When the word "god" came out of Grindelwald's mouth, everyone's face was filled with disbelief.

Although wizards have extraordinary power and always mention Merlin's beard, they are actually true atheists.

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald with a worried look and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Grindelwald glanced at Dumbledore and said directly, "I just glimpsed the truth, there is no doubt about that!"

After that, Grindelwald waved his hands directly, and a water mirror appeared in front of all the little wizards in an instant.

This is a church that doesn't look very luxurious. A group of men and women in different clothes and ages are gathered together to pray.

They kept chanting the name of the God of the Heavens, and in front of them there was an altar carved with complicated patterns.

As they chanted, the originally ordinary altar began to flicker with a faint light, and then these lights connected with all the people who prayed sincerely.

Under Grindelwald's control, it can be clearly seen that the light on the altar is like a miracle, directly connecting the souls and bodies of these people with the magic rules.

No, the light on the altar is a miracle.

The glimmering links are like canals, turning the Muggles who were originally isolated from the magic rules into beings connected to the magic rules.

With the connection of the power of rules, various magical scenes burst out in the originally peaceful church.

For a moment, the church was full of flowers, streams, and various lights.

Everyone is familiar with this messy scene in front of them. This is the scene when the young wizards awaken their magic.

Although the magic may not be very powerful, this power directly from the magic rules is extremely mysterious, and it can even allow young wizards to use some extremely powerful spells beyond their level.

For example, when Harry Potter awakened his magic, he once made a piece of glass in the zoo disappear out of thin air. Such a vanishing spell is a top spell, and even ordinary Aurors may not be able to perform it perfectly.

Of course, the magic power that can be released when the magic power is awakened can also reflect the qualifications of the magic awakener from the side.

Although the scene in the church at this moment is very lively, there are not many scenes of advanced magic. It can be said that although these praying people are given the ability to control magic power, their qualifications are definitely as bad as they can be.

If you take a step back, it may be a squib level existence.

But the scene in front of me is still too shocking. After all, compared with the magic world where the population is calculated in thousands and tens of thousands, how many humans are there in the non-magic world.

That is calculated in hundreds of millions and billions. If they all have the ability to cast spells, even if each of them is at the level of the most ordinary first-year Hogwarts students, as long as they are willing, they can gather millions of wizards anytime and anywhere.

At that time, except for Dumbledore and Grindelwald who have already stepped beyond the limit, who else can guarantee that they can survive the attack of millions of levels.

Let alone millions, if you randomly pick a professor from Hogwarts and ask them to fight against hundreds of students, it is estimated that there are not many people who can win except the four deans.

And as long as you have magic power, some spells in the magic world involving expelling Muggles will be completely ineffective, and some magical creatures that are invisible to Muggles will also lose the ability to be permanently invisible.

In a sense, it doesn't need to be so powerful. As long as the non-magic world has a little magic power, the advantage of the entire magic world over the non-magic world will disappear instantly.

In the hall of Hogwarts, all wizards have extremely shocked expressions on their faces. Whether it is Dumbledore or the major professors, or the students who have been completely confused, they have something to say in their hearts.

After all, Grindelwald's idea is really amazing. Give Muggles the ability to cast spells and transform the whole world into a magical world.

The most important thing is that he actually did it.

What kind of existence is the God of the Heavens?

Why can a person without magic talent be transformed into a person with magic talent just by chanting his prayers?

Such power may really only be achieved by gods.

At the same time, some young wizards with poor talents have been recalling the prayers they just heard in their hearts. Since Muggles can cast spells by reciting prayers, then they can obtain more powerful magic talents by reciting these prayers.

"Grindelwald, what do you want to do? If you do this, you may bring disaster to the magic world. Do you want to make the battle of destiny come earlier?!"

Dumbledore showed a rare angry look at this moment. In his opinion, Grindelwald's behavior is simply dancing on the edge of a knife. If he is not careful, he may bring an extremely painful disaster to the magic world.

Grindelwald glanced at Dumbledore, and still showed a disdainful look on his face and said: "Bring disaster to the magic world? I ask you what the magic world is?"

"The magic world you are talking about is those pure-blood families? Is it the various magic schools? Are there different magical creatures? Or the Ministry of Magic of each country?!"

"The existence of the magic world is a symbol of separatism. Can ordinary people no longer be considered a member of the magic world after they have magic power?"

"When everyone in the world has magic talent, then the whole world will be the magic world. At that time, what I bring to the magic world is not a disaster, but real prosperity. I really don't believe that the magic world, with a population of less than one million, can be compared with the billions of people in the world."

"Billions of people with the ability to cast spells, billions of people constantly studying magic, this will be an unprecedented prosperity for the magic world, but you think I am just bringing disaster to the magic world!"

"Just as we said back then, for the greater good, I once thought that the interests of the entire magic world are the greater interests, but now I think the interests of all mankind are the greatest interests."

"You have always been so calm and know how to calculate gains and losses. Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing to damage the interests of millions of people for the benefit of billions of people!"

"What's more, even if it is open, how many wizards' interests can be damaged? On the contrary, when everyone has the ability to cast spells, we will no longer be a minority, but a pioneer!"

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