The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1062 Four Women Fighting One

Others don't know, neither does Jiang Xiaohu.

This kind of unknown, Jiang Xiaohu was helpless.

When he came here, in addition to stabilizing the emotions of these people, he was also able to stabilize their lives here.

As for the rest, it can only be so.

Bai Fu seemed to understand Jiang Xiaohu's thoughts. She tried several antidote medicines for the nearest Wei Lezhi, but the lifelessness on her body remained unchanged.

After using all the methods she could think of, but still ineffective, Jiang Xiaohu let Bai Fu go out.

No one saw Bai Fu coming in, and it didn't matter if she left.

"All right, I'll go back and think about it again to see if there is any way."


This scene reminded Bai Fu of the last time he encountered the plague with the doctor.

The human virus is terrible, even more terrifying than war.

Instantly empty village, empty city, corpses all over the field, killing invisible.

What could be more terrifying than this.

Today's technology is becoming more and more developed, and viruses are becoming more and more high-end.Even viruses in some animals can infect humans through evolution.

The living environment that human beings face, the pressure to survive is increasing all the time.

I don’t know what the consequences of this unknown virus will be. Before the terrible thing happened, Bai Fu knew that those women Jiang Xiaohu didn’t care about, I’m afraid Bai Fu would have to help when the time comes. go.

In an instant, disappeared in the isolation zone.

Bai Fu returned to Lanting Yawan, ready to tell Deng Shuangshuang about Jiang Xiaohu.

An unknown virus suddenly broke out in this city. The best way is to leave immediately. If the consequences are disastrous, if you want to leave then, I am afraid it will be too late.

"Deng Shuangshuang, something has happened now, you will go with me right away...Ah!"


Seeing Deng Shuangshuang open the door, Bai Fu just said a word.

Suddenly, unknown liquid was spilled on his body.

The liquid smells great and it smells bad.

"Oh my God, what is this? Realgar wine? Your mind is caught in the door, dare to splash me with this thing!"

Bai Fu was furious.

Directly reached into the doll, twisted out Zhu Yeqing, ready to give Deng Shuangshuang a look.Let her know the fate of offending this lady.

Zhu Yeqing just appeared, and Yuan Yimeng, Zhou Lin, and Huang Liying appeared behind him.

As soon as Bai Fu let go, Zhu Yeqing hadn't swam twice, Huang Liying pinched the snake's tail and lifted it up, Yuan Yimeng took out a wooden stick to support Zhu Yeqing.

Zhou Lin's eyesight was even quicker, and she grasped Zhu Yeqing's head."

'Hissing, sister help, help.'

"Hey, what do you want to do to Xiaoqing!"

This, you die before you leave the school.

Just wanted to scare people, but it was taken down.

"Don't do it, we want to have a good chat with you. Of course, if you want to do something bad to any of us, such as controlling something, any of us will immediately cut your partner!"

He raised a fruit knife in his hand, and Bai Fu shuddered at the sight.

The human world is terrible, and she regrets being born.

"Okay, just talk, let go, Xiaoqing's breathing is not smooth."

Bai Fu pointed to his partner with worry on his face.

When Zhou Lin heard it, she let go of her hand slightly.

She was too nervous just now, she tried very hard.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Lin released it, Zhu Yeqing, who was still wiggling, immediately became gentle and slow, without struggling.

"Huh, I just happen to have something to tell you. Do you have any clothes? Give me a change. I want to be true. I'm dead, and you can't live. Do you know!"

Bai Fu's face was angry.

Snakes are afraid of realgar wine because they hate its taste.Whoever says it will be current.

These women, read too many idiot novels.

After changing her clothes, Bai Fu suddenly became a feeling of vicissitudes from being an ignorant little sister.

Although it is still that tender face, the look in the eyes makes a few women not attractive.


Deng Shuangshuang, who looked about the same size as Bai Fu, coughed twice.

She felt that Bai Fu was still being a demon.

Deng Shuangshuang was full of guard against this Bai Fu who had scared him for several nights.

"Ask, what do you want to know."

It didn't work, Bai Fu couldn't do it.

There are a lot of opponents, and when Xiaoqing's safety cannot be guaranteed, she can only temporarily compromise with strategy.

Soon, under the joint interrogation of the women, Jiang Xiaohu's arrival did not understand, but Bai Fu was indeed clear.

This result scared all the girls.

Let me put it this way.

If Bai Fu is a killer, let the four women in front of him go to drink Meng Po soup every minute.

Without hesitation.

Xiaoqing will be fine at all, Bai Fu can do it.

It's just that Bai Fu cares about human life, so he tells the women so much. The reason is that everyone is female. Bai Fu can understand the reasons for the four women's practices.

"Understood? You are just impulsive. I just demonstrated my strength. The marble countertop, I opened a hole with one finger. Jiang Xiaohu's current strength is actually not as strong as mine, but sooner or later he can reach or even surpass me. Yes yes.

The gap between you and him is not one point, but infinite.

Honestly, the marriage that should be married, the love that should be in love, find a suitable person and marry yourself, don't imagine those unrealistic.

This world is very complicated, come, give me Xiaoqing.This is the offspring of my sister.I recognized my sister.Come."

Bai Fu gradually seduced and talked about heavy topics.

"No way!"

Zhou Lin, who had been holding the bamboo leaf green, subconsciously raised her hand to return it to Bai Fu, and Yuan Yimeng blocked her.

"Since you said that Jiang Xiaohu is a human being, not like you, then why can he cultivate? Then I can also cultivate. I may not be able to catch up with him. How can we be sure about you in the future. "

Although Yuan Yimeng knew that she was arguing, she was not reconciled.

Bai Fu said that he was affected by Jiang Xiaohu's temperament?Yuan Yimeng didn't believe it at all, she knew her heart very well, she just wanted to follow Jiang Xiaohu.

"Yes, what I said is that he can do what I do. I will find him now, wouldn't he know how? I will let him teach me and I will practice too!"

Deng Shuangshuang immediately stood up and was about to leave.

"Hey, hey, okay, you cow, you cow! I tell you that there is a major incident in the hospital now that an unknown unknown virus has infected Binhai. It is too close to be blocked and you can't get in.

I really don’t lie to you. In this way, I’ll read the evening news right away and watch it for myself later.

Now, I have a practice book here, which is suitable for you to use.But let me first declare that this thing, something that was made many years ago, you can't practice it, don't find me.

Come, give me Xiaoqing!"

When he raised his hand, there was a quaint book in his hand.

It's pretty new, even protection.

The girls took it and looked at Bai Fu with a puzzled look.

Bai Fu's eyes widened, Zhou Lin immediately sent Xiaoqing up and went to study together.

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