The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1032 Free Treatment

"Thank you, thank you doctor. Xin'er, contact with your right hand, and put your left hand on your mother's place. Take the result in fifteen minutes, right? We will wait there."

The mother saw that her daughter didn't cry out for pain, and didn't cry bitterly. Even the sweets she prepared were of no use.

The daughter followed herself obediently and said goodbye to Jiang Xiaohu when she left her position.

The tears of joy in my heart are almost falling.

They are a dual-income family. Because of their busy work and their mother neglecting to take care of their children, Xin'er often sees a doctor and takes blood and injections once a month on average.

Crying again and again, howling again and again.

The strange eyes of others again and again.

Gradually his mother went from numbness to shame to anger.

She has no complaints about life, and the blames on her daughter are also nonsensical.

She even blamed the illness on her daughter's disobedience and poor health, gradually becoming more irritable.

The indifferent eyes of every nurse who gave the injection, the unwillingness to say a word of comfort, and the cold-eyed waiting for her mother to control Xin'er stubbornly made this mother more anxious.

She worked harder every time, and louder every time.

"Well, I didn't learn how to teach you later uncle. Obediently wait."

Jiang Xiaohu said one sentence and repeated the sentence'Uncle' emphatically.

Even if he can be the grandfather of this child's grandfather...

But in this world, he still has to accept that he is growing tender.

Facing his subordinates, he can still stand high, but facing ordinary people, he can't let a woman who looks older than a teenager give Jiang Xiaohu an elder.

Jiang Xiaohu also needs to adapt to some things.

More than ten minutes later, there was a muffled noise in the laboratory.


Shang Wen slammed a fist on his stool, with a terrifying look on his face.

"what happened?"

The entire test process, including operating the machine, was all done by Jiang Xiaohu. He just got the blood draw results printed by Shangwen from the computer, and Jiang Xiaohu was taken aback by Shangwen's emotional outburst.

Now it’s almost time to eat, and the only person who comes for the blood test is the little girl named Xin'er.

"She! Pneumonia turned into cancer."

The decadent Shang Wen was trembling. He didn't know how to send this report to the pair of mothers and daughters who were sitting on the iron stools opposite the window, talking and laughing.

At this moment, my mother replaced Jiang Xiaohu and patiently taught Xiner to snap her fingers.

Seeing her mother will do it, Xin'er's eye worship shifts to her mother.

"Brother! I haven't learned well yet, but my mother will do too."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu holding a blood report and hearing the child's childish words, his mother's face turned red.

"Well, your mother is also great. This is the laboratory report. Which doctor did you see it?"

"Pediatric Doctor Yu."

"Oh, it's her, that's OK, let's go there together."

Jiang Xiaohu followed the mother and daughter to the pediatrics department.

Seeing Yu Bailing really sitting behind the desk, writing the medical records seriously, and seeing his patient come in with a smile on his face, Jiang Xiaohu nodded inwardly.

Faced with the threat of human diseases, doctors should all smile more.


"Look at this first."

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand to stop, and sent the blood report in his hand to Yu Bailing.

Just a glance, Yu Bailing's face turned pale for an instant, and his head was slightly lowered, but he did not dare to look up at the mother and daughter.

Yu Bailing, who took a few seconds to clear up her mood, slowly raised her head.

"I have to do another CT. The CT department is now off work. I will check it personally. You should pay the fee first."

The blood report is not enough, and Yu Bailing needs to be diagnosed.

Of course, if you want to be diagnosed, you still need to do a lot of related inspection items, but Xiner is still so young, she doesn't want her to suffer, and chooses to start with the simplest.

"CT? No need for the doctor. The child often catches colds and coughs. You can prescribe some cold medicine, and that...cephalosporin, just for cephalosporins."

Mother frowned, unwilling to spend any more money for an examination.

She came here with her children. In addition to saving some travel expenses, it is more that this is a new hospital with lower charges than other hospitals.

"No need to pay."

Jiang Xiaohu spoke.

Yu Bailing was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Jiang Xiaohu meant.

This is to do a CT for the patient free of charge. She began to explain patiently to her mother that there is no need to pay, she needs to do a test to confirm the child's condition.

Because it may be serious.

The mother will be suspicious, and feel a little nervous.

Hearing that there is no need to pay, the first hesitation still did not disappear.

Nowadays, there are not many doctors in the hospital. As the attending surgeon in surgery, Yu Bailing now also serves as a pediatric clinic.

Soon a group of people came to the third floor CT, less than ten minutes, the test results appeared.

After Yu Bailing's face turned pale again, it never faded.

"What's the situation, Doctor Yu."

Jiang Xiaohu sat in the CT room and looked at Yu Bailing, who was dignified beside him.

"Preliminary verification is lung cancer. The lungs have shadows and occupy one-third of the left lobe. She, she is only six years old."

Yu Bailing didn't know how to tell her mother outside the door.

"How to cure?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked.

"In the early stage, you only need surgical resection, and then a period of radiotherapy. If it is in the middle and late stages, if the diagnosis is confirmed, you must worry about the spread of cancer cells and do chemotherapy."

It is also radiotherapy, which removes the necrotic part of cancer cells, and then uses radiation to kill the remaining cancer cells.

This is the case alone, it is sufficient for the early cure.

But if it's the middle or late period, it's life extension.

At that time, cancer was like extra meat that could not be cut. You kept cutting and controlling with chemical drugs. If it is good, you can live more than ten years. If it is bad, it may be a year or a half. Cancer cells metastasize and the human immune system It is difficult to withstand multiple operations, drug destruction, and death is only a matter of time.

"Yes! There is hope! Do a few more tests to confirm the condition, and also to do serum tumor marker tests, bronchoscopy, percutaneous lung puncture, or lymph node biopsy. As long as it is early, there is still a rescue!"

Yu Bailing seemed to have been beaten up with chicken blood, and had not eaten lunch yet, but the whole person had the explosive power, and rushed to the door a few steps, ready to go out to let the girl continue to check.

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Xiaohu suddenly appeared at the door, blocking Yu Bailing's way.

"It's noon, I'll have enough food first, tell them that there is food in the hospital cafeteria, but I have to take it in the afternoon.

Undoubtedly, Jiang Xiaohu looked at Yu Bailing.

Yu Bailing understood Jiang Xiaohu's meaning at once, and his mother would definitely not be able to afford the rest of the inspection.

The first time, she will definitely take the child away, or find the father of the child to discuss, or to raise money, but no matter what, it will definitely delay time.

The best way to let children stay is to let them wait here.


Yu Bailing looked at Jiang Xiaohu a little puzzled.

But if it continues to be free, these high-end machines cost so much money.

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