The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1070: Dare to See Master

Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, and took the lead to get up and just a few steps out of the box, he suddenly screamed to stop him.

He turned slightly and looked sideways.

The deformed face just kicked by Yuan Yimeng appeared before his eyes again.

Only this time, he was not alone, with a familiar face standing beside him.

"what's up?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked lightly.

"What else are you asking me?"

Jiang Junming pointed at his descendants, suddenly felt that this action was unsightly, his fingers swayed.

Huang Liying, who followed closely behind, saw this scene and laughed out loud, making Jiang Junming feel embarrassed.

"The family wants you to go back."

Jiang Shirao spoke directly.

If it were not for his father to speak, Jiang Shirao would never have come here to meet a junior.

At home, the Jiang Family Patriarch called.

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Jiang Shirao suspiciously, and didn't say anything, just looking at each other straight.

Deep down in his mind, Jiang Xiaohu didn't have any understanding of the title of his family.

Some of them are also the people who don’t want to see him the most in the Jiang family, none of them. As for the others, they watched with cold eyes that Jiang Xiaohu couldn’t even call his name, and even in the mind of the former host, the so-called biological father was confirmed by paternity test. He didn’t know his name except Jiang.

When he came to this body, Jiang Xiaohu even thought that he had entered the body of a patient with amnesia.

But after such a long time of adaptation.

Jiang Xiaohu can affirm that'Jiang Xiaohu' is not stupid. He was only growing up when he was a child and did not get any attention.

Just like

He does not exist in this world.

No one knew him, cared about him, or even looked at him more.

"This is what the father meant."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's eyes, Jiang Shirao thought he didn't care, but the eyes were ignored and there was no trace of emotion.

Let Jiang Shirao say one more subconsciously.

"I don't know your father, nor the Jiang family. Also, although my surname is Jiang, your Jiang is different."

Jiang Xiaohu's eyes began to focus on Jiang Shirao's face, and he said slowly.

No emotions, just facing an explanation from a stranger.

There are some things, don't bother over and over again.

Jiang Xiaohu doesn't like trouble. He arranges everything step by step, and his life plan for just a century has already been determined.

When the life span exceeds the limit of this plane, or he has enough strength to face everything, or he can't despise everything and continue to improve his strength.


At least, at this starting point, Jiang Xiaohu really didn't have the energy to deal with too much.

Without waiting for the two people's heart, expression, and even the whole body to be affected by Jiang Xiaohu's words, subconscious movements occurred, Jiang Xiaohu has turned and left.

In the car, Jiang Xiaohu sat in Zhou Lin's car and Yu Bailing sat in the back row.

"Zhou Lin, what happened to Zhao Jian?"

During the meal, Yu Bailing mentioned something about Zhao Jian.


Zhou Lin glanced at the rearview mirror subconsciously.

There Yu Bailing also stared at Zhou Lin in a daze.

While eating, Deng Shuangshuang tried his best to stop Yu Bailing from talking about Zhao Jian. Obviously, everyone didn't want Jiang Xiaohu to know about it.

Now Jiang Xiaohu asked, it seemed that he had leaked it.

"I was beaten in prison because I didn't participate in the fight. I also actively cooperated with the investigation of the fight and got a two-month reduction in sentence.

Zhou Lin didn't even think about it, so she said directly.

Qinger asked everyone to keep her secret, and Zhou Lin also agreed, but Zhou Lin also said at the time that if Jiang Xiaohu didn't ask, she would definitely not.

"Go to Binhai Laoshan Prison."


With a kick of the accelerator, Zhou Lin directly turned the car and drove towards Laoshan Prison where Zhao Jian was located.

Originally, Zhou Lin wanted to tell Jiang Xiaohu about this.

She is the woman who has been in contact with Jiang Xiaohu the longest here. Zhou Lin dare not fully understand Jiang Xiaohu's thoughts, but one thing is still very certain.

No one can bully Jiang Xiaohu's people.

Zhao Jian, Jiang Xiaohu's apprentice, went to prison this time to avenge his father.This is Jiang Xiaohu's choice to adapt to national laws, but it doesn't mean that Zhao Jian has gone to prison. Active reform is just letting others bully.

"just now?"

Yu Bailing was stunned.

She didn't expect that she made a word and changed the schedule.

When the car stopped at Laoshan Prison, Yu Bailing was a little cute, but since they are here, he was her own patient before, and was diagnosed as dead by Yu Bailing himself. She should always say sorry.

Two o'clock after lunch, just in time for the prison visit.

The warning informed Zhao Jian that someone was visiting, and he was overjoyed.

He thought that Qing'er came.

Qing'er has become more and more beautiful recently, and Xiao Zhaojian's mind has become more and more vibrant.He is very dependent on Qinger, and Qinger is also dependent on Zhao Jian.

Qing'er followed Zhou Lin to help with some chores, and did more and more easily.

Zhou Lin also took care of Qing'er very much. Everyone came from Tailin Beauty Salon step by step. They loved her sisters. Qing'er would visit him whenever she had time.

Throughout the prison, everyone knows that Zhao Jian has a beautiful woman who often visits him.

When he saw him walking with the prison guards, one by one he hummed.

These are the guys who have no wives in prison, and they are very straightforward.

At this moment, in another part of the northwest corner of the prison, five or six with tattoos on his arms and neck, all over his body in brown short-sleeved prison uniforms, all dark eyes gathered on Zhao Jian.

"This idiot is difficult to deal with, what about Lei Ge?"

The 30-year-old rough man with smoke scars on his muscular arms looked at Zhao Jian, with deep envy and deep hatred in his eyes.

"Are everything ready?"

The man called Lei Ge had several scars on his head. Some of them were so deep that the scalp was rolled up, causing it to look like a big centipede lying on top of his head.

"All right."

The man being questioned winked secretly, and the two younger brothers behind him generally showed what was hidden at his waist under the sign.

Two toothbrushes with sharpened handles and a screwdriver half an arm length.

"that's it?"

Lei Ge had bad eyes.

I have dealt with Zhao Jian several times in the past few days. It is obviously not enough to rely on a few things to kill Zhao Jian.

"There is also half a bucket of banana water, hidden under the bed."

Qianghua said immediately.

This thing can be burned as long as there is a match, and it is not a problem to kill Zhao Jian.

Hearing this, Lei Ge showed a satisfied smile, and Zhao Jian's figure slowly disappeared in the distance.

"I wonder if the cell boss can let Zhao Jian keep a seed?"


A group of prisoners laughed when they heard Lei Ge's words.

At this moment, Zhao Jian just opened the door of the visiting room, saw Zhou Lin, and then saw Jiang Xiaohu's face. Since he turned around, he was about to leave.

"Zhao Jian."

Jiang Xiaohu called out.

"Master, master."

Zhao Jian slowly turned around.

Jiang Xiaohu came to see him, he was very happy, but at this moment.

Bruises on the face, bandages on his arms.

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