Jiang Xiaohu seemed to regard Han Anmin's leg as a rotten garment full of holes.

In order to keep the clothes on.

It seemed that Jiang Xiaohu, who had been stitching for countless years, raised his hand and started stitching himself.

Yu Bailing uses the tang suture method to stitch a vein in about 20 minutes. During this time, no one can help her, and everything depends on her.

And Jiang Xiaohu can connect one in less than five minutes.

When the tired Li Tong took a break, he would carefully check Jiang Xiaohu's surgical sutures.

For this he was even more shocked. The other party is not only fast, but also very professional. Each knot is like a customized textbook, which can be regarded as a suture model for many doctors to observe and learn.

"Next, what should I do?"

Jiang Xiaohu watched the needle drop in his hand, and the countless tendons, veins, and even tendons that could be pulled in one place were all sutured.

Only the remaining aorta is controlled by hemostats.

The same aorta is the same when the calf is up.

In the middle, part of the blood vessels was lost due to the collision of a car accident. The medical plan Jiang Xiaohu saw was to perform repair operations.

He did not dabble in this aspect of theoretical knowledge.

"Let me do it."

Yu Bailing got up after resting for half an hour.

She knew that after the repair of the aorta, the operation was basically completed.

And this is also a key link. Jiang Xiaohu asked what to do, obviously not knowing the next steps.

Li Tong didn't notice it. He was still giving instructions for the operation steps, and he saw Yu Bailing taking the position where Jiang Xiaohu took the initiative and stepped up.

Use blood vessels to compensate for the broken part and suture both ends.

Because it is aortic suture, the difficulty is increased, the blood vessel at the artery needs to be completely repaired, and the suture density cannot allow blood to squeeze.

Twenty minutes later, the artery is sutured.

Li Tong slowly loosened one end of the hemostatic forceps.

When completely loosened, blood flows into the compensatory blood vessel, filling it.

The hemostatic forceps in Li Tong's hand are still stuck around the blood vessels. As long as there is sudden damage, he will re-attach the hemostatic forceps to jam the aorta as soon as possible.

One minute later, the blood was full without spillage, and Li Tong nodded.

Yu Bailing immediately loosened the blood vessels at the end of the calf.

Phew, blood rushed down soon.

Within a minute, the soles of the originally pale feet gradually became rosy.

"Blood pressure: 6090, normal breathing, stable heartbeat, normal brain waves, everything is normal."

The accompanying surgical nurse reported the injured's indicators. On the operating table, Li Tong and Yu Bailing were relieved at the same time.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't seem so surprised.

In fact, he has been observing Han Anmin's physical condition in his own way, and Jiang Xiaohu's every move is under the control of Jiang Xiaohu.

Just like the leukemia operation for Xin'er, as long as Jiang Xiaohu is there, the success rate of the operation is only 100%, and there is no possibility of failure.

"Okay, stitch up next, Doctor Jiang."

Li Tong looked at Jiang Xiaohu.

Li Tong will let Jiang Xiaohu do the task of suturing the skin and ending the operation.

No way, he was tired, and Yu Bailing was also tired as a woman.

Outside Wu He is still busy with other operations, and the average sleep time per day for these two days is no more than four hours.

"Well, it's hard work, take a break."

Jiang Xiaohu has experienced countless sutures in the past few days.

He has been watching how hard Li Tongyu Bailing these chief surgeons are.

Now Jiang Xiaohu can contact the suture technique again, which is also very helpful to him.

It was like suturing the veins. In less than ten minutes, Jiang Xiaohu sutured Han Anmin's thigh immediately. Seeing that his condition was stable, Jiang Xiaohu was also very happy.

During this operation, he didn't get any spiritual energy.

This shows that not every medical skill in this world needs to rely on Reiki to cure diseases.

In this way, in the future, Jiang Xiaohu can slowly absorb aura to improve his cultivation, and at the same time he will be able to treat patients with this kind of surgical treatment, and to accumulate merit for himself in order to make a breakthrough.

In the past few months, Jiang Xiaohu was not the chief surgeon.

He assisted in saving the lives of dozens of patients including Xin'er and Han Anmin.

Although the merits gained from it were not much, Jiang Xiaohu was very satisfied.

Because he is only supporting from the side, he already has so much, if he treats it himself, I believe he will be able to accumulate breakthrough merits soon.

And he is not in a hurry now, after all, before the breakthrough.

He also needs to have enough aura to build his base-building stage to the later stage.

The spiritual energy in this world is thin, and the spiritual body is extremely difficult to exist.

A cultivating creature that can still possess aura in this world, whether it is a human or another, Jiang Xiaohu has a feeling that it will not be too annoying.

They have been hidden in this world for so many years, and forbearance is not a day or two.

After millions of years, even if the strength is improved a little bit a day, it should not be underestimated at this moment.

"The operation was very successful. The next step is to wait for the patient to wake up."

Jiang Xiaohu sent Han Anmin into the ward. When he came out, he just heard Li Tong say this to two women, Zhu Tianran and Chen Bing, the patient's family members.

The two huddled together happily when they heard the good news.

Immediately Li Tong also expressed the conjecture that the legs might be lost subconsciously, and the two women didn't care at all. No matter whether the legs could recover or not, at least their lives were saved, and everyone had tried their best. This made the mother and daughter the happiest.

For the next two hours, Han Anmin's situation remained stable.

After three days of busy work, the emergency treatment ended with Han Anmin's surgery.

Jiang Xiaohu returned to Lanting Yawan.

After the company made money, Zhou Lin discussed with Jiang Xiaohu and stayed in this building.

She was afraid that Jiang Xiaohu would not want to, her eyes were pitiful.

It seems that I live in such a place in front of the company's president, and I am afraid that Jiang Xiaohu will be unhappy.

And in fact

“It’s the same wherever you live. It’s good here. The breakfast downstairs is delicious, the floor is good, the air is good, and the location is also very good. Whether it’s going to the clubhouse or the hospital, it’s very close. There is no need to change places.”

As Jiang Xiaohu finished this sentence, Zhou Lin's moved tears almost fell.

Her life changed with Jiang Xiaohu.

And now Zhou Lin didn't even dare to demand anything, even her best friend and Huang Liying, and even the beautiful female doctor Yu Bailing in the hospital, appeared in the danger alert.

Zhou Lin did not dare to say a word in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

The previous way of taking off half of his shoulders, I don't know when, it didn't work.

Zhou Lin didn't realize it. It seemed that it was that night when Jiang Xiaohu asked her if she was satisfied. After she answered that she was satisfied, Jiang Xiaohu seemed to have changed again.

He was the same as before, caring about Zhou Lin very much, and prepared breakfast.

But began to busy with the hospital's business, as long as Zhou Lin didn't find Jiang Xiaohu about the facial mask, Jiang Xiaohu would not ask at all.

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