwald's deeds are widely circulated in this world.

From a certain point of view, although Grindelwald has brought a lot of pain to the world, unlike Voldemort who always causes unprovoked killings, Grindelwald has his own set of theories and has been practicing these theories with his actions.

Regardless of whether the action is successful or not, this kind of person is always very attractive, and there will even be a group of die-hard fans.

This can be seen from the fact that people still wanted to save Grindelwald decades after he imprisoned himself.

And how many Death Eaters can continue to be loyal to Voldemort, who is also known as the Dark Lord, after he got into trouble?

Grindelwald's ideas may have been inappropriate in the past, and may even directly intensify the conflict between the magic world and the non-magic world.

But at this moment, all the students of Hogwarts have seen that desperate future. If there is no major change, such a future is in front of them. If they want to change the future, perhaps people like Grindelwald are more likely!

Sure enough, Grindelwald looked around and continued, "Our world has always been in a state of division, with the magic world and the non-magic world, different countries, races, etc. This division has maintained the balance of the world in a sense!"

"But now, the balance between different countries, races, and even the magic and non-magic world has been broken, especially the power of the non-magic world is developing rapidly!"

"You should have seen the future presented to you by Professor Tongtian. As time goes by, one day, humans in the non-magic world will break the barriers of the magic world, which will bring countless turmoil and destruction. I had foreseen this seventy years ago and took action for it. Unfortunately, you saw the result."

Hearing Grindelwald's words, Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a trace of sadness, but the eyes of other students flashed with excitement.

Before, they relied on their passion and enthusiasm in their hearts and believed that they could change their destiny.

But rationally, they didn't know how to operate.

But now, a senior who had been involved in this field seventy years ago has appeared. Such a person is definitely the best mentor candidate in everyone's mind.

"Although I have seen this clearly, I have to say that after decades of development, the non-magical world has formed an overwhelming advantage over the magical world."

"At this moment, they have not taken action against us, just because they have not really realized the magical world, and do not know how much benefit the resources of the magical world can bring to them, and they have not realized how vulnerable the magical world is."

"However, we cannot pin our hopes of survival on the enemy's neglect. I once hoped to lead the magical world to take the initiative and conquer the non-magical world!"

"I failed, and then I imprisoned myself in the castle. For decades, I have been thinking about a question. Is the war between us and the non-magical world really inevitable?"

"Are we and the Muggles really two races?"

"The appearance of Mr. Tongtian made me re-understand this issue. It is we who divide magic and non-magic into two worlds, and it is we who isolate ourselves from Muggles. We think we are born superior and have the ability to cast spells!"

"It can be said that it is we who divide ourselves and Muggles into two races, forcing them to be enemies with us!"

"But why don't we break the barriers and let us become one world and one race again? At that time, not only will we not be in danger of extinction, but the world will become stronger!"

After hearing Grindelwald's words, some students have already raised questions. They were born in pure-blood families and shouted: "But how can Muggles tolerate us who can cast spells? The jealousy in their hearts will turn into hatred!"

"Yes, the fate shown by Professor Tongtian is also like this!"

Hearing such shouts, Grindelwald smiled and said: "Yes, this is a dead end, but what if we can let Muggles also have the ability to cast spells!?"

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