The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1044: The New Neighbor Upstairs

It is 01:10 in the morning, and Jiang Xiaohu has no choice to stay in the hospital.

The folding bed in Tailin's office is also very comfortable, but he decided to come back to rest after having been busy for almost a week.

The key was inserted into the anti-theft door hole, and it had just turned around. The lights in the corridor flashed twice in a row, and Jiang Xiaohu's movements stopped immediately.

In case

The surrounding temperature dropped by two degrees.

Such a change will make people feel that the night cold is heavy, and the temperature is normal.

Jiang Xiaohu knew that this was not the case.

The temperature change is slow, suddenly dropping two degrees, which is by no means a natural phenomenon.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't care about the keyhole anymore, he slowly walked to the upper level.

The area of ​​temperature change is first communicated from the upper layer. In addition to temperature, there is sound.

Upstairs he wondered if there was the sound of someone walking, and then it stopped, followed by another rustle rubbing the ground.

The sound is very weak, but it often appears.


Jiang Xiaohu had just climbed the upper floor from the escape stairs, and the sound of a heavy object falling into Jiang Xiaohu's ears.


A unique breath was lost in the entire upper floor.

Jiang Xiaohu immediately judged that this breath did not belong to human beings.

"Where the hell did you lose it? Oh, I knew it was put in the bag."

"Hurry up and find it for me! One by one knows to sleep, I shouldn't promise to take you out!"

"Still asleep, get up!"


Jiang Xiaohu stood at the door, the other side's stainless steel door was not closed, and there were still many large cardboard boxes at the door.

Looks like this, it should have moved here on the first day of today.

But why is it already 1:00 in the morning and it hasn't been cleaned yet.

Moreover, listening to the voice, it seems that she is still a woman.

"Boom boom boom!"

No matter what the identity of the other party is, she is on the floor directly above Jiang Xiaohu's house.

If this is a noisy night, how can he rest?You know, he has been busy for a long time, and even used a lot of spiritual energy to save a few patients who might have died, and now he needs a good rest.


The woman opened the door.

The pink love T-shirt reveals the shoulders and belly button, and the lower body ultra-short jeans reveal two white and straight pencil legs.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a pencil leg.

Two fat ponytails are drooping behind his head, and there are purple grape hair accessories on them, which look delicate and cute.

"It's so late, what's the matter?"

While the girl was talking, she didn't notice at all, there was still a snake hanging around her neck.

Jiang Xiaohu recognized at a glance that the snake was actually a green bamboo leaf, and it was the one that had a fate.


Jiang Xiaohu pointed his finger at the opponent's neck.

"Ah, this? A pet."

The girl held the bamboo leaf green casually, and then hesitated for two seconds.

Finally, I remembered why the big brothers from the moving company had originally carried things upstairs for her kindly, but suddenly they all ran away.

The co-authors are all ghosts made by Xiaoqing, so he twisted Zhu Yeqing and threw it behind his head.

"Hey, here, my sofa!"

Just after throwing the bamboo leaf green, the girl saw Jiang Xiaohu behind.

She had been looking for the sofa for a long time, but it had been placed outside the door, but it was not installed in it, no wonder it could not be found.

Suddenly I found it now, very happy in my heart, dragging the box, facing Jiang Xiaohu's mouth, and then Jiang Xiaohu left the door blocking the road and slowly dragged the sofa in.

"Have you always been so strong?"

"No, after the recent improvement in skill...hey, who are you!"

After Jiang Xiaohu asked, the girl would answer casually, and suddenly realized that it was wrong, and then stopped instantly.

"I'm the neighbor downstairs. You were so noisy upstairs just now, so I couldn't sleep."

"Ah, that's it, sorry, sorry, my name is Bai Fu, I just moved in today."

Bai Fu stretched out a small hand.

"Jiang Xiaohu."

Jiang Xiaohu also stretched out his hand.

Holding the big and small hands together, Bai Fu suddenly flew back to the wall like an electric shock.

" lie!"

With this anger, Bai Fu, who had just returned to a lovely appearance, gradually turned his eyes into purple-red.

"What did I lie to?"

"You are a monk!"

"I am a cultivator!"

"It's all the same, every good thing about you cultivators, say, do you want to shave me off for alchemy! I tell you, I am very powerful, don't mess with me!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the vowed Bai Fu, followed again behind him, the green bamboo leaves hovering around Bai Fu's neck.

"I don't make pills."

After Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, he looked at Bai Fu.

"Oh, so, that's good."

Bai Fu, who was just right now, heard Jiang Xiaohu's words, suddenly put away his attack, and then slowly walked over.


Zhu Yeqing was clearly reminding Bai Fu not to trust people, especially cultivators.

But Bai Fu didn't care at all, and even said that Jiang Xiaohu had planted spirit grass on his hill, but when he saw you Xiaoqing, he didn't hurt you. At least for now, he is not an enemy.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't speak during this conversation, but just watched it quietly.

He hates the weirdness, the demon now needs to live in the city?With so many companions, I didn't know how to solve it all along the way.

Many snake bodies slowly crawled out of the two huge suitcases behind Bai Fu. They seemed to sense that Bai Fu's body was in danger and appeared spontaneously to protect Jiang Xiaohu's safety.

"I'm going to rest, you will clean up here during the day, with a lower voice."

After Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, Bai Fu immediately apologized and said that he would rest tomorrow morning, and then made a clanging sound without knowing what he was stepping on.

"sorry Sorry."

Bai Fu folded his hands and apologized to Jiang Xiaohu again.

Faced with such a snake monster, Jiang Xiaohu didn't have much interest.

The other party has a cultivation base, just like Jiang Xiaohu touched, Bai Fu is indeed very powerful.

At least one hundred thousand years of cultivation.

It should have been practicing in that mountain, Zhuyeqing's partner or leader.

But the roads are different, do not seek each other.

Jiang Xiaohu cultivated immortality, and had no connection with Yaoxiu.

He is not an evil cultivator, and Bai Fu has no hostile cause and effect on his body. Even if the demon accumulates merits, he must also eliminate the sins.

With such a blank piece of paper as Xiang Baifu, let alone Jiang Xiaohu's lack of spiritual power, he couldn't beat Baifu, even if he was killed, it would be a kind of harm to himself.

From the conversation just now, to taking the initiative to leave.

Bai Fu's performance was obviously still a half-year-old child.

Jiang Xiaohu also had no intention of making enemies, but just said a few words and left.

Back in front of the door, turning the key, there was another thumping sound on it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the key dropped when I closed the door."

Bai Fu's voice entered Jiang Xiaohu's ears.

The other party even used an apology, making Jiang Xiaohu feel speechless.

In fact, Jiang Xiaohu went to see it on the third floor to see if it was a bad demon and whether it was harmful to people like himself.

Seeing Bai Fu, I had already dispelled the idea of ​​elimination.

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