Jiang Xiaohu's understanding of Western medicine, although he has read a lot of books, is still not a specialist.If you use Tai Lin's medical skills to treat Xin'er, the chance of a successful cure is less than two percent.

It's not that the medical skills are not good, but the aura is not enough.

In Jiang Xiaohu's view, cancer cells are like toxins that continue to destroy the body. To completely eliminate them, Xin'er's body needs to have a strong regeneration ability, and to eliminate the toxins with its own immunity.

Zhao Jian's body possesses this ability.

However, after careful calculation, Jiang Xiaohu found that even Zhao Jian, if he receives the number of cancer cells from Xin'er at the moment, cannot heal himself unless Jiang Xiaohu helps him.

In other words, to cure it with Tai Lin medicine, the most basic thing is that Xiner needs to reach Zhao Jian's physical fitness.

Kuayang body is so easy to get, otherwise it would not be a bloodline that everyone envy.

Zhao Jian is fate, and Xiner's thin body is not lucky.

Yu Bailing's treatment plan is to remove the necrotic area and then use chemotherapy to remove the cancer cells. It is the universal treatment plan for cancer in the world.

Tailin Hospital also has this equipment.

This is the first plan, and the follow-up.

Jiang Xiaohu will use his aura to help transform Xin'er's body, so that her immunity will be greatly enhanced against cancer cell viruses.

This is the second option, to cure cancer!

Of course, Jiang Xiaohu will not tell the family that is about to be broken.

This hope, people in this world will not understand, and most importantly, to complete the second step, at least Xiao Xiner must survive in the operating room.

Even with the development of science and technology, the risk of surgery has not been reduced.

Human willpower, surgical complications.

Any small accident during the operation may cause people to fall on that chair. This is not alarmist, but fact.

These are what families need to recognize.

"Uncle, can you heal me?"

Yu Bailing was talking about treatment plans and follow-up arrangements to Zhao Lan and the man with his head down. Xin'er suddenly walked over and took Jiang Xiaohu's hand.

As if taking the pulse, I put it on my little wrist and asked seriously.


Jiang Xiaohu smiled.

He understood the little girl's mind and comforted the parents behind him.

Xin'er smiled, Zhao Lan also tugged at the corners of her mouth, and the father behind him firmly held Xin'er in his arms, repeatedly emphasizing that he would quit smoking.

"For your health, it is best to check your body after Xin'er gets better."

Jiang Xiaohu made a final summary of the conversation tonight, and then asked Yu Bailing to arrange for Xin'er to be hospitalized.

The hospitalization fee is free, just pay a registration fee.

After signing the first aid agreement, inform Xin'er's parents that there are nurses on duty in the hospital and they can go home first.

"President Jiang, I want to schedule the operation at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, when Dr. Tong Li will perform the operation. He has many years of surgical experience and is better than me..."

After sending off his parents, Yu Bailing reported to Jiang Xiaohu.

This is Tailin's first operation. You must be cautious, and some details need to be reported to the dean. Even Jiang Xiaohu is still reading the basic book "Precautions for surgery".

"I have already called Li Tong and Wu He. They will be there in half an hour and go to the operating room to prepare. It will start at ten."

Jiang Xiaohu didn't put down the book, didn't even glance at Zhou Lin.

"What? Evening!"

Zhou Lin was stunned when she heard Jiang Xiaohu's words.

The patient has just arranged to be hospitalized. Jiang Xiaohu will start the operation immediately. The data of the body has not been tested. Can the patient bear the consumption during the operation, or should he strengthen nutrition first?None of this was done, and the operation immediately was tantamount to harming Xin'er.

Zhou Lin is about to object!An alarm came from his waist.

This is the contact phone of all members of Tailin Medical Care, and tonight, the only one who may call this phone is...

"Doctor Yu, Xin'er suddenly coughed up blood and coughed very badly!"

Before he could reply, Yu Bailing ran away.

At the first sight of Xin'er, Jiang Xiaohu inspected Xin'er's pale body through his spiritual eyes, and took blood tests in the afternoon, resulting in insufficient supply of the thin Xin'er body. Just now, Xin'er took his hand to check her pulse. Perceive this.

According to Jiang Xiaohu's experience, Xiner may not survive tonight.

Therefore, for treatment, it must be now.

Yu Bailing gave Xin'er first aid and stabilized Xin'er's body, but because of this, Yu Bailing was even more opposed to immediate surgery, and even the surgery schedule for tomorrow morning would be postponed.

Obviously, Xiner's current situation is very bad.

It is not suitable for surgical treatment at all.

At the same time, Li Tong and Wu He who came together also agreed with Yu Bailing's schedule for the operation.

The patient's body is unstable. At this time, the risk of being unable to walk off the operating table increases by 30%.

"I understand that you are all for the sake of the patient. The operation is scheduled at ten o'clock in the evening. You should take a break and work overtime with me until ten o'clock."

Jiang Xiaohu didn't have the power of dean, it was life-saving.

It's not a mess, he knows Xin'er's situation, others don't.

At ten o'clock, it may be Xiner's journey to Guimenguan.

At that moment, it's not whether you want to or not, but you have to do this operation.

Ten o'clock

Came quietly.

Yu Bailing and the two other doctors on duty who were temporarily pulled over, the mobile phones around their waists rang fatal urging at the same time.

Jiang Xiaohu stood outside the ward early.

The three of them entered at the same time to give Xiner another first aid.

In less than a minute, the three of them chanted to prepare for operation room No. 1 and immediately carried out surgical rescue.

The patient’s pulmonary complications blocked the trachea, and his sallow face was purple at the moment.

When Wu He's anesthetic hadn't worked, Li Tong's scalpel had already cut Xin'er's body. Jiang Xiaohu stood aside and watched Yu Bailing expertly help handing tools while holding Xin'er's exposed feet. Ah.

An aura passes through the soles of the feet into Xin'er's body.

Li Tong was sweating profusely, and the nurse on the side kept wiping him.

Yu Bailing next to her was even more worried.

It is easy to remove the foreign body and resume breathing, but now that the chest cavity is open, should it be stitched up and wait for the next time?

The doctors and nurses present all know.

Xiner's situation, waiting for the next time, may be another first aid for complications.

Under the nod of Xiaohu Yangtze River in the courtyard.

Li Tong's scalpel was aimed at Xin'er's damaged lung lobe.

In the next time, Jiang Xiaohu witnessed the entire operation, and when the three doctors were extremely worried about whether Xin'er could hold it.

One hour passed

Two hours passed

Xin'er's vital signs have been stable, which has brought hope to the doctors, and Li Tong's movements have become more skillful and stable.

The operation was very successful.

After the next stitching is completed by Yu Bailing, everything is left to wait.

Jiang Xiaohu's face gradually turned pale.

The consumption is not small.

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