Obviously, for Anhuruk, if he could transform Behemoth, he could also gain a lot of Abyss consciousness.

So after breaking off a huge tusk of Behemoth, Anhuruk was not in a hurry to kill Behemoth. The countless vines on its body were like sharp syringes that directly penetrated into Behemoth's body.

Then the energy in Behemoth's body was continuously absorbed by Anhuruk, but the energy full of vitality in Behemoth's body might not be in line with Anhuruk's appetite. After absorbing nearly two-thirds of the energy, Anhuruk stopped absorbing energy.

Then countless blood-red energies rushed to Behemoth, and in a blink of an eye, this extremely tough monster screamed miserably, as if being infused with these blood-colored energies was far more painful than him being absorbed.

In a blink of an eye, Behemoth, who could be called the God of the Jungle, began to sprout spikes all over his body, and he was about to be completely transformed into a part of the Abyss.

At this moment, a huge pillar like a mountain suddenly appeared in the depths of the earth.

This pillar was positioned very accurately and hit the core of Anhuruk, which was like a mess of vines.

Anhuruk, who had been trampled by Behemoth without any injury, actually screamed, and then his huge body was pushed out hundreds of meters and hit hard in the Amazon jungle.

Behemoth, who was temporarily rescued, did not have the energy to observe who rescued him. All his energy was concentrated on his body at this moment.

He could feel that under the influence of the blood-colored energy, his body was undergoing uncontrollable changes.

This power that directly changed his life state from the essence made him want to fight back instinctively.

Next, following the pillar that suddenly appeared, a giant beast that was not much smaller than Behemoth suddenly drilled out from the ground.

This giant beast was like a chimpanzee magnified a hundred times. The hideous muscles all over his body looked extremely terrifying, and this fierce momentum continued to linger around this giant beast.

However, despite its terrifying appearance, Behemoth seemed to feel an extremely peaceful aura from this monster, as if he could get great comfort and liberation as long as he approached it.

But looking more closely, it seemed as if there was a sun on this monster, giving people the illusion of being burned.

And on the top of this monster's head, there was a jade bead that was not big but extremely crystal clear.

This monster that suddenly emerged from the ground was naturally the handsome King Kong who entered the underground world to practice.

After eating countless monsters in the underground world and absorbing special energy from the center of the earth, King Kong, under the guidance of the jade bead boss, finally entered the door of the extraordinary.

At this moment, King Kong has achieved success in practicing Buddhist martial arts, and coupled with the Nine Yang Magic Art, which is already known for its grandeur and continuity, this also gives him an aura that makes people feel both peaceful and hot.

"Yes, I finally got out. I didn't expect that the power of the abyss would suddenly be thrown into this world. The way of heaven has changed, and the underground world has been closed."

Boss Yuzhu jumped on the top of King Kong's head. Getting out directly from the center of the earth consumed a lot of King Kong's energy. If it hadn't helped King Kong strengthen the power of the giant stick, I'm afraid it might have been trapped deep underground.

King Kong was also a little frightened at this moment. Standing on the ground, looking at the endless sky and the big sun in the sky, King Kong could no longer suppress his excitement and beat his chest with both hands and howled.

But the next second, King Kong was smashed back to the ground by a huge palm composed of countless vines.

Anhuruk, who had just been knocked out by King Kong with a stick, howled at the place where King Kong was smashed in.

He was hurt by King Kong's blow. His body in a vegetative state took a long time to recover before he could move.

Behemoth, who was still resisting the mutation, was completely dumbfounded. He thought he was saved, but in the blink of an eye, the gorilla that defeated the disgusting mutant monster was smashed back.

Although he knew that he was no match for Anhuruk, Behemoth still howled. He even gave up resisting the mutation of his body. He had mobilized all his strength to give Anhuruk a blow at the last moment.

Although the God of the Jungle was gentle, he was definitely not a timid person. Even if he died, he would give this disgusting mutant a memorable blow.

Anhuruk looked at Behemoth with disdain. Behemoth, who had absorbed nearly 70% of his power, could not cause any harm to him even if he attacked at the cost of his life.

He slowly changed his body, ready to give Behemoth the last blow. As long as he kept his life, the reward of the abyss would not be damaged at all.

At this time, another change occurred. Suddenly, three suns rose from the ground where King Kong was smashed. Each sun emitted an unimaginable high temperature.

Then the sun shuttled and hit Anhuruk directly.

As a plant life, Anhuruk's resistance to fire is basically negative. Even if it is transformed into an abyss life, fire is still one of Anhuruk's weaknesses.

Under the burning of the three suns, he quickly mobilized the power of the abyss in his body to resist, but as a sun cultivated by King Kong, although the realm is not particularly high, the quantity is absolutely outrageous.

No matter how Anhuruk mobilized the power of the abyss, he could not avoid being burned to death in the end.

Until Anhuruk was completely killed, Jin Gang just climbed out of the ground panting. This strong guy was really exhausted at this moment.

"Hurry up and absorb those abyss powers. The gods have specially studied the transformation method. This is a rare extraordinary power in this world!"

The boss Yuzhu on the top of King Kong shouted excitedly. The giant beasts like King Kong are indeed extraordinary, but the consumption of various resources during cultivation is also ridiculous.

Especially King Kong is still a giant beast of the ordinary biological type. He cannot generate energy by himself. The resources and energy consumed by him to enter the extraordinary path are ridiculous.

So for such a long time, Jin Gang has just practiced the Nine Yang Divine Art to the level of three yangs leaving the body. This is ridiculously slow for King Kong who has a plug-in like the boss Yuzhu.

But there is no way. The boss Yuzhu cannot create things out of thin air. All his functions require energy to realize!

And now, with these abyss powers, Boss Yuzhu is able to let King Kong take another step forward!

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