The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1016: Cooking Noodles For You

"You tell them that we are expanding production and the physical store supply is suspended for three days."


Jiang Xiaohu hung up the phone.

Zhou Lin Hulu sat up and looked at Jiang Xiaohu's face. The whole expression smiled for a while, and then scorned her eyebrows.

" help me solve this?"

I couldn't hold back anymore, Zhou Lin saw Jiang Xiaohu not paying attention to herself at all.

Instead, he edited a text message on the side, followed by a group message.

It's the same as what I said on the phone just now.

Editing this short message is also very difficult. Just typing a few words, a call comes in.

Jiang Xiaohu hung up, continued editing, and finally finished editing. He wanted to send a group of the most diligent calls recently. As a result, he hadn't made a selection yet, so another call came in.

Looking at this situation, Jiang Xiaohu kept doing nothing, and directly asked the people in the address book to select all.

Then send it directly.

Hey, the text message is sending, and the call can't come in.

When it all showed that the sending was successful, the last person who made the call did not wait for Jiang Xiaohu to hang up, and he hung up.

"Well, it's solved."

In the past, Zhou Lin had longed for someone to use their mask every day.

Therefore, it caused a situation. The latest Tailin facial masks began to be sold in Tailin clubs. Someone came to order a few pieces for a trial, and Zhou Lin did not refuse anyone who came.

As a result, in less than half a day, people in the nearby Eight Streets knew that Too Facial Mask was super good in one morning.

And this kind of influence is now modern, high-tech, such as mobile phones, telephones, a certain circle of friends, a certain audio and short video are forwarded at a speeding situation.

This is also thanks to Zhou Lin's failure to announce her phone number, otherwise, this number would be paralyzed every minute.

The spread of mass distribution in this way also curbed the source of the spread.

But the next-level agents will definitely not stop like this, the spread is still diverging.

Too close to the mask, it's fire.The fire is a mess.

"So? Will it really expand production tomorrow? There are more masks."

Zhou Lin looked at the phone that was gradually calming down, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief, purring her mouth.


The honest Comrade Jiang Xiaohu sat opposite Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin, who was lying down again, suddenly bounced up.



The door opened and Deng Shuangshuang and Yuan Yimeng came in.

"Mask, give me some mask."

Yuan Yimeng rushed in with the black silk stepping on her slippers and sat down on Zhou Lin's left.

"Don't be too many, five hundred, two hundred will do!"

Follow Deng Shuangshuang, to the right.

The second woman blocked Zhou Lin at once, and Zhou Lin couldn't do anything harmful to Jiang Xiaohu.

You see, so you have to speed up the production of the mask. You have to solve this problem yourself.

After Jiang Xiaohu cast this look, he returned to the kitchen very innocently.

I’m afraid it’s too late to order takeout. Moreover, Jiang Xiaohu discovered that pizza is not as heavy as five scones for breakfast downstairs. The method is more like a hodgepodge, and there is no place to praise it. It feels more like giving something to something. Animal food that no one refuses.

Next face

If you beat three eggs, Jiang Xiaohu will eat two.

Get some ginger, garlic, and the green onions bought the day before to pull out the most tender place.

Wait for the water to boil, add the egg noodles, beat the eggs after boiling, cook for another five minutes, add half a bowl of cold water and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Finally, even the noodles are cooked out.

Add oil, throw in the cut ginger and garlic until fragrant, then pour the hot oil directly onto the noodle soup.


Sprinkle some salt flowers with some light soy sauce.

Hmm, incense!

Jiang Xiaohu brought out the noodle pot, and the three women were still discussing it enthusiastically.

"You won't hand over the mask today! I will sleep with you!"

Yuan Yimeng squeezed Zhou Lin's arm with his backhand.

"Yes, sleep with her husband!"

On the side Deng Shuang helped hold his leg.

Zhou Lin is angry!

"you dare!"

Jiang Xiaohu pretended not to hear, put down the two sets of bowls and chopsticks, then brought out the noodle pot and put it on the marble coffee table.

The original yellowstone-patterned coffee table wafted with steam and smoke.

It feels like a fairy.

"Oh, knowing we didn't eat it!"

"Thank you, thank you very much. It's fine, we can do it ourselves!"

He picked up the bowl on the table and grabbed the chopsticks in Jiang Xiaohu's hand.

I ate it by myself.

Zhou Lin: "Mine!"

Jiang Xiaohu: "Oh, wait a minute."

Jiang Xiaohu was taken aback, and finally returned to the kitchen immediately and took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Three women joined the fight for face-to-face, because the eggs were divided up in advance.

"Soup spoon!"

Zhou Lin roared, fearing that the noodle pot would not be available, so she had a chance to spoon some soup from time to time.

Jiang Xiaohu:...

The speed of eating and drinking is always very fast. Jiang Xiaohu felt that in front of these three women, the identity of Da Luo Jinxian was not very useful.

You can't beat or scold, and I'll throw you a red line if nothing happens.

Back in the kitchen, the next pot is simple operation. To be honest, there are some special things, that is, Jiang Xiaohu is subconsciously used to use aura as a guide when making food, to extract the best essence of food, so that the noodles have The chewy and toughness leaves the eggs intact and rich in nutrients, allowing the aroma of onion, ginger, and garlic to be fully released.

Okay, it's Xianjia Food.

It is understandable to be snatched by mortals.

Another pot came out, the noodle pot was taken over by Deng Shuangshuang, and another spatula was in Deng Shuangshuang's hands.

No way, Yuan Yimeng is the ultimate winner, and the noodle pot has been firmly controlled by him.

"Hey, let me tell you a joke. There is a couple of men and women who like each other. The man never confessed, and the woman was anxious. She invited the man to her house. As soon as she entered the house, the woman said: Hey, let me give you this Eat! Guess what?"

Deng Shuangshuang's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Zhou Lin and Yuan Yimeng.

"He has rolled the sheets!"

Yuan Yimeng deserves to be familiar with Deng Shuangshuang, so he can tell the answer.


Zhou Lin is so cute.

Can you roll the sheets if you eat noodles?

"I, next, I'll eat for you!"

Deng Shuangshuang was serious and repeated the sentence to Zhou Lin.

I'm going, you damn girl!Don't you go!You filthy bad woman!


"Thank you, this noodle is too delicious."

Zhou Lin and Deng Shuangshuang were fighting, Yuan Yimeng put the empty noodle pot on the coffee table.

Thank Jiang Xiaohu.

She flies in the air every day, and after a long period of time between ground and air, she loses her appetite for food.

Having just eaten Jiang Xiaohu's noodles, Yuan Yimeng has never had an appetite like today. Today, she also ate the most.

Towards Deng Shuangshuang, Yuan Yimeng's face turned red.

"It's okay, do you still eat? I have another pot."

Jiang Xiaohu turned out a big porcelain bowl like magic.There are two eggs floating inside.

He hasn't eaten it yet, since the three girls like him, he must go on.

"Well, come again, half a bowl, and have some soup."

With that said, Yuan Yimeng ate the last bowl.

Jiang Xiaohu's third pot directly infused the noodle itself with aura, making it more aura.

This also leads to more fragrant noodles and more delicious taste.

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