The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1020 Obtaining Companion Flowers

Without Xiao Wu pulling back, Jiang Xiaohu went up the mountain very fast.

As he said himself, he will go back soon.

Climbing halfway up the mountain, the green grass on the cliff has been reflected in Jiang Xiaohu's vision.

That's right, it is indeed a green grass.

It's just that this grass hasn't fully grown, and the leaves are also black and green. The mature Bilingcao should be completely black.

However, Bi Lingcao did not attract Jiang Xiaohu's attention now.

On the contrary, the four-leaf flower on the side made Jiang Xiaohu look hard.

Companion flower!

Yes, it is the companion flower!

This flower is not helpful to Jiang Xiaohu's cultivation, but it is a miracle medicine that can be borrowed.

In layman's terms, people who can take the same companion flower can share their lives.

Of course, it's not just to tear it off casually, just share it.

Need to do some processing, refining.

After the foundation was built, Jiang Xiaohu had already begun to consider the need to get himself a furnace.The current method of extracting medicine has severely damaged many essences of medicinal materials, and all the properties of medicinal materials are exerted. Although they can cure diseases, they have many sequelae.

For example, the so-called medicine is three points poison.

This is because there is no neutralization and no prescription.

Stimulate the original characteristics of the drug, while neutralizing the toxicity into a beneficial part of the body.

After taking the medicine, the disease is cured, but the lack of resistance to this disease brings the body.

So it is easy to get sick again.

Such as cold and fever, such as cough and pharyngitis.

It's all true.

Modern medicine pays attention to the cure of diseases, but ignores the role of drugs in improving the system.

After another half an hour.

The top of the cliff has arrived.

There is a platform on the top of the mountain, about the size of a playground.

Both the biling grass and the associated flowers grow on the mountainside.

Climbing all the way up the mountain, Jiang Xiaohu found that this mountain was uniquely endowed by nature, as if it had been cut apart, the other side was completely smooth, and there was no way to go over it.

At this moment, I came to the top of the mountain and found that the straight line distance is nearly 400 meters high.

But this is not difficult for Jiang Xiaohu, because Du Niang is prepared.

Open the backpack and take out the tent.

Jiang Xiaohu first propped up the tent, and then picked up some dry wood. With a wave of his palm, sparks of spiritual energy collided and ignited instantly.

Put the pan directly on it and pour the mineral water in.

While cooking here, Jiang Xiaohu took out a bundle of thick cables from the big opened bag.

One end of the cable was tied to the crooked neck tree on the top of the cliff.

This kind of tree looks thin and weak, but it is actually very strong, with roots and hairs pierced into the rock wall.

Jiang Xiaohu pulled it, not bad.

Everything is in place, the noodles are cooked, Jiang Xiaohu feasted and supplemented his consumption.

Ding ding.

"You come down, early tomorrow morning, let Old Zhu take you up the mountain."

"I'm already at the top of the mountain, Xiao Wu, my phone is dead, don't worry, I will get down soon."

hang up the phone.

Jiang Xiaohu, who was full and full, felt that he should act quickly.

Worrying, it's always bad.

From the top of the mountain to the Crooked Neck Tree, there was still more than three meters away, and a rope was already pulled up as it was thrown away. Jiang Xiaohu raised the remaining rope high and threw it down the cliff.

Throwing the heavy rope down made the Crooked Neck Tree tremble slightly.

Seeing this scene Jiang Xiaohu was relieved.

Flying and jumping off, Jiang Xiaohu landed on the crooked neck, climbing a tree branch with one hand, and began to crawl towards the place where the cable was tied.

Quickly hold the rope and tie the rope end into a knot.

Climb down quickly down the cable.

Soon, Jiang Xiaohu fell to the same height as the biling grass and associated flowers.

Jiang Xiaohu took out a convenient bag and a small shovel, and began to chisel against the mountain wall.

With his strength, in a short while, he dug out all the companion flowers and green grass, and the convenience bag was hung on his waist.


Just as Jiang Xiaohu began to climb upwards, suddenly a low-frequency roar sounded from the cliff.

Jiang Xiaohu stuck the knot on his waist, and he clung to the cliff like a gecko.

The sound was not loud, or even very low. Jiang Xiaohu was sure that what he heard was definitely not an ordinary animal roar, it should be a sound that a monster can only make.

He waited quietly, waiting for the sound to appear again.

But the monster beast shut up, and there was no more movement.

The companion flower has no effect on the monster beast, but it is the green spirit grass. Some monster beasts will use it as a food to improve their cultivation. The way of taking it is the same as that of Jiang Xiaohu.

Jiang Xiaohu, who was halfway up the mountain, couldn't tell where the sound of the monster beast was.

It's not safe at the moment.

After observing that there were no other dangers, Jiang Xiaohu's climbing speed became faster in vain.

Just less than two meters away from the Crooked Neck Tree, Jiang Xiaohu stopped again.

A green bamboo leaf appeared in vain on the number that had nothing.

It really is a monster!

This thought in Jiang Xiaohu's mind passed away.

This crooked-necked tree is also on the cliff wall without a bird's nest on it. How could a poisonous snake like Zhu Yeqing climb here?

See the scenery?

Of course not.

In addition to the living environment of Zhu Yeqing, even if Zhu Yeqing poisoned Jiang Xiaohu, it would not be possible to eat Jiang Xiaohu as a vegetable.

It is here, there is only one possibility.

Be instructed.

It is probably the command issued by the owner of the voice just now.

At the moment when we meet on a narrow road, Jiang Xiaohu can't always fall in the air.

The end of the rope is still six to seven hundred meters away from the bottom of the mountain. It is impossible to walk from below.

Jiang Xiaohu took out the shovel for digging the cliff from his arms.

The shovel is small, with a triangular iron head and a very sharp front end.

Jiang Xiaohu slowly climbed upwards, gathering aura around him.

This is used to sense Zhuyeqing's attack route to achieve a one-hit kill.

"Sitting together."

Zhu Yeqing spit out a long, forked tongue, and the snake eyes showed a fierce light.

I don't know if I noticed that Jiang Xiaohu was not easy to provoke, but only made a short threat, Zhu Yeqing slowly backed away, and finally disappeared under Jiang Xiaohu's nose along the roots of the Crooked Neck Tree.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't wait any longer and quickly climbed up the branch.

Standing on the crooked neck tree, jumped hard and flew to the top of the mountain.

The fragrant noodle soup was still boiled by the unburnt branches.

Jiang Xiaohu felt a little hungry during this physical exercise.

I am still very happy to have the green grass and companion flowers.

As he was about to eat more, he suddenly remembered the green bamboo leaves just now, and his eyes were fierce.

Looking at the noodle soup, I always feel unsafe.

Pour the soup, re-boil the pot water, clean all utensils, and Jiang Xiaohu re-cooked it.

In order to avoid Wu Ling's worries, Jiang Xiaohu sent a message and transferred 200,000 yuan to Wu Ling's mobile phone.

"This is medicine money."

Replied to this message, the phone is completely out of power.

Take out the power bank, plug in the phone, eat and drink.

Feel the aura on the top of the mountain.

Although there are not many, they are here, so naturally I have to practice hard.

The "Nine Revolving Universe Jue" began to speed up in Jiang Xiaohu's body, and the aura within a radius of five miles nearby was continuously absorbed by Jiang Xiaohu as Jiang Xiaohu practiced.

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