The alien species of the city arrives

1063 Seeing Jiang Family Again

The first moment the girls got the book, it was excitement.

Cultivation, what a lofty thing it sounds.

Thinking about this, after turning to the first page excitedly, the girls were completely dumbfounded and turned to look at Bai Fu together.

"What do you do!"

Bai Fu hugged Xiao Qing, who was terrified.

Entirely wrapped around Bai Fu's arm, Sachiko was sticking out his tongue, telling the misfortune he had just happened.

"Why must it be a place!"

Yuan Yimeng roared!

This is where cultivation is, it looks more like a cult organization, hooking up the evil book of the little girl.

"I don't know, I don't practice!"

A cold snort.

What's more, Bai Fu didn't bother to take care of these.

Things in Tailin are critical, and Bai Fu can't imagine the extent of the harm. If, like the previous time, Bai Fu intends to leave this place of right and wrong for the first time and return to the nest.

Bai Fu, who had just turned around, did not give any explanation, but Huang Liying, Zhou Lin, and Deng Shuangshuang looked at each other.

Finally, they put all their eyes on Yuan Yimeng.

"What do you look at! My old lady is the place!"

Yuan Yimeng roared!

What's wrong with the stewardess, she is beautiful, she has been guarding herself like a jade, can't it!

Well, Yuan Yimeng finished sending out the biao, and then looked at Huang Liying, who raised her head proudly.

it goes without saying.

Turn to Deng Shuangshuang.

"Me, me too! I'm fine!"

Deng Shuangshuang continued, adding another sentence.

The last three of them looked at Zhou Lin with regret.

Here, Zhou Lin and Jiang Xiaohu are married. Zhou Lin is probably a woman who has no chance to practice this stuff.

"Me, me too!"

Zhou Lin's face flushed instantly.

The sympathetic eyes of her companions actually made her very cautious.

In the past, Zhou Lin thought that if she told her sisters that she and Jiang Xiaohu had nothing, she might have sympathy, but now.

"No way you!"


"I knew that Jiang Xiaohu was not a casual person!"

Huang Liying was surprised, Yuan Yimeng was happy for her friend, and Deng Shuangshuang was beaten up by three women.

The group was actually happy that none of them were eaten by Jiang Xiaohu, but they didn't want to be sad that their charm was not enough to attract Jiang Xiaohu a few days ago, and things are fickle.

The girls didn't have time to read that book, anyway, the conditions were enough.

The next step is to look at personal goodwill.

Deng Shuangshuang turned on the TV, which happened to be the evening news time. The latest news made the few who were happy just now cold from head to toe.

"The latest news from this station is that at ten o'clock this morning, a patient was infected with an unknown virus on a plane flying from Niu'asan to Binhai. The patient was sent to Tailin Hospital for treatment and was diagnosed with an unknown influenza virus.

At present, the passengers of flight GH596212 have been quarantined and there have been two deaths. Whether it is related to the unknown virus diagnosed by Tailin is still under investigation and will be followed up and reported..."



At this moment in Tailin Hospital, the father who was clamoring to go back to pick up the child seemed extremely quiet at the moment.

He called his wife outside to report safety, and he actively cooperated with any inspections arranged by Jiang Xiaohu.

Whenever a needle is inserted into Wei Lezhi's arm to take a blood sample for laboratory analysis, Wei Lezhi will involuntarily tremble, then quickly stabilize and relax his muscles.

Just half an hour ago, the two female nurses who accompanied her had a rash, vomiting, and severe infections that were sent to the isolation area.

Wei Lezhi felt itchy on the back of his neck, but he didn't dare to lift his hand around. He was very scared. The cotton swab in his hand was pressed against the arm that hadn't stopped the bleeding with great force.

Jiang Xiaohu was at the side of the two doctors at the moment, and through the input of spiritual energy, they enhanced their vitality and resisted the attack of unknown viruses.

Niu Asan, who was sent to the hospital, was pronounced dead shortly after arriving in the quarantine area.

Originally, Jiang Xiaohu planned to save the other person, but after checking his body, he found that if he wants to save this person, using up all of Jiang Xiaohu's aura can kill him at best, and this person should be the source of all viruses.

The body's functions have been severely damaged by the virus, and it is necessary to rely on medical equipment to maintain life after the rescue.

Coupled with the fact that two medical staff have already developed symptoms of infection, Jiang Xiaohu chose to leave his vitality to those who need it more and are more sure of surviving.

"Dean, there is no response to ordinary antibiotics and penicillin. The analysis of the virus sample has been faxed to foreign countries and is now waiting for their reply."

Yu Bailing stood outside the isolated glass door, and the inside door had been sealed off with tape.

The air circulation system in the entire isolation area has also activated the isolation cycle, which will not communicate with the outside world and will not spread any viruses.

"Well, everyone else, you should get off work. From now on, you don't need to come to the quarantine area until the virus sample is analyzed and sent."

There is no other way than waiting for this kind of thing.

This is a protracted battle, and Jiang Xiaohu is mentally prepared.

It was just reported in the news that all the people on that flight had been quarantined and did not cause a huge infectious hazard. This is the best result.

"The Dean"

When Yu Bailing saw Jiang Xiaohu turn around, he shouted.

Jiang Xiaohu looked back again and saw a middle-aged man standing beside Yu Bailing.

"Jiang Xiaohu, why are you inside?"

There was doubt on the man's face, even a trace of contempt.

His name is Jiang Shirao, and he had a relationship with Long Ye before Michelin.

What happened to Jiang Xiaohu in Tailin reached the Jiang family.

The Patriarch of the Jiang family, the father of Jiang Xiaohu's body, knew that his son was not only cowardly, he opened a company, and opened a hospital. He felt that his son was promising and was ready to accept him back to the Jiang family.

This is also the reason why Uncle Jiang Shirao came this time.

"Wait and wait, don't take it to the quarantine area casually, what should I do if the virus spreads out!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Yu Bailing and said, ignoring Jiang Shirao, and turned around and left.

The conditions of the two doctors have been poor, and Wei Lezhi has also been called for infection.

The only thing I was grateful for was the driver who came along.

It is believed that he did not come into contact with the infected person, but after all he has contact with Wei Lezhi and the medical staff. Within 24 hours, if there is no call for infection, the driver should be able to leave.



No matter how many times he saw Jiang Xiaohu's face, Jiang Shirao felt angry.

What a promise.

It's a fart, and it's totally looking for death with someone infected with the virus.

The dead Jiang Xiaohu had no effect on the Jiang family.

Yu Bailing didn't know the situation of Jiang Xiaohu and his family. He watched Jiang Shirao suddenly appear and said it was Jiang Xiaohu's uncle. In the end, he didn't say a few words and left again, and Jiang Xiaohu had no intention to say one more.

Now it seems that it is completely self-conscious.

In the future, you should ask for instructions and report back later.

Thinking of this, Yu Bailing turned to leave, and Zhou Lin suddenly appeared in front of her.

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