The concrete floor is gone down the slope, and the wheels of the suitcase will break after walking around on the stone road.


Looking at Jiang Xiaohu's posture, Wu Ling was more familiar with the road than herself.

In fact, Jiang Xiaohu was here for the first time. He glanced at the top of the mountain and found the best way to go up the mountain.

It looks like a more familiar look.

Wu Ling has come here many times, so she naturally knows which way is better. She wants to catch up with Jiang Xiaohu several times and perform her role as a guide. Unfortunately, she can't trot quickly, and she can't keep up.

After striding forward, Jiang Xiaohu stood on the top of the mountain pointed to by Wu Ling in less than half an hour.

As I saw at the beginning, it is very desolate here.

The roads are often walked out by people, although they are full of fallen leaves and mud, they are still clearly visible.

The air at the top of the mountain is very good, fresh and pleasant.

As the top of the mountain looks northward, it is a colander surrounded by mountains.

Within a radius of tens of miles, only the deepest plains of the col, a row of farmhouses smoked mist.

Obviously this is the destination.

"Is it over there?"

Jiang Xiaohu pointed at the mountain col and looked back at Wu Ling who was panting.

On weekdays, Wu Ling comes in the morning, and it takes at least an hour to climb to the top of the mountain.

Today, following Jiang Xiaohu, he came up in half an hour.

Now he nodded breathlessly.

"You, slow down!"

No way.

Jiang Xiaohu began to descend again.

It is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down. This is actually not accurate. In fact, it is really easy for people to go down the mountain.

Wu Ling's legs were completely numb, and she didn't feel anything at all.She just walked forward without looking at Jiang Xiaohu. There was no way. She had the urge to curse at a glance.

Is this whether I brought you here or you brought me.

Also, you kid can't wait for the eldest sister!

"Xiao Wu, hurry up."

Wu Ling endured without vomiting blood.

At the foot of the mountain, they walked a long way. After an hour, the two stood in front of the farmhouse.

"Boss Wu, you came early today."

Before entering the farmhouse, a dark-faced farmer, seeing Wu Ling coming, came up to greet him cordially.

"walk home."

Wu Ling's breath hasn't gotten well yet.


Because she will come to this village to collect medicine for a long time, Wu Ling also has her own real estate here.

Hearing Wu Ling's words, the old farmer immediately led the two into the village.

"Old lady, bring hot water here."

The rice is not ready yet, the wild chicken is stewing in the pot.

This is all to welcome Wu Ling and Jiang Xiaohu’s prepared food. The mountains should be said to be poor, modern things are rare. It is said that the mobile phone was brought to the mountain by Wu Ling, and the 4G signal with the largest coverage is used, otherwise there is no way. In contact with the outside world, you can talk about eating. I am afraid that the city people will not taste the food here.

After Wu Ling introduced, I wish the old farmer to know that Jiang Xiaohu gave 50,000 yuan to buy Bilingcao.

Kneel down to Jiang Xiaohu right now.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xiaohu was indifferent, looking at Wu Ling with a puzzled expression.

"The fifty thousand yuan is considered to have saved the old man's family. His son went to college this year, and the family was able to sell it for money, saving food and frugality for more than a year, and collecting the tuition fees. As a result, Old Zhu's wife got tuberculosis. I wish you guys won’t read it, and you have to use the money to save his mother whatever you say. Then, your money will arrive."

Wu Ling explained.

Immediately resisting the numbness, he helped Lao Zhu and his wife up.

Because Jiang Xiaohu knelt down from the second elder, just moved his body and didn't help others at all.

"I'm buying Bi Lingcao, this is a deal, not saving people!"

Jiang Xiaohu was serious and waved his hands.

He could understand that the money he gave helped, but according to Jiang Xiaohu's calculation, even without his money, I believe Wu Ling would not die.

Therefore, this matter really has nothing to do with him.

"Xiao Zhu, is the photo you sent the mountain top?"

Seeing that Wu Ling was still persuading Lao Zhu's wife not to cry, Jiang Xiaohu didn't quite understand the native dialect here, took Zhu Lao Nong by the arm and walked out of the house, pointing to a cliff on the west side that looked like a knife.

Jiang Xiaohu speaks the Chinese lingua franca, and I wish the old peasants understand the meaning immediately.

Pointing at the cliff and nodding vigorously.

According to Jiang Xiaohu's observation after his arrival, the aura here is indeed a lot more abundant than the city.

However, it is still incomparable with Tailin.

This kind of abundance is a lot, but also limited.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't have any excitement either. Coming along the way, Jiang Xiaohu observed several surrounding mountains, and there was no breath of Ziqi fairy pregnancy.

Jiang Xiaohu knew the aura of this plane immediately.

Unless there is a very special environment, the Fengling Point, which is similar to a thousand-year-old horn, breeds the heart of Fengling.

Otherwise, there is almost no possibility of the birth of the immortal species.

This is already determined by the plane environment.

There is still a chance to get a few green grasses, if you want to get the fairy flower, god spirit fruit in Tailin, it can only be wishful thinking.

"You tell Wu Ling, I went up the mountain and come back as soon as possible."

Jiang Xiaohu knew that Wu Ling was here to collect medicine, and he wanted to come to the small backpack, which is probably just a few changes of clothes.

Inside the suitcase is the simple food and instant noodles that Jiang Xiaohu prepared for survival in the wild.

This thing can be boiled with water, but can be eaten dry without water.

Du Niang said, this thing is the best.

So Jiang Xiaohu prepared a suitcase.

After that, Jiang Xiaohu opened the suitcase and took out a dozen packs of instant noodles, carrying the super big bag and heading towards the cliff mountain.

I wish the old farmer saw Jiang Xiaohu and left as soon as he said, he was immediately anxious.

This mountain can be climbed casually!

What Jiang Xiaohu and Wu Ling read was the lowest entrance slope. Compared with the cliff mountain in front of them, not even the foot of the mountain was counted. I wish the old farmer chased for a few steps and couldn't keep up with Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps, and hurried back to find Wu Ling to complain.

"What! You said he went up the mountain by himself?"

Wu Ling finally found the recliner and sat down, not two minutes.

Hearing Zhu Laonong's words, he jumped up again in surprise.

It's endless, right? It's not not going!

Take out the phone and it shows 3:30 on it, and dial the phone directly.

Seeing Wu Ling's call, Jiang Xiaohu connected.

"What mountain are you going up now! It's going to be dark soon, you thought it was in the city, come back to me!"

He was called Xiao Wu all the way, and Xiao Wu had a bad temper.

"I brought food, Xiao Wu, don't worry, I will be back soon."

Jiang Xiaohu hung up the phone.

Wu Ling looked at the hung-up cell phone, furious!

If it weren't for the fact that her legs were still shaking, she would have to chase Jiang Xiaohu back.

And she did so. She walked outside the cottage, pointed to the figure of Jiang Xiaohu that she saw through the telescope, and kept asking old farmers Zhu.

After learning what Zhu Laonong said, Jiang Xiaohu's way up the mountain was not wrong, and the same surprised eyes.

Wu Ling can be sure that Jiang Xiaohu has a natural sensitivity to mountains.

I don't care about him.

She couldn't control it if she wanted to, and her calf was still sore.

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