The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1033 Terrible Test Results

Yu Bailing finally obeyed Jiang Xiaohu's words, told his mother and daughter the news, and invited them to the hospital for dinner.

Lunch here is very cheap, you can eat three dishes and one soup for only eight yuan.

Upon hearing this, the mother and daughter were very happy.

They immediately followed Yu Bailing and left.

"Doctor Yu, do you suspect that Xin'er has any other diseases? Why do you have to do CT? Is something wrong?"

Along the way, the child's mother was very puzzled about Yu Bailing's sudden CT.

Although she doesn't understand medicine, she also knows that CT is a relatively high-end examination, at least it must be a serious illness.

"It's nothing, let's see if our Xin'er has a good meal. Look, it's too short."

Yu Bailing's eyes were soft, teasing Xiner.

"I'm not short, I eat two bowls every time in kindergarten."

Draw with a strong pen for a while, stretch out one, and then stretch out another finger.

A smile appeared on Xin'er's face.

"Awesome Xiner! By the way, does Dad smoke at home?"

"Smoke, it smells bad, I smoke every night, and even say it kills mosquitoes, just lie to me!"

Hearing the doctor's aunt's questioning, Xin'er wrinkled her nose and loosened it, as if she was in the smoke now.The mother beside her had embarrassment on her face, but she didn't say anything, obviously something happened.

"Xin'er mother, are you busy this afternoon? This may not turn out so fast, or let Xin'er follow me, and you can pick it up after you finish this afternoon."

"This... will it be too troublesome."

Xin'er's mother's eyes shone, but she hesitated.

"It's okay, you saw it too, our hospital just opened, looking big, I'm fine. I can take Xin'er to the backyard garden to see."

Pointing to the garden downstairs in the inpatient department, which is the place to walk during the recovery period when the patient is hospitalized.

There is a fountain five meters wide in the center, with fish in the water.

A few children from outside often come here to play.

"Okay, then trouble Dr. Yu."

Xiner's mother no longer hesitated.

The aunt next door helped to watch it.

It would be nice to let Xin'er get in touch with more doctors and cultivate interest.

The promise of the angel in white is always more convincing.

For lunch, Yu Bailing used some cough syrup for Xin'er. During the meal, Xin'er said that she was really good at eating. After eating a lot of food, Yu Bailing almost burst into tears.

Xin'er's mother was also completely relieved, and just left after eating.

It may be to catch up with work.

Just after eating, he couldn't do an inspection right away. Jiang Xiaohu was not used to eating with others. There was a special dining place. After he came out, he saw Yu Bailing and Xin'er walking in the garden and walked over.

"Xin'er, let uncle give you the pulse."


Xin'er hides behind Yu Bailing, facing this big brother who is not willing to eat together, very upset.

More importantly, she didn't know what the pulse was.

"It's okay, just let Uncle take a look."

Yu Bailing knew that Jiang Xiaohu studied Chinese medicine, and she really had no other way to deal with cancer, and if it was Jiang Xiaohu, she would hold a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Beautiful sisters can always make children more willing to listen.

"Take your pulse."

Xin'er walked out, stretched out the injection arm to expose the back of her hand, her eyes closed, as if waiting for Jiang Xiaohu to bring her a needle.

Seeing such Xiner, the two smiled bitterly.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't say much, putting his fingers on Xin'er's wrist.

On the shaded bench, Jiang Xiaohu's eyes seemed to be radiated by light, emitting a faint white light.

Look at Xin'er's chest.

Through the skin, through the muscles, and then slowly down through the collarbone.

The lung on the left is slightly black, as if it has been poisoned by some kind of poison, and there is a black and yellow grease remaining on the inner wall of the trachea.

In this situation, it is as if someone who has been cultivated in the magic way has injected venom into his body.

And if this is the case, Xin'er needs to withstand a huge amount of palm strength, and she will not be able to live until now.

"Go to hospital first."

Jiang Xiaohu released his hand and looked at Xin'er, who was very lively despite her complexion, and found a way in her heart.

It's just that he wants to learn Western medicine, and it's even more important to look at each other's way at this moment.


Yu Bailing was stunned again.

Without the consent of the other's mother, this is equivalent to Jiang Xiaohu spending money again.

"Well, soon, I'm going to cough up blood."

"Impossible, I just used antibiotic cough medicine, even for cancer..."

"Cough cough..., cough cough cough, sister, blood!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xin'er opened the hand covering her mouth, and the inside was red with a little black.

When the blood coughed out, Xin'er felt dizzy.

It's like every time before a nap, she soon fell into a dream (coma).

Yu Bailing screamed in shock without warning.

Jiang Xiaohu hugged Xiner for the first time.


Yu Bailing was in a mess.

She didn't finish what she said just now. This specially targeted cough suppressant can suppress most of the coughs unless the other party has advanced lung cancer.

"Help her with the formalities and start checking immediately."

To cure diseases and save people is to race against death.

Now Xin'er is in a coma, obviously the condition of her lungs has deteriorated.

Can't wait any longer at this time.

Yu Bailing hugged Xin'er in his arms and rushed towards the second floor.

Three or two patients looked empty. With the identity of a doctor, Yu Bailing quickly arranged a single ward closest to the operating room.

Do pathological examination and genotyping.

With Yu Bailing personally going into battle, the test report was released soon.

Confirmed, late.

Cancer cells in the left half of the lung infected 45% of the lungs. Osteosarcoma appeared on the left shoulder bone, suspected of cancer metastasis.

Seeing that Xin'er is obviously not short in height, her shoulders are unusually narrow.

During the inspection, Yu Bailing made a special check.

did not expect.

Seeing this result, Yu Bailing squatted down in pain, hugged her calf with both hands, and buried her head on her knees.

Why, why did she receive a lovely child who was about to die on the first day of work, and why Xin'er was so cute that she would suffer this crime.

"Can't it be treated?"

Jiang Xiaohu carefully looked at the X-ray photographs Yu Bailing was holding, and there were several pathological reports in his hands.

He has just read a few medical books recently, but he still doesn't quite understand these professional terms.

"It can be treated, but..."

But it costs too much, but the cancer cells have metastasized, that is, I don’t know where it will reappear in the body one day.

At Xin'er's age, but with real treatment, no one can guarantee how many times she can accept the pain of chemotherapy.

"Then treat it first. For this matter, it is best to communicate with each other's parents first."

Jiang Xiaohu put down the film, and left the office.

This is a good learning opportunity, Jiang Xiaohu intends to collect relevant knowledge to learn more.

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