The old woman's hair was messy, she ignored the pain, and the crowd gathered around her.

She didn't dare to pull Jiang Xiaohu again, and fell to the side of the big man. She actually knelt in front of Jiang Xiaohu. While scolding, she pointed at the woman holding her son behind her, and danced her hand in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu's eyes were ferocious, he immediately lowered his fingers.

"Tsk tusk, it's a woman stealing people."

"It's really shameless to raise a little white face."

"I want to abduct my son. I guess I want to sell it!"

"Adulter**, shameless!"



In the crowd, all kinds of discussions gradually rose.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, I don't even know them!"

The woman hugged her child, looked at the crowd and pointed, her eyes turned to Jiang Xiaohu.

She can be sure that she doesn't know Jiang Xiaohu at all.

"Quickly let go of my son! You have to stay and fly and we don't care! Let's go to the divorce today! My grandson..."

When the old woman saw that the public opinion was completely on her side, the short-haired woman couldn't talk to a group of people. Knowing the opportunity was coming, she immediately shouted to make people believe her words completely.

Originally, she wanted to go back to the child, but she could see Jiang Xiaohu's eyes.

Knowing immediately that he was still in the other's hands, he shut up immediately.

"Let go! Stealing goods! Are you too awkward, dare to beat people in the street!"

"Yes, let go! A pair of shameless goods!"

"I am a woman, and I was ashamed to death by you. I was really embarrassed, and I quickly returned the child to others!"


Under the anger of the crowd, many people actually wanted to step forward, as if they wanted to fight against the old man and the man who was bullied by Jiang Xiaohu.

"Oh? You said this is your wife?"

"Yes indeed!"

The big man's entire face was almost distorted, and the opponent's hand looked white and tender, and his strength was amazing.

Even so, he nodded quickly.

"what is her name?"


"What's your grandson's name?"

Old woman:...

"What? Can't you even name your own wife and grandson?"

Jiang Xiaohu sneered, and all the approaching crowd suddenly stopped.

What's the situation?

Such a simple question, why don't those two talk.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the old woman huffed up and started to run towards the van in the distance.

Yeah too!

Jiang Xiaohu's backhand directly grabbed the opponent's gray hair.

The old woman screamed in pain.

"Call the police, trafficker!"

Although human technology in this world has developed, the heart has become too simple.

With Jiang Xiaohu's words, everyone woke up, and the woman and the child were crying, and they kept expressing gratitude to Jiang Xiaohu, and even the women knelt down and knocked their heads with the child.

By this time, everyone understood what happened!

"The grass mud horse is actually a human trafficker!"


The crowd was angry, Jiang Xiaohu jumped out of the encirclement.

The women scolded vigorously because they were deceived by the old woman. A few elderly spectators went straight up and slapped the face. The big man was miserable and was beaten directly.

The guards at the gate of the high-speed rail ran from a distance to stop the excited crowd.

The woman and the child kneeling on the ground wanted to thank Jiang Xiaohu, but found that the other party had already left.

When the police arrive, the truth becomes clearer.

Many people in the crowd chanted'death penalty!'

The nasty traffickers must be put to death.

Jiang Xiaohu knew that this was impossible.

These traffickers do not know how many women and children have been abducted and sentenced to death. These people will certainly not say what they have done.

"Huh, Jiang Xiaohu! What are you doing?"

Wu Ling pushed the large suitcase with a super big bag on it. She was carrying one on her own, panting and chasing to the gate of the high-speed rail, just to run into Jiang Xiaohu.

Jiang Xiaohu quickly carried his things on his back.

Even if Wu Ling is a few thousand years younger than herself, it is not to toss her body is not as good as Xiao Wu in her youth.

When getting in the car, Wu Ling asked Jiang Xiaohu why she had to bring so many things.

At one time, I almost couldn't get on the high-speed rail because I was overweight.

Fortunately, Wu Ling helped Jiang Xiaohu to clear the siege, saying that the suitcase belonged to her, and that was the pass.

After getting on the train, Wu Ling saw a piece of news appearing on the big screen announced in the high-speed rail compartment.

In response to the news that the trafficker was intercepted by others for the sake of justice, a photo was attached with only one profile face.

The big screen is not a high-definition picture, it is not very clear, Wu Ling kept asking Jiang Xiaohu, is that person him, Jiang Xiaohu nodded.

"Good job!"

Wu Ling gave a thumbs up.

"Small things, by the way, Xiao Wu, tell me about the'Bi Lingcao' discovered by Yao Nong."

Wu Ling:...

Xiaowu Xiaowu, you are addicted!

Just a little bit of goodwill, was struck by a sentence of Xiao Wu's outer focus and inner tenderness.

"See for yourself!"

Wu Ling tuned to the old farmer's WeChat chat record and threw her mobile phone into Jiang Xiaohu's hand, leaning her back on the seat, and closing her eyes to rest.

The photo was taken by the old farmer on the cliff, and it is indeed the appearance of Bilingcao.

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at it and confirmed it, happy in his heart.


Next to Bi Lingcao, there is a small flower.

The petals are four-part, light yellow, and the stamens are elongated outwards and larger than the petals.

Wandering beside Bi Lingcao.

"Companion Flower!"

Jiang Xiaohu's heart was shaken.

There are actually companion flowers, which look like companion flowers.

Jiang Xiaohu can't be sure if he doesn't witness and perceive his aura with his own eyes.

Originally, Jiang Xiaohu planned to ask about the companion flower in Wu Ling's picture, but found that Wu Ling was already asleep and had to give up.

Six hours passed very quickly, during which there were several stops in the middle, all within a few minutes, and then set off again.

When Wu Ling woke up, she had lunch and went to sleep.

According to Wu Ling, there is still a lot to go to get there.

Later, as Wu Ling said, the two got off the high-speed rail station and immediately took a taxi to a place called Youlan Town.

The road is not long, it will be there in one hour.

Jiang Xiaohu got off the car and looked at both sides of the concrete road.

Chestnut trees, field ridges, a neat row in the distance, two and three-story bungalows with red bricks and black tiles.Under the blue sky and white clouds, there are children with cows on the ridge, and one place is still burning rice stalks and accumulating ash.With the prosperous high-tech technology around the high-speed rail station, here are totally two worlds.

"Don't look, we are not going to that village, we have to go into the mountains."

Wu Ling turned to point to the north side of the mountain.

It is not high. It is estimated to be about 300 meters above sea level. It is not a dense jungle. There are many but very sparse trees.

Judging from Jiang Xiaohu's eyesight, there were no creatures on the mountain, and it looked desolate.

"Hurry up, if it doesn't work, find someone else to store your things first."

Wu Ling turned to look at the huge package on the large suitcase.

With so many things, it is really inconvenient to climb the mountain.

Wu Ling thought that Jiang Xiaohu looked at the mountain and was afraid that he could not climb up, and looked at the row of bungalows 400 meters away.

"No, let's go, but can't wait until dark."

Jiang Xiaohu took the lead, carrying a large bag and carrying a suitcase on the road.

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