The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1061 Unknown Virus

It's still too far.

"What to do about this?"

"No wonder."

"It turns out that it is."

Before, I thought Jiang Xiaohu was meaningless to them.

It now appears that there are totally two worlds.

This makes the women totally unacceptable.

Zhou Lin thoughtfully, she seemed to finally understand the reason why Jiang Xiaohu was so close to her.

Two worlds, how could this be.

Everything in the camera just opened a door to the girls. Behind the door is a world that the girls can't imagine.

"What should I do? Now"

Deng Shuangshuang looked at the silent sister.

She had no idea the least, otherwise she wouldn't ask her sisters to discuss such a terrible thing.

"What should I do! Bai Fu said this, I don't believe it! Let's find her!"

Huang Liying still doesn't believe in video.

Although Deng Shuangshuang certainly wouldn't deceive everyone, Huang Liying didn't see it with her own eyes. She felt that Bai Fu scared Deng Shuangshuang in any way. Maybe the video shot was just some kind of special effect.

"Looking for it?"

Don't look at Yuan Yimeng's courage on weekdays, he can often get ultra-short stockings and high-heeled shoes to swagger everywhere.

But for certain things, such as this matter, she was as insecure as Deng Shuangshuang, looking at Zhou Lin.


Zhou Lin gritted her teeth.

Now that he knew the gap between himself and Jiang Xiaohu.

Zhou Lin definitely couldn't let it go, the specific width of this understanding gap.

Especially, it is still Bai Fu now.

That little girl who seemed harmless made Zhou Lin determined.

"But before looking for it, you just said that Bai Fu is like... a snake?"


Deng Shuang nodded.

"Before we see Bai Fu, we must first not be afraid of snakes! At least, those who can't see it will dizzy."

Zhou Lin said, and the women nodded.

Tailin Hospital


"Get out, get out of it. Big hemoptysis, Asan Niu people, the symptoms are like a cold, antibiotics are used, no effect."

A man was suddenly sent down from the ambulance.

The man was dark-skinned and wearing a breathing mask. Blood was sprayed everywhere in the breathing mask. Several medical staff were nearby to assist.

"Sent into isolation."

Jiang Xiaohu arrived, only glanced at it, and immediately spoke.

"What? Isolation?"

The accompanying medical staff were shocked when they heard Jiang Xiaohu's words.

"Prepare the isolation room. Let the security guards come in to cordon the ambulance. We wait here for five minutes. After five minutes, all enter the isolation room."

Jiang Xiaohu issued an order to directly hang up.

"All wear masks. I will treat this patient, call the airport, notify all stranded personnel, look up the list, and send someone to deal with it immediately."

Looking at the accompanying airport doctor, Jiang Xiaohu said slowly.

"Who do you think you are! Just quarantine! This person is a cold and severe hemoptysis caused by severe pneumonia. The airport is busy with things, and I will have to pick up the children after school later, and I have no time to pay you!"

When Wei Lezhi finished speaking, he put off his gloves and took off the mask.


And began to yell at the medical driver.

The driver of the medical car immediately started the car when he heard the words of his superior.


Jiang Xiaohu didn't bother to say a word. He stepped forward and pulled the driver out of the car. At this moment, a fully armed security guard arrived and cordoned the medical car and the surrounding area.

At the same time, the door of Tailin Hospital opened.

A group of fully armed hospital staff wearing isolation gowns with disinfection equipment and record books began to guide the group to the isolation area.

"I'll go, your hospital is ill! You will be quarantined without any examinations! Believe it or not, I will call you to sue you!"


A large man of one hundred and fifty catties was pulled out of the car by Jiang Xiaohu.

Looking at Wei Lezhi, who was with him, Jiang Xiaohu didn't mind the threat of the other party.

"I am the dean of this hospital, and my name is Jiang Xiaohu. Now you cooperate and do a few tests. As long as there is no infection, you can leave immediately, otherwise our hospital will immediately take mandatory measures!"

Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, and the other two nurses accompanying him looked at Wei Lezhi and left afterward.

The patient was also pushed to another room.

The driver looked at Wei Lezhi, who was still on the phone, and felt that waiting for one call after another to let him go, it would be better to go in for a blood test and take a physical examination.

At the same time, Bai Fu came to the isolation area.

"what happened?"

"Feel it."


The entire isolation zone was filled with lifelessness.

These are all uploaded from Wei Lezhi, the driver, two doctors, and the three nurses who were in the emergency room at Tai Lin.

Jiang Xiaohu saw this, and then immediately judged that they were infected with an unknown virus.

Jiang Xiaohu knows nothing about the characteristics and conditions of this virus, but one thing is certain, it can kill, and it seems to be very fast.

"Hello, hello? Leader, I just gave you a reaction..."


This is already the fourth call from Wei Lezhi.

His wife is also an airport worker and cannot get off work yet.As an emergency doctor at the airport, he has a little more time. It is agreed today that he will pick up the child and wait for his mother to eat together in the evening.

"You mean..."

Click, the phone slipped from Wei Lezhi's hand and landed on the stage.

"Hey, Lezhi, don't worry. Although the passenger has died on the road, he has not yet been diagnosed. Now the Binhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has received 15 cases of the same type of patients from the crew of this flight. It has not been confirmed yet. The pneumonia patient. You can check with the doctor first. Don’t worry about your child’s affairs. I have asked my colleague Irene to pick it up for you. Hey, did you hear that? Hey..."

During the call, the voice of the airport leader was transmitted to the ears of all personnel in the isolation area through external sounds.

Each of them has a separate quarantine area.

Avoid cross infection.

And at this moment, the space that made a lot of noises just now is as silent as death.

"I want to go out, I want to go out! I don't want to die, I don't want to..."

The first riot was a caregiver.

Not long after he went to work in Tailin today, he suddenly encountered this kind of thing, and his heart broke down.

The doctor in charge of the examination directly injected him with a sedative that had already been prepared.

People were knocked down at once.

"The virus samples were sent to the laboratory for identification. We contacted the world-renowned virus libraries for comparison. We will soon be able to find out which virus is, and treat everyone at that time, and everyone can leave soon. Now To cooperate with our work."

Yu Bailing yelled.

Stand on the other side of the isolation door.

Looking at the scene inside, and Jiang Xiaohu.

She didn't understand why Jiang Xiaohu ran into the quarantine area.

"How to do?"

Facing the unknown, Bai Fu was as scared as Jiang Xiaohu, covering his whole body with magic power from the moment he entered, isolating all contact with the outside world.


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