The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1015 Protection of Trademark Rights

In the end, Jiang Xiaohu still didn't go out to eat. He went around and returned to the clubhouse, and passed the box lunch sent by Zhao Jian.

That eldest sister is still looking for him everywhere on the road.

"My wife, in two days, I will go into the mountains with Boss Wu."

While eating, he took over C'estbon from Zhao Jian.

This meal already has the immature form of Da Luo Jinxian dining.

Very good, keep it!

In terms of other qualities, Jiang Xiaohu can't force too much now, mainly, his wife doesn't seem to like it.

"Wu Ling?"

Zhou Lin also took a leisurely meal, and there were two customers on the beauty chair over there. There were five more minutes, and she was waiting for the replacement and cleaning.


"Okay, you go, the hospital is closed for two days, I will tell Xiaofeng."

Zhou Lin was vigorous and resolute, and while eating, she sent a message to Zeng Qiufeng.

Zeng Qiufeng quickly replied.

It probably means that she hasn't been able to take her grandpa out yet. The uncles are very strict, and the grandpa's condition has improved a bit with some western medicine.Regarding the Shangtailin Medical Center, I will definitely not be able to come in these two days.

Jiang Xiaohu nodded slightly, Zhou Lin was very understanding.

This has been seen before.

The hospital has no business for the time being, and the only cause and effect concern lies with Zeng Qiufeng.

In case Jiang Xiaohu enters the mountain, Zeng Qiufeng finally takes his grandfather out to see a doctor, which is embarrassing.

After the meal, the beauty club is busy again.

Qinger feels sorry for Zhao Jian, the big man actually wants to bring water to Jiang Xiaohu and serve Zhao Jian closely.

Enjoying Qing'er's enthusiasm, Zhao Jian was extremely happy.

"Master, let me take care of you in the future."

Qing'er blushed as she spoke.

She was afraid of Zhou Lin's misunderstanding, but she didn't want Zhao Jian to be wronged, but the latter was obviously more important than the former, she said decisively.

Because of Zhao Jian, but she cares very much.

"No way."

Jiang Xiaohu shook his head without giving any explanation.

Not everyone can do it for Jiang Xiaohu.

Qing'er still doesn't understand, but it doesn't matter, Jiang Xiaohu doesn't need others to understand.

With Zhao Jian's talent, coupled with these days of training, he should have a little understanding of Jiang Xiaohu's strength.

Practicing for a while, this understanding will be deeper.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaohu made a sample directly.

He opened this Tailin Medical Center and did not intend to rely on it to treat diseases and make money.

There is also something to do when it is turned on, plus a thought.

When he was in Tailin, he was a medical immortal.

In the beginning, it was also a little waiter in a medical clinic.

Cultivation requires aura, and the hustle and bustle of the city has long lacked aura.

Even if the greening is done well, the clouds are better than the sky.

Now that he is about to enter the mountains, Jiang Xiaohu plans to make some preparations.

He is not afraid of encountering poisonous insects, snakes and beasts, but he can't stand the wind, food and sleep, wind and rain.

After all, what age is this?

Du Niang has the most complete outdoor survival equipment recommendations.

It’s too late to buy a certain treasure, so go directly to a physical outdoor equipment store to purchase a set.


Jiang Xiaohu opened the WeChat message, and Wu Ling sent a photo.

It’s a high-speed rail ticket, and it takes six hours to sit, which seems a bit far away.

Jiang Xiaohu knows something about the transportation tools of today's era. In this era of transportation that extends in all directions, its transportation power is definitely much better than Tailin.

"Mr. Jiang, the day after tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, this high-speed rail ticket is not easy to determine, so..."

Originally, Wu Ling told Jiang Xiaohu that she would leave in two days, but now the time is ahead of schedule, making her very embarrassed.

"It's okay, I can have time."

Jiang Xiaohu understood that Wu Ling asked at this time to see if she would go.

If you don't go, you must refund the ticket.

It is really difficult to buy tickets for holidays, and the news is often said.

Jiang Xiaohu carried a huge bag.

Inside is the wild survival equipment he purchased.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't just want to see the medicinal place. If he could, he would definitely want to see where there is plenty of aura nearby.

"Well, see you at the high-speed rail station tomorrow morning."

After a good time was agreed, Jiang Xiaohu returned home, and the Fenglingxue was settled, but he was worried.

Jiang Xiaohu tried to practice for a while, and the surrounding spiritual energy disappeared with the Fengling Cave, and there was almost no thinness.

Not in a hurry to practice, Jiang Xiaohu remembered that the car had been repaired, but he hadn't brought it back, so he ran to the dealership.

Now it takes only five minutes to walk from the house to the clubhouse.

I drove to the national patent product registration.

I just read the news and heard that in this era, piracy is rampant. Jiang Xiaohu's mask is half the manufacturer's control. In the club, when using it, Zhou Lin attaches a layer of pre-prepared medicinal solution before using it.

This method can prevent most people from plagiarizing.

But not necessarily insurance.

After all, the composition of the liquid medicine is not complicated, and the ingredients inside are all prepared by grinding Chinese medicine into powder.

If someone really wants to copy and imitate, get a little bit, use the current high-tech, test the ingredients, it is still easy to imitate.

"Sir, what's your name for this product?"

The appraiser took the mask in Jiang Xiaohu's hand and asked indifferently.

"Extraordinary, yes, I want to register a series of ingredients of this product at the same time."

"A series?"

"Yes, a series, including the composition ratio of the medicinal solution, the patent for the use of the mask, and the name Tailin. All walks of life."

For patent testing, the other party extracts Jiang Xiaohu’s facial mask ingredients, appraisal, and after registration, a patent can be formed.

But if it is a series of products, even including the trademark registration of Tailin's products, the scope will be wider.

The cost involved is not cheap.

Da da da!

The extract of the mask is completed quickly.

The staff completed several forms and sent them to Jiang Xiaohu's hands. At the same time, they directed Jiang Xiaohu to the first floor to register the entire series of trademarks.

high efficiency!

Jiang Xiaohu smiled.

In Tailin, there is no so-called registration right or product ownership.This kind of thing.

Even if you get a good recipe, countless people will find ways to get your results.

Seeing the news about the trademark registration rights, Jiang Xiaohu immediately began to familiarize himself with the laws of the goods.

With his unforgettable and comprehension, he instantly had countless expectations of this world.

"A series?"

Seeing the form sent by Jiang Xiaohu, the staff asked again.


"Two million registration fees."

The right to use a product's trademark in the entire domain, this price is definitely cheap.

You must know that the two words Tailin will be exclusive to Jiang Xiaohu in the future. No one, no matter what they are selling, cannot use these two words as a product name.

After the trademark issue was settled happily, Jiang Xiaohu returned home and saw Zhou Lin lying motionless on the sofa.

The phone on the side vibrated and drifted on the coffee table.

"Call, you answer!"

When Zhou Lin saw Jiang Xiaohu coming back, she said immediately.


"Hey, Boss Zhou, we need 20,000 pieces of facial masks. You can give them two thousand first. The guests block the door and don’t leave. You must save us."

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