After waiting here for three days, except for Wei Lezhi's short-term fever the next day, it quickly subsided, and the three patients recovered well.

The domestic research on drugs targeting Bacillus viruses has finally been successfully developed. Today is the most critical day. Jiang Xiaohu is injecting drugs into the frozen limbs. Once it works, the limbs of the two nurses may be preserved.

"Doctor Yu, hello, it's me. I'll go see my nephew."

Jiang Shirao showed a sophisticated smile on his face.

Yu Bailing raised her head slightly, and Jiang Junming, who followed along, saw Yu Bailing's face, his eyes could not restrain the desire to possess.

"You are talking about Dean Jiang, right? Sorry, now is the critical period for the treatment of mutant bacteria, and no one is allowed to enter."

Seeing it was Jiang Shirao, Yu Bailing was shocked.

She remembered that the last time she took Jiang Shirao to take Jiang Xiaohu, the two had no words in the dialogue, Jiang Shirao left by himself, and seemed very angry at the time.

Jiang Xiaohu also said that he has no relatives, only a wife. Unless it is a wife, he will not see other so-called relatives.

Yu Bailing didn't know what the identities of Jiang Xiaohu and Jiang Shirao were. Since Jiang Xiaohu had already said it, Yu Bailing didn't want to disobey, but told Jiang Shirao in a more tactful tone that he could not meet Jiang Xiaohu in person.

"Wh, what? Mutant bacteria!!"

Jiang Junming, who heard Yu Bailing's answer, was horrified.

He thought that Jiang Xiaohu was just treating people.

Or, at most, do some minor surgery.

Now I heard that there are mutant bacteria, and the brain starts to think about some chaotic things, like'zombies, end of the world, death...' and so on.

"Yes, it is the medical news that appeared on the plane two days ago in Binhai. The dead foreigner's body was also in it. This kind of bacteria is very terrible, have you heard of gas gangrene? Contagious viral infection.

Now this bacteria has evolved to the point where it can be transmitted without a wound!It's really scary!That San, now there is only pus and blood that is rotten, no one dared to approach him."

Someone is scared.

Seeing such a funny thing, Yu Bailing couldn't help but say a few more words, so as to deepen the guy who just kept looking at Yu Bailing's figure with his eyes.

"Can you let Jiang Xiaohu come out? I'll just say a few words, and then leave."

Jiang Shirao frowned slightly.

He suddenly heard that Yu Bailing was deliberately scaring Jiang Junming.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Junming was really scared.

Just halfway through Yu Bailing's speech, he hid behind him. This made Jiang Shirao feel even more embarrassed. He seriously suspected that bringing him here to feel the threatening effects of his peers would be greatly reduced.

"Sorry, all quarantined personnel are not allowed to leave the quarantine ward until they are not sure of complete safety.

"What? He's inside? Uncle, he's all infected with the virus, so why did he return to Jiang's house. Haven't you heard, pus, blood, a dead person, what else shall we come to see, let's go, let's go quickly."

When Jiang Junming heard that Jiang Xiaohu was in the isolation area, he was about to leave.

Jiang Shirao couldn't help it anymore and slapped Jiang Junming when he raised his hand.


"Stand up for me!"

Jiang Shirao roared.

A little doctor threatened Jiang Junming like this with a few sentences, and Jiang Shirao's face was completely lost by Jiang Junming.

"This... this gentleman, it is wrong to hit someone. Moreover, it is indeed inconvenient to meet."

Yu Bailing was also shocked by Jiang Shirao's sudden action.

It's just that people who have been accustomed to seeing Jiang Shirao will not be so violent that they can't speak.

"Sorry, this is my business card with my phone number on it, please give it to Jiang Xiaohu and let him call me."


Yu Bailing took it casually.

Jiang Xiaohu said he didn't see him, but now let him call back, I am afraid it is impossible.

Looking at this situation, Jiang Shirao also guessed that Jiang Xiaohu probably told his subordinates and would definitely not see him again.

Jiang Shirao was very angry inside.

An expatriate child, but he opened a hospital, did some business, and actually despised the family.

Jiang Shirao wanted to say a few more words, but Yu Bailing ignored it and sat down directly.Although Jiang Junming did not dare to speak any more, his body was faintly backward, as if he wanted to escape.

Before Jiang Shirao left, Jiang Xiaohu had already walked out.

Bacillus mutans has been confirmed that it needs skin contact, saliva, blood, and skin to be infected.

In the past few days, Jiang Xiaohu would come out of the isolation area for surgery last night.

"President Jiang."

Yu Bailing got up.

She stayed here all the time every day just to wait for Jiang Xiaohu to come out.

"let's go and eat."

"I, I have an appointment..."

"Let's go."

Jiang Xiaohu has been working hard in it these days, and Yu Bailing has not been easy.

The emergence of variant pathogens in Binhai City caused severe panic among many patients.Especially after the death of patients infected with the infectious mutant spore on the same flight in the hospital, it caused the gas gangrene patients to flee.

This has led to an increase in patients in other hospitals that have not received patients infected by flights.

In Tailin, even if there was the Niu Asan who was the source of the initial infection, it did not cause the death of the infected person and took the lead in curing the patient.

This has led to a sharp increase in patients in these two days, especially for many patients who are worried about a long bag.

In the past few days, apart from being able to rest and stay in the isolation room, Yu Bailing would have countless things to come to the door as long as he returned to the hall.

"it is good."

Jiang Xiaohu insisted that Yu Bailing, as a subordinate, could only agree.

As for the business card given by Jiang Shirao, Yu Bailing followed Jiang Xiaohu closely at this moment and threw it to the table, completely forgetting it.

After leaving the hospital, three cars were still waiting in line.

Jiang Xiaohu was accustomed to opening Zhou Lin's car door and getting in. Deng Shuangshuang, who was behind, had already stepped out of the car and pulled Yu Bailing, who was about to get on Huang Liying's car, into his car and Yuan Yimeng's car.

"You're welcome, let's talk together, can't we still chat. Come here."

Deng Shuangshuang, who has changed her temperament as an actress, now looks more like the new marketing star Yuan Yimeng.

The car started quickly.

old place

As soon as he got on the bus, he was immediately bombarded by Yuan Yimeng and Deng Shuangshuang, asking about Jiang Xiaohu's every move all day long.

Yu Bailing looked at the two with a speechless expression, and then told all the details of Jiang Xiaohu's work.

No way, the determination of these two people made Yu Bailing completely unable to parry.

This is why she insists on getting Huang Liying's car.

After all, Huang Liying is also a movie star she likes very much.

"Well, good job. I also tell you a secret. Zhao Jian will be out in half a year."

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