
'Sister, why don't you let me bite him!'

"Don't worry about him, it's just a passerby. Just give him a green grass. You must remember, never hurt people casually. This world is not simple, there are many things that you can't match, and don't let people discover that you exist."


'But we are hungry.'

"I also know that there is less and less food in the mountains. It's not to blame you for being gluttonous! How many times have I said that, be restrained! Hibernate when you are hungry, and I will bring it to you next time. food!"

As the voice fell, there was a cave deep in the cliff wall.

A young girl at the age of twelve and thirteen was sitting on a group of snakes, touching this little head from time to time, and nodding that little head.

It was a joy to play.

Countless big rats ran out of dozens of big sacks beside him, and one of them was bitten by a snake.

Was eaten up very quickly.

The dense snakes twisted into a ball, and quickly covered the girl's body.

The girl seemed very happy too, she actually slept on the snakes like this.

Jiang Xiaohu on the top of the mountain did not notice that the "Nine Revolutions Universe Art" had absorbed the surrounding spirit within two hours.

Nowadays, the earth nurturing spiritual energy is becoming thinner.

It must be flooded again, and it will take several days.

Simply, sleep.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaohu was awakened by Wu Ling before he got up.

She was worried all night, especially Jiang Xiaohu's inexplicable transfer of 200,000 yuan.

Thought Jiang Xiaohu would transfer the inheritance again.

When I came to the top of the cliff, I saw Jiang Xiaohu sleeping comfortably in the built tent. Not only did he prepare hot water early, but also several bags of instant noodles with mushroom stewed chicken.

I don't know how to describe that kind of white worry.

"Ah, the money comes from Bi Lingcao and this flower."

Wu Ling's question was loud, Jiang Xiaohu replied, pointing to the green grass and accompanying flowers that were temporarily planted on the ground beside the tent.

High-grade herbs breed harsh, but once they are born, they are not so easy to die. If they are really easy to die, then they are not spiritual grasses, only flowers in the greenhouse.The true spirit grass even only has its roots, and it can swim underground, find a suitable habitat, and grow again.

Of course, this time is very long.

"By the way, I will go back tomorrow. Xiao Wu, do you still have the herbal medicine list you bought last time? It is estimated that you will need a lot of it soon. If possible, store some."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the tent and thought that these things were probably still useful.

Simply tidy up, take the biling grass and companion flowers, and follow them down the mountain together.

"How much do you need?"

When it comes to business, Wu Ling's mind comes up.

He didn't care about Jiang Xiaohu's worry and asked.

"Um, let's first come two thousand kilograms of each kind. By the way, the Tibetan flowers will be more than three thousand kilograms. The other follow-up, the amount will definitely get bigger and bigger. You look at the preparation, as many as Zhou Lin will ask."

Jiang Xiaohu waved his phone and walked forward slowly.

"Two, two thousand..."

The last time Jiang Xiaohu ordered more than 40 kinds of medicinal materials, 2,000 kilograms of each, which is not a small amount.

"You want so much? Did you develop a new formula? Hey, Mr. Jiang, is there any mask that Zhou Lin brought me last time? Is it a mask? Is it made of those medicinal materials? Hey, Mr. Jiang , You go slower..."

When she got off the cliff mountain, Wu Ling had no strength to say anything to Jiang Xiaohu.

She went up the mountain with Zhu Lao Nong just before dawn in the morning, and walked for almost three hours before reaching the cliff mountain.

It was hard to see that Jiang Xiaohu was safe, but in less than twenty minutes, he packed everything up and started going down the mountain.

This time, Wu Ling was exhausted.

"I will answer your question in a unified manner. Both. The prescription for the mask is to buy the medicinal materials from you. In order to keep it confidential, we will only buy these medicines from you in the future, whether you are buying someone else's. It’s okay to plant a large area here, you can do it all. Oh, yes, you tell the old farmers about this cliff mountain, it’s best to let people here not go up in the future. As for why, you can just say a reason. Others Explain, I can't give you for the time being, I know the way, then, Xiao Wu, I will go back first."

Jiang Xiaohu put the big backpack directly in Wu Ling's room.

Then take out all the instant noodles in the suitcase.

What Du Niang said is not entirely correct. At least, the so-called instant noodles are better for survival in the wild. For Jiang Xiaohu, there is no need for so many.

Stewed chicken with mushrooms is quite delicious in noodles.

The taste is there, but there is aura, Jiang Xiaohu just can make up for it by himself.

Wu Ling still wanted to say something to Jiang Xiaohu, but it was a pity that she couldn't keep up with Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps, so she couldn't speak for her breath.

An angry Wu Ling finally took out her mobile phone panting and sent a text directly to Jiang Xiaohu.

"Who is called Xiao Wu! Don't call Xiao Wu! Also, did you know that my old lady worried about you all night, you, you bastard!"

Well, Jiang Xiaohu didn't reply to this message at all.

He didn't have too much intersection with this elder sister, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't understand why the other party suddenly worried about him.

In fact, Wu Ling didn't know why.

That's how she thought, she posted this text, and finally reacted. When she saw the WeChat paragraph, she felt funny. Then she pressed cancel. As a result, it couldn't be cancelled after the timeout.

Forget it.

It was true that Wu Ling couldn't leave. All the medicinal materials were dried and packaged, and she had to hire someone to move out of the mountain.

Come every time, at least a week.

Bring your phone and ID card, Jiang Xiaohu waited by the roadside.

There are too few taxis here, and Jiang Xiaohu also knows the road anyway and ran directly to the high-speed rail station.

On the way, everyone who saw him running was basically dumbfounded.

That speed is outrageous.

Buy a recent ticket and take the car home.

Jiang Xiaohu laughed directly at the date on the ticket.


Co-authored here and stayed for less than a day.

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the biling grass and accompanying flowers in the suitcase.

No matter how long it takes, this thing is in hand.

These things need to be cultivated first, and they will not mature so quickly for a while.

"The mask matter, wait for you to come back."

This is the message Zhou Lin sent to Jiang Xiaohu last night, and finally received it before the phone was out of power.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Lin, who has always been able to expand the industrial chain, was hit as soon as she was dispatched.

Some people have imitated Tailin facial masks and sold them on a large scale. Now there are countless victims at the door of Tailin beauty salon asking for advice.

The police have been reported, but this is a commercial act.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Association stepped in, and all facial masks stopped selling.

Manufacturers continue to produce, and the face mask sales terminal is in a huge crisis and cannot be sold. Now the money to pay the production deposit is almost gone.

If something goes wrong again, I am afraid it will be ruined in minutes.

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