The location of Tailin Clubhouse is across the street from Zhao's Baiyue.

It stands to reason that the two parties can be regarded as a competitive relationship or not.

After all, there is such a long distance.

Everyone’s core business is different. Baiyue is mainly for accommodation and drinking. From the beginning, Tailin has only provided beauty and accommodation. It must be very familiar guests. After all, if you stay, there may be too many unstable factors. .

Zhao Jian was about to step forward and was stopped by Jiang Xiaohu.

"What? Dog, you still want to get down!"

Zhou Lin was very angry, but couldn't drive people!

She is the boss, and doing this will make the club's reputation even worse.

Moreover, this matter has not been clarified, it will give a bad impression to the guests of the club.

But the last incident was clearly Wang Mingyuan's responsibility. She didn't pursue it, but was kind and didn't want to affect Wang Mingyuan's future because of something.

You know, he is a mask pharmacist.

Once something went wrong, he couldn't stay in this industry.

And now, it is obviously the farmer and the snake.

Some people do not deserve sympathy at all.

Jiang Xiaohu said faintly, uncovered the mask in his hand, and personally delivered it to a young woman. This was what the guest had just requested, and it was also Zhou Lin's request.

The young woman almost ran away!

This disfigurement mask, you dare!

You can see Jiang Xiaohu's outstanding temperament face, instantly calming down, eyes full of small stars.

She decided, after putting on the mask later, let Jiang Xiaohu come out!

It's not that Wang Mingyuan didn't think Jiang Xiaohu would appear here, but when he really saw it at this moment, his calf was shaking.

When Tailin opened soon, Wang Mingyuan asked Liu Aiju to come and monitor every day, knowing that the clubhouse was really reopening, and the humiliation of being kicked out last time made him unable to contain his hatred!

At this time, goodbye Jiang Xiaohu.

The hatred went away quickly, and at the same time, he felt his arm hurt again.

"Don't be arrogant! If something similar happens again, I must find someone to expose you!"

"What is exposed? We are reporters from Binhai Morning News, this gentleman..."

The voice fell, and two reporters appeared behind him.

The two heard Wang Mingyuan's words as soon as they entered the door. They immediately smelled the news and stopped Wang Mingyuan at the door.

"Friends from the reporter, you are here, great!..."

Seeing that there were still reporters coming, Wang Ming, far from wanting to leave, stayed instead.

According to speculation, this reporter was probably invited by Zhou Lin to promote it.

Wang Mingyuan said that the incident on Huang Liying's face that day was wonderful, and the responsibility was all on Zhou Lin's husband, Jiang Xiaohu. He said that Jiang Xiaohu didn't understand medicine, so he dared to make masks for others, and finally it was him!

Wang Mingyuan, cure Huang Liying.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Lin and his wife were afraid of being exposed, so they fired him.

"I must expose this incident today, otherwise others will not know their ugly faces, and they will use these bad guys' masks to harm others and themselves!"

Wang Mingyang said solemnly.

More guests began to loosen the mask in their hands. This scene made Wang Ming Yuanyang proud.

"You just said that this mask was used by Miss Liying from the Huang family? And, did you cure Miss Liying Huang?"

At first, the two reporters were very excited.

Because they just thought of a title

The genius doctor, the quack doctor, is it coming back to life or disfigured for life.

They were not invited by Zhou Lin, but inquired from various sources and learned that Huang Liying would come when Tailin Medical Center opened today.

Only then came over in advance and waited.

Now that Wang Mingyuan vowed to utter the three words'Huang Liying', he suddenly felt strange.

If Huang Liying is really disfigured by this store, will she come when it opens?Is it the same as Wang Mingyuan, who came to hit the place?

"Yes! It's a big star, Miss Huang!"

Huang Yingsheng's family power is not mentioned, Huang Liying herself is also a person in the entertainment industry.

He has acted in a few dramas, not to mention a big fire, and everyone knows it in Binhai.

"You said, my face was cured by you?"

Da da.

A long white dress, swinging on it with lavender lavender.

The whole person is like an immortal, gentle temperament, which makes people feel pity.

At this moment, she was holding Huang Yingsheng's arm.

When everyone in the club saw Huang Yingsheng's face, even the air vented.

"Huang, Miss Huang..."

Wang Mingyuan knelt down directly!

The reason why he dared to tell Huang Liying out was precisely because of the identity of the other party and would never come forward to tell the matter.

But now, everyone is here.

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, a foolish man."

Huang Liying has no time to talk to Wang Mingyuan.

Last time he was almost disfigured, and Jiang Xiaohu broke his arm and crawled out of the club.

Huang Liying didn't want to pursue it anymore. As for the other party's slander just now, with Huang Liying's arrival, everything was self-defeating.

"Sister Zhou, do you still have a facial mask? I heard it's free. I want it too."

Loosing his father Huang Yingsheng's arm, he came to Zhou Lin with joy in three or two steps, speaking in a crisp voice.

But his eyes were always in Jiang Xiaohu's direction.

"Old man, I'll post it too."

Before everyone could react, Qi Minghai's figure appeared.

With a smile on his face, the two reporters who surrounded Wang Mingyuan were stunned.

Most Chinese people know Huang Yingsheng more than Qi Minghai.

But for reporters, Qi Minghai is still a national player, and Huaxia Chinese Medicine holds the lead.

Taishan Beidou's status and achievements in the field of Chinese medicine, even Huang Yingsheng, who has countless wealth and background, is incomparable.

At this moment, this national player actually asks for a mask!!!

Is there any bigger news than this?

The reporters surrounded Qi Minghai, and soon more reporters arrived, who surrounded Huang Yingsheng.

After Jiang Xiaohu's prescription treatment to strengthen his body, Huang Yingsheng's body was getting healthier day by day.

Hearing from Qi Minghai, Jiang Xiaohu opened the medical hall and immediately insisted on coming to join him.

Huang Yingsheng sees her daughter's thoughts clearly, Jiang Xiaohu is an individual talent, and also her own savior!

In contrast to her daughter's happiness, Huang Yingsheng is firmly opposed to her daughter getting too close to Jiang Xiaohu.

He kept wanting to talk to Jiang Xiaohu, express his gratitude for saving his life, and then pinch Huang Liying's feelings in the bud.But at this moment, Jiang Xiaohu was so busy that he didn't even look at Huang Liying.

On the contrary, Huang Liying talked to Zhou Lin on the excuse and even organized an autograph session on the spot.

Sign and distribute the free mask.

Let Huang Yingsheng wake up completely.

The root has always been on Huang Liying's body.

"Mr. Jiang"

There was no one around Sun Lean.

The reason why these reporters knew the news was actually Sun Lean alone.

Seeing the excitement in the club at this moment, my face felt red.

Their base area was originally Tailin Medical Center.

When the reporters arrived, there was not even a grasshopper in the hospital. In the end, Huang Liying pointed out the direction. Otherwise, his old face would be lost today.

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