When everything is complete, the patient is sent to the sterile observation ward.

The doctor in charge of the operation sat in the lounge with Jiang Xiaohu, all looking exhausted.

Especially Jiang Xiaohu

It stands to reason that the part Jiang Xiaohu is responsible for should be the easiest. He only needs to do some auxiliary work from the observation data responsible for the operation.

Yu Bailing's eyes never left Jiang Xiaohu's body, because Jiang Xiaohu looked no more relaxed than Li Tong, and even felt completely relieved and his lips were a little pale.

At this time, Jiang Xiaohu closed his eyes to rest his mind, while slowly adjusting his breath.

Xin'er's body issued multiple warnings of complications. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the operation, Jiang Xiaohu acted hard to convey the spirit of Xin'er, and temporarily improved Xin'er's physical fitness to the extent of Zhao Jian's recovery.

Stop the sudden occurrence of complications.

For this reason, Jiang Xiaohu was completely relieved and fell into ethereal at the moment. Instead, his eyes were clear. He kept recalling all the actions of Li Tong during the operation, repeatedly watching in his mind, recalling and observing.

"Okay, everyone is tired tonight, go home early to rest. Just have me here."

After ten minutes, Xia felt her body recovered slightly and said to her feet.

At the age of 40, Li Tong waved his hand gently, and Wu He also smiled along with him and took out his mobile phone.Instead, the nurse on duty got up first and came to the nurse's desk to fetch the bedding and send it to the two doctors' offices.

It seems that these two must be hospitalized tonight.

"Now time, don't you go back?"

The two chief surgeons both returned to their offices, thanking the nurse for the bedding and then began to rest.

Xia Ya was not aware of the following questions.

Yu Bailing came to Xia Ya, smiled and explained.At the same time, I thanked the nurse who just hugged her the bedding in the hospital.

"The thoracotomy is not a trifling matter. It belongs to the third to fourth level of surgical intensity. Patients may have various conditions 24 hours after the operation and require nursing care. Among them, two hours after the operation is the most critical period. This is the time between the surgeon and the attending physician You have to be by your side, and unexpected situations will happen.

Of course, especially in late-night emergencies, people usually stay behind."

This is the normal state of good medicine.

Yu Bailing didn't say one more thing.

In fact, she was very curious whether Jiang Xiaohu was a doctor.

The medical quality shown by the other party, especially when the operation just started tonight, even reported data errors.

But at certain critical moments, it seems very professional.

"President Jiang, is this your first operation today?"

After being sent to the dean's office, Yu Bailing finally couldn't help but ask what she thought, after all, this matter is not a trivial matter.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Yu Bailing with doubts in his eyes.

"If Dean Jiang is willing, I am willing to help Dean."

Obviously it would be rude to ask a hospital director this way, but if Jiang Xiaohu really does not have medical qualifications, I am afraid that the Tailin Hospital will be closed within a month.

And Yu Bailing will lose her job again.

She only went to work on the first day, and she was satisfied with the atmosphere brought by Tailin, or Jiang Xiaohu, and didn't want to lose it.

"Don't worry, I have a doctor's license."

Jiang Xiaohu seemed to understand what Yu Bailing was referring to and replied.

Hearing Jiang Xiaohu's answer, Yu Bailing sighed slightly, as long as it is not illegal, but with little internship or inexperience, this matter is still too late.

And soon, Yu Bailing remembered this evening, and suddenly felt amused that she was relieved.

Jiang Xiaohu became the dean of Tailin the day after he got the doctor's qualification certificate.

Except for Zhao Jian, he seems to have never had a patient.

There was nothing in Xin'er's body that night, it was a miracle.

After all, there was no situation during the operation. You can imagine how strong Xiner's body is.

Even if it wasn't just after the operation, Li Tong would like to have a comprehensive examination of Xin'er's body.

Early the next day, Xin'er's parents heard of the situation last night and regretted it with fright.Originally, they could leave a person to accompany them, but because many things were unprepared, plus there was a patient in the Tailin Inpatient Department, a nurse and a doctor, several people were here, and Xiner was also familiar with Yu Bailing.

Just go home and get things ready.

But I don't want to, almost separated from mother and Yang.

When a pair of fathers saw Li Tong, they knelt immediately and heard that the operation fee was really exempted. They only need to pay a thousand yuan hospitalization fee for observation for a month, and they can be discharged after a good recovery. They are even more grateful to Jiang Xiaohu.

Xin'er's body accepted Jiang Xiaohu's help, and it was only a matter of time before she recovered.

In addition, she is still developing, and the part of the body removed will grow well soon, and there is nothing to worry about.

Yu Bailing conducts daily inspections. While talking and laughing with Xin'er, she began to find out her surgery record books over the past few years, and explained the details of each operation to Jiang Xiaohu to help her understand everything about the surgery.

Everything you need from preparation to start and end.

And Jiang Xiaohu was a little absent-minded every time he listened.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible car accident happened, which shocked the entire Binhai people at the same time.

A young man driving an Audi was racing on a turning section of the highway, causing the tourist bus to dodge and hit the body of a nearby container.The container truck lost control and went sideways, causing the 27 large and small vehicles behind the vehicle to crash together with the bus.

The number of people injured in the car accident reached the highest number in Binhai.

The entire Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine had no way to receive this huge injured population at the same time, and immediately initiated a request for assistance to the surrounding hospitals.

Tai Lin

This hospital, which has just been opened for less than a month, has also become the reception hospital of Chinese medicine this time, because it is a new hospital with enough wards.

Actually allocated most of the people with mild and moderate injuries.

In an instant, the entire hospital suddenly became lively.

Accompanied by a screaming howl, coming and going with the patient's family.

"Dean, our current number of doctors is not enough to receive such a large crowd of wounded people, and many of these wounded are also very fatal with moderate injuries. If they cannot be treated in time, I am afraid they will..."

Li Tong helped Xiner's operation succeed last time, and his reputation in Binhai gradually spread.

This time Jiang Xiaohu suddenly received so many patients, he was the first to stand up and explain that he hoped that Jiang Xiaohu would exercise caution.

Whether it is private or state-run, doctors need to do what they can if they need to save people.

If there is a mistake, which leads to the death of the patient, it is very unfavorable for Tai Lin who has just passed the procedure.

Li Tong's subtext also blames Jiang Xiaohu for not discussing the number of 143 patients with doctors.

"What we have to do now is to do our best to treat."

Yu Bailing was very dissatisfied with Li Tong's words.

Tailin does have enough hospital beds to accept more patients. This is a reasonable approach. As for the doctors.

Everyone has worked hard, but it is not really bad.

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