"You have the medical skills to come back from the dead, and such a small medical hall is really wronged. Why not come to Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I will give you the position of deputy director! Within a year, you will be the director of the hospital!"

Sun Lean said it sincerely.

In the last incident, the hospital director Wu Zhende has completely lost.

Not only was it criticized by the above notification, most of its jurisdictional rights also went to Sun Lean.


"I will do it myself, I will do it myself!"

The young woman lying on one side opened her eyes when she heard Sun Lean's words.

After confirming his eyes, the old man beside him was really Sun Lean, the vice president of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Where did the young woman dare to let Jiang Xiaohu serve herself and sit up.

What about paying?I also want Bao Jiang Xiaohu to come out.

Think too much.

Jiang Xiaohu was so happy, it was already very difficult for him to tear off the mask.

"This matter has already been said."


In Jiang Xiaohu's view, it was a larger medical clinic.

As for the other party being able to treat more patients, Jiang Xiaohu disagrees.

He has only one person now, and there are only so many people who can treat, if they come to find it; when he arrives at the hospital, he is also alone, and there are still so many people who can treat.

As for academics, there are specializations in the technical industry.

There are not many people in China who are capable, talented, talented, qualified and willing to learn Chinese medicine.

Can I improve after going to the Chinese Medicine Hospital?


"Well, in fact, I know that you will definitely not agree. There are tasks in the organization. I only represent the organization. I hope that Dr. Jiang can become a consultant of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Sun Lean quickly changed his mind.

Regarding Zhao Jian's resurrection, Sun Lean had a conversation with emergency doctor Yu Bailing.

Clinically, Zhao Jian was definitely dead.

According to Sun Lean watching Jiang Xiaohu's treatment of Zhao Jian at the time, the other party did not use Chinese medicine at the time, or not all.

This point, Sun Lean is still certain.

Now looking at Zhao Jian in the clubhouse, outside his dream, Sun Lean has been feeling deeply.

This is really coming back to life.

"No need. No time!"

The so-called consultants are all clouds.

All cause and effect start here.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to say any more, if it weren't for Sun Lean here, no one would come and ask him to put on a mask, Jiang Xiaohu would have left.

In less than two hours, all the masks to be presented were sent out.

Zhou Lin didn't expect to be so popular all of a sudden, and then she also gave out the mask that she was making for sale.

This filled the guests' regrets.

Later, when many people came to ask for a purchase, Zhou Lin repeatedly apologized.

"There is really nothing in the clubhouse, and I even contributed to my own use. Tomorrow, there will be a batch of goods arriving tonight, and everyone can buy it tomorrow."

According to Jiang Xiaohu's prescription, the two made a batch by themselves.

After mastering the matching process, Zhou Lin contacted the previous manufacturer, signed a confidential cooperation agreement, and officially mass-produced.

In this way, Jiang Xiaohu does not need to accompany Zhou Lin to waste time spreading powder.

Wang Mingyuan sneaked away.

The questions of the two reporters were sharper than the other.

He had a guilty conscience in the first place, but now that the person involved comes, Wang Mingyuan can't wait to find a place to sew.

And with Yuan’s lie, no one believed it at all, and instead asked the two reporters to ask them a little bit about what they had done.This Nima, a reporter is a reporter, an artist of language.

As the interview progressed, Jiang Xiaohu's aura grew more and more.

The genius doctor who came back to life, the mask was also made by Jiang Xiaohu, a friend of women.

Hearing a few words from those reporters, Jiang Xiaohu wanted to hit someone.

do not care.

Following the spread of fame, Zhou Lin posted a recruitment notice that day and immediately recruited people.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't need to stay here all the time. He would rather sit in the hospital and sort out the medicine cabinet than get together in the women's pile.

Huang Yingsheng found Jiang Xiaohu once to express his gratitude.

Jiang Xiaohu refused to give money.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu did not save Huang Yingsheng's life, he had the thought of "the plan is bigger," Huang Yingsheng was even more uncomfortable.

He looked at people very accurately and saw that Jiang Xiaohu was indeed a very decent person.

In this case, Huang Liying likes Jiang Xiaohu, and Huang Yingsheng is completely helpless.

The other party is a young man of good character, impatient to grow up, and very capable, able to bring the dead back to life.

Use Jiang Xiaohu already married to oppose?Use Jiang Xiaohu as the laughingstock of Binhai to oppose?Use Jiang Xiaohu's position in the Jiang family?

In this era of free marriage, the reasons for marriage are too thin.

As for the laughingstock, I believe that after today, this reputation will be completely subverted; as for the Jiang family, it is the Jiang family's own business, and has nothing to do with his Huang family, and Huang Yingsheng can't afford to offend him.

Forcibly pulling Huang Liying away from the Tailin clubhouse, the clubhouse opened successfully on the first day and closed immediately.

It doesn't work, you always ask for a mask when you visit, it's gone.

"Oh, I'm exhausted! Fortunately, I hid one!"

Orthodox welcoming costumes can't conceal Yuan Yimeng's unique temperament. At this moment, high heels are in his hands, barefoot and swagger in the aisle on the 27th floor of Lanting Yawan.

That's right, just swagger.

Deng Shuangshuang received the crowd downstairs and heard the popular scene described by Yuan Yimeng, plus the news that Huang Liying had also gone.

With that regretful face, I can't wait to tell the world that she missed 100 million.

"Don't grab it, I have reserved it for you a long time ago, at home."

Zhou Lin joked.

Zhao Jian and Qing'er live in the clubhouse and look at the shop at the same time.

Jiang Xiaohu's Tailin Medical Center opened on the first day, without a single person.

At one time, Zhou Lin laughed at him, and then my mother will raise you.

Looking at Zhou Lin, who was more and more cheerful, Jiang Xiaohu once missed his previous life.

This, the real Zhou Lin always made him feel like being bullied.

"Where is it! Ouch, I would have known that I would not hide it, put it on my stomach, and stabbed me for a day!"

Yuan Yimeng regretted it.

The three women rushed into Jiang Xiaohu's territory.

Sofa coffee table

There are still some handmade materials. Zhou Lin is too tired today, but for the sake of her neighbor, she insists on making two pieces for two friends.

Even Qinger has it.

The three women are very lively, Jiang Xiaohu has a black line!

tired!Just go to rest!

Also, don’t eat dinner anymore?

No way, Jiang Xiaohu's body still needs food supply.

Three women can lose weight, one less meal, he can't.

I took out my phone and ordered pizza for five people!He wants to eat for two!

Ding Dong!

"Delivery so fast?"

Jiang Xiaohu was puzzled and went to open the door.

In fact, he had no place to sit, all three women occupied.


As soon as the door opened, a figure suddenly knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

Looking down, it turned out that it was Zeng Qiufeng who had come to find him yesterday.

"What are you doing!"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned!

The three women who heard movement behind them all walked over.

"Xiaofeng! Get up, what are you doing!"

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