Jiang Xiaohu recalled the procedure of revascularization after resection.

This aorta is located on the neck. There is no equipment to maintain the patient's life. The brain is ischemia and the operation needs to be completed in the shortest time.

The hemostatic forceps held the upper and lower aorta, and Jiang Xiaohu quickly cut the connected blood vessels.

Then carefully remove the poison packet

The infected and necrotic tissue inside appears to be fluid, like a balloon filled with dirty water.

The excision of the incision was completely free of blood, and many doctors who were watching let go, and Yu Bailing clenched her fists.

Not much time, the next step is to replace the blood vessel suture.

This is not a simple wound stitch. If the aorta leaks, too much blood loss will only happen sooner or later.

Time is running out, Jiang Xiaohu immediately began to act.

The stitches are tight, and the adhesive is tightly attached to the seal at the same time. Jiang Xiaohu has carefully judged each step before placing the needle. The two broken blood vessels are connected at an angle of 120 degrees.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Jiang Xiaohu's forehead.

Aura is overdrawn, and physical strength has reached its limit after such a long operation.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu had soaked the body potion before, otherwise at this moment, I am afraid that he would have fainted.

Ten seconds

When Jiang Xiaohu sealed the last vascular opening with the last adhesive, his heart began to count silently.

It takes ten seconds to stabilize the adhesive.

Da da da

Yu Bailing and other doctors saw Jiang Xiaohu raising the metal utensil in his hand, and immediately looked down at the stopwatch of the mobile phone that he had taken out.




Someone was silently counting down for tens of seconds with Jiang Xiaohu, and most of them were calculating the time taken by Jiang Xiaohu for this operation.

The brain is a key part of the human body. Without the aorta to provide the necessary blood to bring energy and nutrients, even if we finally rescued Wei Lezhi, because the brain was hypoxic for a long time, it could only become a vegetable.




With one last cry, all the doctors who watched Jiang Xiaohu's operation shouted at the same time.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he clamped the front and back ends of the two aortas in an instant, and released them one after another to allow blood to flow through.

The doctors looked at the blood pressure monitor on the instrument beside Wei Lezhi.

90, a higher value.

After Wei Lezhi's cerebral aorta was clamped, the blood pressure once soared to 110.

At this moment, the pressure began to decrease, indicating that the blood circulates smoothly, the pressure is restored, and the condition is good.

The doctors let out a sigh of relief.

Yu Bailing even sat on the ground directly because of being too nervous.

In addition to suturing blood vessels, it is necessary to join the two blood vessels together without a gap, and more importantly, to avoid blockage.

This is a mistake many young doctors make.

Because the two blood vessels need to be unblocked, the stitches are too tight. Although there is no blood leakage from the outside, the operation will also end in failure.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

After the blood pressure dropped to an appropriate level, it remained stable, and the vital signs of the patient Wei Lezhi kept at the normal level.

In good condition, Jiang Xiaohu started the final suture of the incision.

When everything was completed, Wei Lezhi's anesthetic dose was stopped very appropriately. Wei Lezhi has not yet woken up, but it will not take much time to think about it.

"I will come to the next patient."

A nurse, a doctor are both properly.

Jiang Xiaohu was obviously very tired, but there was still a nurse waiting for treatment.

Yu Bailing pressed his hands on the glass door that was locked from the inside, looking at Jiang Xiaohu, hoping that he could open the door, let himself in, and share the burden for him.

"I don't need it now. When the antiviral drugs are made, you will be responsible for the two amputations."

Jiang Xiaohu understood Yu Bailing's thoughts and smiled slightly.

Although it seems that this mutant spore bacteria is likely to be contagious, Jiang Xiaohu still does not want Yu Bailing to come in and take risks.

He believed that the last operation could be completed by himself.


Yu Bailing wanted to say again, Jiang Xiaohu turned around and didn't give her a chance.

When the nurse watched Jiang Xiaohu's arrival and injected the anesthetic, she closed her eyes with peace of mind, and the operation began in an orderly manner.

In less than half an hour, the nurse's wrist amputation operation was completed.

The wrist bones were not directly removed. Instead, they used the wrong bone method to remove them directly, and then use a scalpel to translate the tendons and veins together to fix one place.

Compared with the amputation of the first caregiver, this frozen wrist, even if it takes months or even years, as long as he receives the operation of the wrist, he can recover immediately.

After three consecutive operations, Jiang Xiaohu's physical strength finally reached its limit, and he sat directly beside the patient's bed.

Yu Bailing was lying outside the glass isolation door, her eyes filled with distress.

At this moment, outside the door of Tailin Hospital, Jiang Shirao, who was turned away by Jiang Xiaohu not long ago, was even standing at the door, and beside him, there was a man about the same age as Jiang Xiaohu.

"Uncle, it's not good that the waste doesn't come back. Come back, please."

The young man was cynical and his tone was extremely arrogant.

But when you say "please".

Jiang Shirao suddenly turned his head, looking sharply at Jiang Junming full of murderous expression.

"This is a notice!"

Jiang Shirao looked angry, and the words burst out of his mouth one by one.

Except for Jiang Junming's improper use of words, in the final analysis, Jiang Xiaohu performed well among the younger generation.And Jiang Junming in front of him, besides eating, drinking, and having fun, he didn't know anything. When he came this time, Jiang Shirao also specially brought him to see.

Both are children of the Jiang family.

Even if they are driven out or left at home, the future may not be certain.

Those who have gone out have promise, the family owner invites them to go back, and those who have been raised at home can also be thrown out again.

Jiang Junming has not realized the situation until now, which makes Jiang Shirao very disappointed.

"Yes, it's a notice."

Nodding hurriedly, Jiang Junming did not dare to say anything more in the face of the most feared uncle.

The two entered Tailin Hospital one after the other. The decorations and furnishings here gradually surprised Jiang Junming with a look of disdain.

This, such a luxurious hospital, is that waste?

Thinking about this in his mind, comparing the two to himself, Jiang Junming is very clear that if he loses the resources at home, let alone open a hospital, I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to work with his watery diploma to feed himself.

I have been here last time and I am familiar with the road.

Jiang Shirao went directly to the isolation area.

There were fewer and fewer people along the way. Jiang Jun was born in fear of pain tomorrow. He couldn't see anyone for a minute after he left. He became more and more scared in his heart, and gradually approached the fearful uncle Jiang Shirao.

"It's coming soon."

Jiang Shirao sighed in his heart.

Said a word, relieved Jiang Junming.

"The front is a quarantine area, you can't enter."

At the corner, there was a desk and a diversion. Yu Bailing stood there, hearing the strange sound of footsteps, without raising his head, he said something.

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