The green bamboo leaf inside the doll felt Jiang Xiaohu's appearance and immediately remained motionless.

Bai Fu stuffed the fish in his hand into the green-green green baby doll, and there was no movement. Obviously Zhu Yeqing was very jealous of Jiang Xiaohu, but Bai Fu didn't care.

Seeing if Zhuyeqing did not eat, she would eat it herself.

The food here tastes very good, the most important thing is fullness.

If it wasn't for fear of scaring people, Bai Fu could not wait to bring all his friends over and eat here every day.

"Is the salary advanced enough?"

"Well, almost."

Bai Fu was eating fish-flavored shredded pork, which was obviously roasted with eggplant, but it tasted better than meat.

I picked all the shredded pork for Xiaoqing, and Bai Fu was the eggplant.

"Then go to the finance department to pay the money, your family members."

With a harmonious smile on Jiang Xiaohu's face, he looked like a confidant big brother.

"Oh, thanks."

Lifting his head slightly, revealing two bulging cheeks, Bai Fu answered vaguely.

There is money to take and food to eat. Of course, if you can do a few things like before, it will be more beautiful. Unfortunately, since Bai Fu followed the last human, he knew that there is no free lunch in the world.

"So, what do you want me to do this time?"

Bai Fu grumbled, swallowed the whole food in his mouth, patted his throat vigorously, and lifted the cup.

Take a sip of the radish broth and it will soon ease.

She had forgotten that the body she had changed now was small and thin, and she almost broke her throat when she swallowed with her original body.

"Eat slowly. Remember where this is, don't expose yourself, I won't be able to help you then."

Jiang Xiaohu smiled.

He checked the history of this world and knew that there was also a record of a demon thousands of years ago.

Of course, not a very good reputation.

Most of them endangered people, and they will be hunted down until they are eliminated.

If Bai Fu appeared on the body at this time, with the current strength of human beings, escaped the axe and sickle, and even possessed high-tech such as missiles, Bai Fu's final result would have no other possibility except being sent to the laboratory for slice research.

"Well, I, I know."

Bai Fu blushed.

Maintaining the current physical consumption, constantly compressing one's strength, and falling into a semi-hibernating state at the same time, this has been maintained until now.

You know, Bai Fu's body is very big.

"I have to leave for a period of time in two days. When that happens, I will leave it to you. From now on, you will be the person in charge of Tailin Medical Center. You will double your salary. You can pack the food in the cafeteria for free until I come back."

Looking at Bai Fu, Jiang Xiaohu said the conditions he had planned in advance.

As the demon who finally survived, their pursuit of life has been minimized.

As long as there is food to feed the people, and even a surplus, this is the best condition.

"Where are you going?"

Bai Fu stared at Jiang Xiaohu with big eyes.

"Traveling far away."

Bai Fu didn't look surprised, Jiang Xiaohu was a little strange. The goods had been worried that the little friends he brought with him would not have enough food for the first two days, so he turned on the air conditioner at home to maximum every day and let them hibernate.

Now I heard that I had food to eat and money to take, but I didn’t care about it.

"I am coming too!"


Bai Fu's words immediately revealed his thoughts.

"No way!"

"Why not, I haven't traveled far yet, and finally got to know you. As a fellow fellow, you should also give me a hand, take me out, meet the world, and find out if there is anyone of the same kind!"

For so many years, wandering around in China.

Bai Fu's called a cautious.

Even after Huaxia's population management became stricter, she did not dare to be born again for decades until she met Jiang Xiaohu.

Until he went to bed at night, Bai Fu used his secret technique to perceive that Jiang Xiaohu was different. Although he was not of the same type, he could be regarded as a fellow practitioner. This made Bai Fu happy.

If it wasn't for the little friends to stop him, Bai Fu would have followed Jiang Xiaohu that day.

This is because the ID card is expired and it is impossible to take the high-speed rail. You can only follow Jiang Xiaohu's breath step by step and walk all the way.

Finally found Jiang Xiaohu

This time, she would definitely not lose Jiang Xiaohu again.

"Did I just say that I want to take care of the hospital? You see, you still have so many...ah."

Jiang Xiaohu was very angry in his heart!

The other oil bottles are considered unloaded, here is one more.

About to get angry, take a deep breath

Jiang Xiaohu smiled at Bai Fu, she was not Zhou Lin and the others, just fool around and remove the burden by separating them.

This guy has the ability to follow Jiang Xiaohu all the way, the ability that Jiang Xiaohu can't get rid of.

And to a certain extent, Jiang Xiaohu got the half-sized green grass, which was given by Bai Fu, and the cause and effect of the two had already been connected to Bai Fu, and this woman could not be forced.

"I didn’t manage the hospital’s affairs at all. It was done with the help of Doctor Yu Bailing. Otherwise, you think I, ah, the ID card is all the first generation, and I can manage the hospital in an orderly manner. Even the third-generation ID card. , Yu Bailing helped!"

When she mentioned this, Bai Fu was angry.

She has always been cautious in her words and deeds, in line with the policy, and strict requirements for an ID card.

It's that she hasn't been born in the past few decades. In this world, she has changed into one, two or three generations. As soon as she took out her ID card, she was called to the police. Fortunately, she ran fast.

Of course, Yu Bailing helped in the end.

The one-hundred-and-fifty-year-old Bai Fu was sold directly, and another Bai Fu was re-applied. The ID address was all from Yu Bailing, and Jiang Xiaohu, who he followed, didn't care about anything.

"And my partners, this time I went down the mountain, I contacted an animal protection agency, and they have arranged it properly."

"setup well?"

"Well, some go to the zoo, some are sent back to the mountains in the reserve, some are fed, and some have food. I don't have to worry about them. Moreover, I can visit them from time to time. If they have their roots, I will also pick them up. You don't have to worry about me about this! So, I will go out with you on this matter, and that's it."

Bai Fu breathed into the air.

An aura flew towards Jiang Xiaohu, and Jiang Xiaohu immediately raised his hand to block when he saw the situation.

But I didn't want to, the dark green breath that was invisible to the naked eye hung directly on Jiang Xiaohu.

Positioning method

Jiang Xiaohu felt the whole body without any change, and immediately recognized that this was Bai Fu's unique way of finding partners.

It was actually used on him, but with Jiang Xiaohu's current strength, it couldn't be solved.

This Bai Fu, you have to bring it without it.

"You! Do you have a passport?"

"Yes, it was there many years ago~!"

While talking, Bai Fu stretched out his hand, and there was a small notebook in his hand.

The ID card number shown above is over sixty years old.

"Ah, this one has to be changed. It's okay! Hey, Sister Bai Ling...Sister Bai Ling!"

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