"Didn't it mean eating? Let's go."

Yu Bailing stared at the four peerless beauties in a daze, and the four of them stared at Yu Bailing's charming temperament in a daze.

Only Jiang Xiaohu who got on the BMW was urging Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin's mind was messy. You were on the night shift on the first day with such a beautiful woman. How could you rest assured your wife.

Yuan Yimeng, Deng Shuangshuang, Huang Liying

How can you reassure me!

Zhou Lin returned to her senses. Although she was a genuine wife, this matter had not yet passed the verification of the blood sacrifice enchantment. She and her good girlfriends, good partners, and even Yu Bailing in front of her were all at the same level of competition.

Even if they don't know.

But Zhou Lin knew clearly.

At this time, she has to show the attitude of the palace.

"Doctor Yu? Thank you for your hard work. By the way, have you eaten, do you want to be together?"

"Just eaten..."

Zhou Lin just wanted to show the generosity of the palace.

Even if the other party didn't eat this time, they would definitely say no, and Zhou Lin would be able to relieve the embarrassment just moments ago.

The idea is good, but unfortunately, she forgot her good girlfriend.

"Yes, right, let's go together."

Deng Shuangshuang stepped forward and held Yu Bailing's arm, and the scene opened his mouth.

It was as if Zhou Lin had dinner with Jiang Xiaohu and invited her.


Yuan Yimeng was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he immediately reacted.

"I haven't eaten it yet, can I be together?"

Huang Liying directly burst into tears, and she was very pitiful.

Is this a hot show, you three!

Zhou Lin's eyes were almost out of her eyes!

"I actually already..."

Yu Bailing wanted to say more.

Yuan Yimeng put the gift in his hand into his back seat, and Deng Shuangshuang pulled the person directly into his car.Huang Liying has already sat in the car first, saying that she will follow you closely and will never be left behind.

Everyone was ready, but Zhou Lin stomped angrily.

Turn into the car.

"what happened?"


The car quickly drove to Michelin.

It used to be Long Ye's shop, and it was acquired once, and now it belongs to Zhou Lin and Jiang Xiaohu.

There is Zhou Lin's memory here, and now there is him in the memory.

"VIP rooms..."

The newly hired Michelin manager saw the arrival of the proprietress, followed by a few friends, and immediately wanted to recommend the most luxurious private room to the proprietress.

"Full? Understandable, then, table ten is ready. Let them choose other positions."

Biao opera, you think my old lady can't!

Jiang Xiaohu smiled at Zhou Lin's small movements.

Obviously it disturbed her dining mood, even the face of her girlfriends.

The tenth table is where Jiang Xiaohu and Zhou Lin sit each time.

Seeing the familiar steps of the two, the four women behind them were slightly embarrassed.Of course it was Wei Wei. Soon the four of them were nearby, merged into a table No. 11, and dine together.

Moreover, without Zhou Lin's discussion, the manager took the initiative.

This manager is so cute.

After the last meal, Yuan Yimeng, Deng Shuangshuang, and Huang Liying handed out business cards to the lovely manager.

If the lady boss fires you, come to me.

Well, I didn't say this clearly, but the meaning was obvious.Zhou Lin's facial muscles twitched unnaturally.

None of these things affected Jiang Xiaohu's appetite. He is very picky about food, but this world has not yet satisfied him with food, mainly because there is no aura and the taste cannot be fully integrated.

Here, he just chooses the food that maintains the healthiest function.

Five women are holding wine glasses, you look at me, when I look at you, Jiang Xiaohu has eaten enough for the body, holding the wine glasses, drinking gracefully, and then got up...


"Drink more brown sugar water, your business is coming soon, don't stay up late lately. I have eaten, Doctor Yu?"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Yu Bailing.

She was pulled all the way and made the strongest light bulb.

I have been completely confused.

"Ah, me, too."

She drank two sips of wine from start to finish, and her face was reddish because she was still too strong to drink.

"Well, let's go back to the hospital first, wife, car keys."

Jiang Xiaohu stretched out a slender hand, Zhou Lin subconsciously took out the car key and put it on.

Yuan Yimeng got up and said that the gift was still in the car and he wanted to give it to Jiang Xiaohu.

In terms of position, Zhou Lin, Deng Shuangshuang, and Huang Liying all bowed their heads slightly, not knowing what they were thinking.

The parking attendant drove the car in front of him, and Yuan Yimeng stood in front of the Michelin door, watching Jiang Xiaohu drive away without a trace.

Back in the restaurant, the three women were still in their positions.

Zhou Lin only ate a little of the food in front of her, and even less for her girlfriends and Huang Liying.

If you have a problem, how to eat.

"Zhou Lin, I have decided, I want to be Jiang Xiaohu as a junior!"

Yuan Yimeng sat down, took a deep breath, then took a drink and drank it. Zhou Lin was stunned and started to feast on.

"I, I'm a junior!"

Deng Shuangshuang said to follow closely!She was eating crazy too, and she didn't dare to look at Zhou Lin's ugly face.

"Then what am I? Xiao Wu!"

Huang Liying's eyes widened and she was drinking too!

Not a very expensive wine, Bordeaux is slightly sweet, but Huang Liying said the'Little Five' moment, drinking it, and her heart was sweet.

"You guys! Dare you!"

Zhou Lin patted the table angrily, watching Huang Liying also start to pick up the knife and fork gracefully, followed closely behind.

Fighting later will definitely require physical strength. This is very important, so eat first!

Jiang Xiaohu didn't know what happened in the restaurant.

Just arriving at the door of the hospital, Xin'er's mother took Xin'er with a haggard face and was wandering.

Tai Lin turned on the night light, but the family of three didn't even have the courage to enter the door.

One afternoon, crazy laboratory diagnosis.

Xiao Xin'er's hand was covered with blood draw wounds.

Mother Zhao Lan was haggard, her face obviously did not know how many times she had cried, the gully was clearly visible, and the men behind him smoked one by one.

Zhao Lan slapped it angrily and slapped five fingerprints on the man's face.

The man was obviously very temperamental, but raised his hand, seeing the ferocity and stubbornness on his lover's face, he squatted aggrievedly and started crying.

Xiner took Zhao Lan's hand and touched her father's head, actually comforting.

"Mom, don't beat Dad, Dad works very hard."

When this sentence was said, Zhao Lan knelt down holding Xin'er and cried.

That sentence is what Zhao Lan used to coax Xin'er on weekdays: Xin'er, my father is very hard at work. The place to work is closed and not ventilated, so I want to smoke. Let's open the window and let it ventilate.

Ventilation is obviously ineffective.

"Bring them in."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Yu Bailing with red eyes, said something, and walked into the hospital.

In this world, there is no pain for no reason, and no pain for no reason. Behind everything, there are always all kinds of similar stories.

It's just a different kind.

Some are self-defeating and abandoning themselves, and some are living hard.

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