That is, today, the fish skin on the girl's body has automatically turned up a lot.

Jiang Xiaohu watched Wei Zhenqing use tweezers to take off the fish skin piece by piece.

Some parts are still fixed, but it does not affect the removal, leaving a little red mark. I believe the skin will repair itself soon.

Starting from the neck, all the way down, until the whole body of the fish skin is removed.

Qin Xuan didn't look at her also injured arm. She kept looking at Wei Zhenqing closely, trying to see from the look in her eyes whether there was fear or disgust.

Every day, Wei Zhenqing would go to Qin Xuan's bedside.

The two chatted and talked.

Waiting for Wei Zhenqing to arrive every moment has become Qin Xuan's happiest thing.

"Do you want to look in the mirror!"

Xiang Wei Zhenqing's eyes were full of surprises.

It was unabashed excitement and joy.

The surface skin repaired by the fish skin does not have any creases or a trace of distortion.

Except for a little red mark, the border with intact skin is also as smooth as new, and the effect is amazing.

"it is good."

As Qin Xuan nodded, Jiang Xiaohu slowly left.

He is here to take a look at the therapeutic effects of the active skin fish skin obtained at a huge price.

It now appears that the effect is remarkable.

Even if he didn't tell the patient the true price, Jiang Xiaohu didn't care.

His goal is to master the fastest method of treatment.

The 3D printer replaced by the titanium alloy is a bit big, and Jiang Xiaohu's strength is still in the late stage of foundation construction. I am afraid that it will not be possible to have equipment such as storage for a while.

Let alone other things, just the materials.

Heavenly meteorite iron, jade essence, etc., can not be easily obtained.

Ascended to the heavens, you can go to the outer world to collect meteorite iron and visit the jade essence. These are not problems.

But Jiang Xiaohu went to Tianxian, the year of the monkey.

Don't think about it now.

A set of surgical equipment and active fish skin implants, Jiang Xiaohu covered it on the branches of Bi Lingcao, opened a hole for the Lingcao, and with the help of the Lingcao's ability to absorb the essence of the world, the fish skin covered its surface to survive a little specimen.

When needed.

Jiang Xiaohu will spawn with biological blood, or directly bless its special effects with spiritual power.

3D printers and standard sizes are not portable.

It’s not weight, but volume.

Too eye-catching, Jiang Xiaohu does not want to be noticed by others.

In addition to these, I brought some Chinese herbal medicines and Western medicines.

This is what Yu Bailing told Jiang Xiaohu that there is a lack of doctors in the battlefield, as well as medicine.

The state dispatched supporting doctors in the past will also prepare a batch of medicines, but the doctors can bring them on their own and will not object.

And as Yu Bailing said

Sometimes taking an extra painkiller pill may save a person's life.

This is also the largest part of Jiang Xiaohu's luggage.

"Is this ready? Will it be too soon."

Yu Bailing came to the dean's office and looked at the bag on the table.

The eye-catching and huge package is completely customized according to the maximum carrying volume that Yu Bailing told, and it is also important and accurate.

When Yu Bailing was speaking, she walked over and took a look.

It can be lifted, but it is heavy.

Obviously this is the largest carrying weight within the specified range.

Thinking of Jiang Xiaohu's ability to carry size and weight to the extreme at the same time, Yu Bailing has a huge curiosity, and she wants to open it and find out the urge.

What's in it?

Wouldn't it be possible to install a 3D printer?

In fact, the size of this package can indeed hold a printer.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaohu felt that the weight of the printer was too large, and there were not many titanium alloy raw materials to replace bones, so he decisively discarded it.

"I like to prepare in advance. How is Xiner?"

Jiang Xiaohu picked up the bag and put it beside the sofa.

"Okay, it's all right. Tell you a secret, I did a test for Xiner before she left. Guess what?"

Yu Bailing looked very excited when she heard Xin'er's name.

"The cancer cells are gone."

Jiang Xiaohu spoke lightly.

"How did you know? Was it you? How did you do it!"

Surprised, Yu Bailing looked at Jiang Xiaohu in surprise, and instantly confirmed that there is absolutely no one else who can do this except Jiang Xiaohu.

As for the method.

This is a top secret medical technique, I am afraid it will not be easily revealed.

Even so, Yu Bailing couldn't help asking.

In case it can be spread on a large scale, this is a major event for the benefit of mankind.

The last time he came back from the dead, Yu Bailing was always puzzled, and now that Xin'er mattered, Yu Bailing believed that Jiang Xiaohu was no ordinary doctor, and might even be the legendary genius doctor.

"If you can do things faster when you go out, I can consider telling you how to cure it."

Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly.

He found that he didn't know when he had two more lines of karma. Seven days a week, four days have been booked.

If there are two more, wouldn't it be his own one day a week?

He must stop this sign.

"Well, that's what you said, I will contact the professor now."

The method of treating cancer cells is a medical problem all over the world.

The reproducibility, stubbornness, and recurrence of cancer cells are all problems, especially it will metastasize, spread, and complication.

If Xiaoqiang is the most difficult organism in the world to kill, then cancer cells are the most tenacious cytopathies in humans, and all known medical methods can only be controlled, or they can be destroyed by chemotherapy.

Among them, the patient needs to endure great pain.

Fortunately in the early days, there is still a chance to be cured.

In the middle and late stages, almost all of them continued their lives.

"Come to me, not just to see what I packed, what else?"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the package in Yu Bailing's hand.

"This is for you."


I took it and opened the package. Inside was a scarf.

Hand-knitted, the wool is the best-bought, black and white, it looks particularly temperamental.

It's just that the thickness is relatively large, and it seems to be too hot for use in the coastal area, but if you go to Lak, it is really used.

But Jiang Xiaohu, he really didn't use it.

"Xin'er's mother knits it. It is said that she often makes this and sells it at her own stall. It is specially brought to you, don't need to push it to me, I have it too. That's OK, I'm busy."

After Yu Bailing finished speaking, he cocked the corner of his mouth and walked out.

Jiang Xiaohu was indeed holding the scarf, before he could push it away, finally looking at the white figure, only a wry smile was left.

Add a scarf, it should not be overweight.

Thinking about this, Jiang Xiaohu put it on top of his big parcel.

It was almost noon time for dinner before Bai Fu went to work in the hospital.

Jiang Xiaohu seriously suspected that this product was running to a free restaurant, so he got up, otherwise he would definitely not come.

"It's delicious."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Bai Fu, stuffing meat into the doll from time to time, and said something.

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