Without further ado, Yu Bailing dialed the number left by Xin'er's mother before leaving.

"Yes, it has been diagnosed, lung cancer... Don't get excited, you won't be misdiagnosed... You have to come over, yes, I am waiting for you here."

Some things will not happen unless they are dragged.

Yu Bailing knew that the sooner she told Xin'er's mother, the sooner she made a decision is the best choice.

Within half an hour, Xin'er's mother arrived.

Seeing her pale daughter lying on the hospital bed, Xin'er's mother collapsed.She still insisted on taking Xin'er to the'big' hospital for examination, and if Yu Bailing was misdiagnosed, Yu Bailing would have to pay for all diagnosis expenses.

Yu Bailing accepted it happily, making Xin'er's mother more painful.

Before leaving, Yu Bailing conveyed the preferential treatment card left by Xiaohu Changjiang from the hospital.

Yu Bailing explained it this way, and she felt incredible at the time.

This is a hospital. I have only heard of discounts on medicines. I have never heard of discounts on surgery and treatment. According to Yu Bailing's conversion, it is basically free.

When Yu Bailing gave it to Xin'er's mother, she told her to take it away, and if other hospitals diagnosed it, she would come to treat her.

"Basically no money. This is the only discount card given by the dean to help with publicity."

The specific items on the discount card are incomprehensible to ordinary people who are not clear about medical treatment. The scene that Yu Bailing secretly told Xin'er's mother, through the glass wall in the office on the third floor, saw clearly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Yu Bailing, not bad.

There is a kind of kindness called to tell you secretly.

Of course, this is mostly misunderstood.

Seeing Xin'er's mother heard Yu Bailing's suspicious look, the look that looked at some kind of fake cell phone sold at subway entrances and train stations was similar to that of stolen mobile phones.

Things will be reversed and misunderstood.

One afternoon, Xiner did not come back.

According to Yu Bailing's idea, it is less than two o'clock and Xin'er's mother takes the child for the examination, and the results should be obtained at four o'clock at the earliest.

Why haven't you come yet?

Yu Bailing was thoughtful, and all his thoughts were on the thin tall girl.

If it weren't for this disease, she would have been pretty and cute.

During dinner in the hospital, another major event happened in Tailin.Four ladies-style sports cars came to Tai Lin's door together, and four beautiful women with excellent temperament came down.

They come here

Pick up Jiang Xiaohu from get off work

Zhou Lin is a genuine wife and is currently the largest shareholder of Tailin Group's only facial mask product. The market value of facial masks increases exponentially in the market every day, and Zhou Lin is not useless.

She has a unique vision and started overseas business.

Today, Zhou Lin is solely responsible for the development of overseas markets.

In two days, she will personally go to the past, the establishment of the local branch, and the future strategic deployment.

Coming down from the BMW 7 Series, wearing a slim and decent suit, lined with a white curled spinning skirt, and silky purple-black leather shoes, the female president's temperament came into being.

In the distance, looking at the two big stars of friends Yuan Yimeng and Deng Shuangshuang from their Maserati and Ferrari sports cars.

Yuan Yimeng is a sales star, and Deng Shuangshuang is now the newcomer of film and television entertainment.

Even the sales team of the Huang Group was impressed by Yuan Yimeng's natural sales talent.With Yuan Yimeng’s presence in the entire southern market, sales doubled directly. Now all sales in the southern market, no one does not know Yuan Yimeng’s name.

Friends are very high-profile. According to Yuan Yimeng, they must be high-profile, just like their purple and red sports cars.

These two'suddenly' heard that Jiang Xiaohu was off work on the first day of Tailin Hospital, and insisted on coming to help!

What can I do to help out this get off work!

Zhou Lin couldn’t help it either. Both of them were good friends, and they had both worked on the same sofa. They experienced the hardest part of Tai Lin together. They comforted her...

All kinds of explanations were flying in Zhou Lin's heart, but she still couldn't understand. Even with these, they shouldn't come to pick up her husband from get off work!

If these two can barely accept it, then Huang Liying, who is the next luxury car from the Mercedes-Benz 900C, which has almost the same appearance as Zhou Lin's BMW 7 Series, will be difficult for Zhou Lin to accept.

Jiang Xiaohu rescued her father as the pearl of the Huang family.

Huang Group entered the Tailin Group and helped Tailin open the market in the fastest way.

Jiang Xiaohu also received the consultation fee, and this favor should be paid off.

But whenever there might be a place where Jiang Xiaohu played, this young lady would definitely be there.

The two girlfriends reminded Zhou Lin everywhere to pay attention, Zhou Lin's eyes have been walking around the three of them.

She should pay attention, you two need more!

Zhou Lin and Huang Liying's dressing is fairly normal, and Yuan Yimeng and Deng Shuangshuang are about the same as the fashion model show.

You should pay attention to it!

"You guys go back. On the first day of the night shift, I won't go back at night."

Wearing a white coat and covering his eyes with bangs, Jiang Xiaohu walked to the door of the hospital. He was not a doctor. He was determined not to let him enter the hospital.

This is the rule he set.

After speaking, turn around and leave.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, it's too early to open today. I didn't expect it to be so low-key. I came here to give the opening gift for my father."

Huang Liying smiled, holding a gift box in her hand, and stretched it out in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

"Thank you."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xiaohu took the box.

When you opened it, it was a blue origin tie.

This kind of opening ceremony looks more like a gift exchange between lovers, but Jiang Xiaohu didn't think too much and accepted it with pleasure.

He now wears formal clothes to work every day, and a tie is also needed.

There is no time to go shopping, some people send it, and it's good to accept it.

"I have it too."

Yuan Yimeng and Deng Shuangshuang took out a gift box, and Zhou Lin was stunned.

These two are still girlfriends, preparing gifts for their husbands, but they don't even say!

Jiang Xiaohu immediately opened the connection, the box was not big, Deng Shuangshuang gave a pair of leather shoes, and Yuan Yimeng gave a belt.

Zhou Lin gritted her teeth as she watched.

You just gave gifts to your friends' husbands, and you gave them all!

Such a personal thing!

The three women were happy to see Jiang Xiaohu accepting, and suddenly remembered that the real card was still by her side, her eyes wandered and she kept scanning Zhou Lin.

They were worried and worried that their gift would be the same as Zhou Lin's gift, which was embarrassing.

In fact, Zhou Lin is even more embarrassed. She is very busy now. In this matter, she ordered the opening flower baskets, and they were still at the door to give Jiang Xiaohu. She didn't even think about it.

"Husband, I'll come to pick you up for dinner, half an hour, and it won't delay the patient."

Zhou Lin showed her best smile, but her heart beat faster.

She was afraid, but Jiang Xiaohu refused.

"it is good."

"Doctor Yu, help me deliver these to the office. You will be on the night shift with me tonight, no problem...that's fine, go."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Yu Bailing, who was carrying a small shoulder bag and was about to leave after get off work. He stopped the person and put all the three gift boxes into the other's hands. Then he turned and opened Zhou Lin's car door and got into the car.

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